10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans

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10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans
10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans
10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans
10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans

As in all relationships, there are often misunderstandings between dogs and humans, although some of them even go unnoticed. In fact, to avoid these problems with your faithful friend, you will have to ask yourself a series of questions. For example, you should know how dogs think, what their most basic physical and mental needs are, and also know what things usually annoy them.

Discover in this article on our site 10 things that dogs hate about humans so you can improve your relationship with your dog, both enjoying a relationship with more quality than ever.

1. Strong noises and smells

The hair dryer, the vacuum cleaner, the cars, the firecrackers, the sneezing, a cough or something that we drop and makes a lot of noise, any loud noise is annoying and it scares dogs It's normal, since they have an exceptional hearing that allows them to hear sounds that escape us and also have a much more sensitive perception of vibrations than ours. Therefore, any noise that can bother you will surely terrify your dog. Obviously, there are dogs that have been raised from puppies perceiving loud noises and have become accustomed to it, so they don't get scared, but it is true that most do get scared and hate it.

The issue of strong odors is also something sensitive for dogs. Like his hearing, his sense of smell is thousands of times more powerful than that of humans. For this reason, any smell that seems strong to you seems really annoying to your dogIt is true that if it is the smell of food, it does not bother them so much, they will immediately start asking us to share with them what smells so delicious. But imagine the odors from chemicals, personal hygiene, and household cleaning. They are really very strong odors that irritate the nostrils of our furry ones, so they easily let us know with a sneeze and go somewhere else.

We must try not to scare our dog with loud noises whenever we can avoid it or try to get him used to it. We must also avoid using products with strong odors in the presence of our dog and ventilate the area well before it enters it.

10 things dogs hate about humans - 1. Loud noises and smells
10 things dogs hate about humans - 1. Loud noises and smells

two. Talking a lot and not using our body language

Many times we talk to our dog and that's fine, but if we do it too much or if we don't use gestures and short words that the dog can learn and relate to something while we talk, we will not be doing anything other than burdening our friend. He will not be understanding what we say and in the end he will get nervous. They prefer that you communicate with them with your body language and if you use words or sounds better that they are few and that they have been able to learn them during their training and learning from puppies.

It is true that dogs do understand the basic emotions of humans, but they do so through the body language and tone of voice we use. They definitely do not understand our full verbal language, only those basic words that we teach them. Therefore, the fact that we talk a lot and don't use our body language confuses them a lot We must try to learn how to talk to our dog and how to communicate with him with our body. Take a test, spend a whole day without saying a single word to your dog. He just gestures, without exaggeration, and tries to communicate with body language. Although you can use some sound like a whistle, he tries not to say a word, you will see that you communicate perfectly and that your faithful friend is more relaxed.

10 things dogs hate about humans - 2. Talking a lot and not using our body language
10 things dogs hate about humans - 2. Talking a lot and not using our body language

3. Our negative energy and that we scold them without them understanding why

It may be that when we are in a bad mood or angry with our dog because he has done something we don't like, we transmit that anger and negativity to him as we would in principle do with another person. As we have already mentioned, canines don't understand what we shout at them and most of the time they don't understand why we do it either Obviously it is something that bothers them a lot, they they feel bad, they receive negative energy and they don't even know why.

We need to learn to avoid common mistakes when scolding a dog. One of them is to do it without being able to understand why, since it has been a long time and another mistake is to be aggressive. There are much more effective ways that will make you understand each other better and continue enjoying each other.

10 things that dogs hate about humans - 3. Our negative energy and that we scold them without them understanding why
10 things that dogs hate about humans - 3. Our negative energy and that we scold them without them understanding why

4. Lack of structure

Dogs like to have a routine, even if we vary it so that it doesn't get too boring, and they like to have a structure, because they feel more secure and calm. An unstructured dog, without a minimum of basic training, will end up being an unhappy dog, since he will have insecurities and misunderstandings both with the family and with other dogs or animals. That's why another thing dogs don't like at all is the lack of structure in their family.

This structure and learning should cover various aspects, from who leads the group to rides and food, among other things. For this, it would be better that we first educate ourselves well on the proper training for our dog.

10 things dogs hate about humans - 4. Lack of structure
10 things dogs hate about humans - 4. Lack of structure

5. Look them straight in the eye, grab their face and pat their head

Dogs really don't like it when we make eye contact If you've ever done it, you've probably noticed that they shy away from the look when we do it, but perhaps you have met one that holds your gaze longer and may even have growled at you. Prolonged eye contact for canids is equivalent to challenging each other, so if one looks away it becomes the submissive one and instead if it holds it and the other withdraws it, it will be the dominant one. It is dangerous to do this to dogs that we do not know, they can become aggressive. It's one thing to exchange glances and another thing to challenge, so try not to seek a dog's gaze because it can bother them a lot.

