Dogs are faithful and intelligent animals, often doing all kinds of things that may not be very common to our eyes. However, these behaviors have a quite reasonable explanation, although most of the time they simply seem funny to us.
In this article we will explain 10 curious things that dogs do, discover the mysteries behind those reactions that have seemed strange to you! !
1. Move rear leg when scratched
When you scratch your dog, especially his belly, he lies down on the ground and moves one of his hind legs. Do you find it funny? You may have thought that it does so because it feels comfortable, however, this reaction is just a reflex, called scratch reflex, which occurs when the animalyour skin is ticklish or something is irritating . When this happens, the nerve endings send signals to the hind legs, which move spontaneously.

two. Bite his tail
Although this sounds funny, the truth is that it is not and it is necessary to pay close attention to it, because if your dog tends to bite his tail frequently it can mean that something is bothering you, such as parasites, or your he alth is being impaired. Thus, it is also possible that he does it because he feels some pain. If you notice that your dog bites his tail obsessively, we recommend that you take him to the vet for a check-up.

3. Scrubbing after bathing
Another of the curious things that dogs do and, in general, not very pleasant for their guardians, is to "try" to get dirty again after being washed. Thus, it is very common that, when you finally manage to bathe your dog, he immediately runs to rub himself in everything he finds, be it dirt or anything smelly that he trips over. Do you know why this happens?
First of all, you have to know that the smell of shampoo is unpleasant for dogs, so they will try to eliminate it at all costs. Another reason for this behavior is that dogs seem to not want to be found easily, so they try to disguise their scent with that of nature, like dirt and grass.

4. Chase his tail
There are two main reasons why your dog adopts this behavior. First of all, he may be bored and looking for a way to have fun. This behavior is frequently observed in puppies, although it can also occur in adults.
However, the second reason is more alarming. Some dogs may suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorders or stereotypies, which leads them to chase and bite their tail until they injure themselves, and even mutilate themselves in some cases. This condition may be due to genetic causes, but also due to stress. If you notice that your dog bites his tail frequently and nervously, go to the vet.

5. Defecate and scratch the ground
It is very common to observe that our furry friends scratch the ground after defecating repeatedly, right next to or around the feces. Do you know why they do this? Although it may seem strange, what they are looking for is to spread their scent through the legs, which are full of scent glands. The point of this is to mark their territory and make it clear that they've been there.

6. Wallowing on the ground
This is one of the most common behaviors, as well as one of the most curious things that dogs do. In most cases, they do it for the pleasure of rubbing themselves on different surfaces, such as grass or carpets, causing pleasant sensations in the animal. However, these are not the only causes, so another reason why the dog rolls on the ground is to get your attention, since who notices that when doing so you turn to look at him, smile or play with him. Finally, the dog may feel itching in some part of the body and by rubbing he manages to relieve this sensation.

7. Spin around before lying down
No matter the dog lives at home, he still retains behaviors from his existence in the wild. In this sense, turning around before lying down to sleep or rest is one of them. He does this both to make sure there is no dangeraround him, and to be comfortable where he is going to lie down. In addition, through this act he marks the space that he is going to use to sleep, this being another of the curious things that dogs do.

8. Sniffing other dogs' butts
Although it may seem strange when you see it, it is one of the most normal behaviors in dogs. For what is this? Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, so by approaching and sniffing another dog's butt they can gather information they need about it.
What type of information does the dog acquire with this action? They can know from what the other dog has eaten to her emotional state. For more information, see our article "Why Do Dogs Sniff Each Other?".

9. Howl
Dog howling can be fascinating, or very annoying when it goes on too long. Have you ever wondered why they do it? Well, there are several reasons. Howling is a way of defending their territory; If the dog sees a stranger approaching, it can howl or bark to warn its guardians of the danger. Another reason that justifies this curious behavior of dogs is to celebrate the arrival home of their guardians as a way to show the happiness they feel when they return home. see them.
However, beyond the sense of protection or love they feel for their owners, dogs also often howl as a way to show physical pain, so you should be very attentive to the way it howls to find out if it has any ailment and go to the vet. Likewise, those dogs that suffer from separation anxiety can also howl as soon as their guardians leave the door of the house.

10. Drag Butt
Have you ever seen your dog dragging his butt on the ground? If so, you will notice that he pushes himself with his legs to be able to better rub this part of his body. Well, many times this is a sign that your dog has intestinal parasites, which cause this discomfort, or the glands anals too full If he does this, take him to the vet immediately to determine the cause and act accordingly, because despite being one of the funny things that dogs do, it is a symptom that we should not ignore because, by doing so, more serious problems can develop such as an inflammation of the anal glands, fistulas, etc.