Also, other things we do very often is grab them by the face to hug them and pat them on the headThat is a mistake, because they do not take it very well. That we take them by the face makes them stay blocked, they feel trapped, because they think that it is something that they do not do between them. Pats or taps on the head annoy them and can even do some damage. They understand a hand above them as dominant, if it also hits them on the head, it bothers them a lot. They are gestures that for us are very normal, but for them they have different meanings, so we must try not to do it. If you want to approach to greet a dog, it is better to approach a little from the side, without staring at him and extending your hand a little allowing him to sniff you and get to know you, once he accepts you you can pet him.

10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans - 5. Staring into their eyes, grabbing their faces and patting their heads
10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans - 5. Staring into their eyes, grabbing their faces and patting their heads

6. Excessive hugs and kisses

There are many things that are normal for us and we like to do, such as squeezing, hugging and giving many kisses to our furry ones, but they don't interpret everything the way we do. Dogs don't hug or kiss like we do. Constantly hugging and kissing them is very confusing to them.

On the one hand, with hugs we block them and for them putting their paws on top of another means that you want to establish your dominance, they can take it as a game but to a certain extent. Although there are very affectionate and also submissive dogs that do accept hugs, most do not tolerate them very much. On the other hand, our kisses are like their licks and they lick for many reasons, one of them is when they want to show submission, so sometimes when we kiss them they can understand that we are submissiveSo, we are sending them mixed signals and that makes them unsettled and uncomfortable.

Therefore, it's okay to hug them and give them a few kisses, but be careful not to overdo it and pay attention to the signs that the dog gives you such as licking his lips very often, being nervous, laying his ears backwards, yawning or even showing their teeth, things that show that they are not at all comfortable with the situation.

10 things dogs hate about humans - 6. Excessive hugs and kisses
10 things dogs hate about humans - 6. Excessive hugs and kisses

7. Not using the leash properly and walking in a hurry

It is very common that there are things we do wrong when we walk our dog, but we have to learn to correct them if we want to enjoy the walks and not make our furry feel bad. Sometimes we keep the leash tight, we constantly jerk, we don't let him sniff around him, etc. Also, many times we walk for a few minutes and we are in a hurry to get somewhere or to finish the walk.

Not using the leash properly and being in a hurry during the walk is definitely something that our dog does not like very much. He needs quite a bit of time to explore his environment and interact with others. He will want to sniff, stop to relieve himself and play with others, it is normal. We have to be aware of the basic needs of our dog and learn to use the leash well and to take quiet walks that he can enjoy

10 things dogs hate about humans - 7. Not using the leash properly and walking in a hurry
10 things dogs hate about humans - 7. Not using the leash properly and walking in a hurry

8. Dress them unnecessarily

Of course, if it is very cold or we need to cover some part of our dog's body due to an injury or problem, dressing him in a sweater or special clothes for them, even special boots, is fine and In these cases it is recommended. What our loyal friends, or at least most of them, can't stand is that we dress them up just because or with things that are simply decorative and not at all functional They don't feel comfortable if they can't walk properly or if they're wearing something that they can't take off whenever they want. Some learn to tolerate it, but many do not understand why someone approaches them a lot, stares at them or even laughs at them, although for us it is in an affectionate way, they do not understand it, they only perceive that they attract a lot of attention and they get nervous.. They even feel that other dogs do not dare to approach them, a quite normal thing but that causes them rejection and therefore, in the long run, causes them emotional discomfort.

Think that your dog is not a human, try not to humanize him since that will only bring imbalances and problems. Dress him when really necessary with the right pieces of clothing.

10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans - 8. Dressing Them Unnecessarily
10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans - 8. Dressing Them Unnecessarily

9. Clean them very often

For us it is normal to wash ourselves every day, for dogs it is not. They keep themselves clean in their own way, they need their body odor to communicate with others. So if we wash them too often, we really are not doing them any favors If it's really dirty we clean it, it's quite another to give it a bath every two by three with shampoos with scents that we love and perfuming them. This is not for them, they like to smell themselves and the strong odors of the products we use can bother them a lot as we have already mentioned.

It is good that we bathe our dog at home or at the dog groomer from time to time, but we cannot do it very often because, in addition to the fact that they need their scent to communicate well, we will be damaging the coats of natural protection of the skin and we can end up causing them some he alth problem. We can clean them yes, but without overdoing it.

10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans - 9. Groom Them Too Often
10 Things Dogs Hate About Humans - 9. Groom Them Too Often

10. Being bored or absent

Dogs can't stand being bored, they want to do things and share their time with you. So they don't like that you ignore them and be boring Of course they hate when you're away, they are never sure when you will come back or if you will, hence their great joy when you come back even if they haven't seen you for a few minutes. But the worst thing for them is, without a doubt, when their real human companion never returns. The worst thing that can happen to them is that we let's give up , they'll never understand why and it's hard for them to move on.

So you know, don't be boring and do many things with your faithful companion, also try to be absent as little as possible, but above all, never abandon him.
