10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans

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10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans
10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans
10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans
10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans

Dogs are animals with qualities, instincts and reactions that are different from those of humans. Many times we are not aware, but the vast majority of animals have a much shorter lifespan than that of humans.

This means that dogs, to stick to the title of this article, in just 3 or 4 years of life seem more sensible and mature than our teenagers. But it is that for dogs in these few years they accumulate experiences equivalent to those that a human will take 20 or 30 years to experience.

In this article on our site we will expose 10 things dogs do better than humans, and try to explain why.

1. Smell

If there is one sense in which dogs are superlatively superior to humans, it is sense of smell.

The reason for this patent superiority is physiological, both as it affects the nose, the respiratory system, and the area of the brain that deals with the sense of smell.

In the human nose there are an estimated 5 million olfactory cells, while in dogs the number is between 200 and 300 million olfactory cellsAlso, the brain area designated by the dog to process the information captured by its olfactory cells is 40% larger than the one designated by the human brain for this purpose.

All these physiological circumstances cause the canine sense of smell to be between 10,000 and 100,000 times more powerful than that of human beings. Therefore, the first conclusion is that any dog has a better olfactory capacity than the human.

10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 1. Smell
10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 1. Smell

two. Hear

The sense of hearing is quite more developed among dogsthan among humans. Human beings have a hearing frequency range that covers between 20 to 20,000 Hz (Hertz). The canine hearing spectrum is between 20 and 65,000 Hz, with the most sensitive frequency being between 500 and 16,000 Hz.

In their ears, dogs have 17 muscles to guide them in multiple directions, while people only have 9 and the vast majority only use 1 or 2 muscles. Given their wide hearing range, dogs can hear ultrasounds that humans can't detect

10 things dogs do better than humans - 2. Hear
10 things dogs do better than humans - 2. Hear

3. Obey

Trained canine obedience can be achieved through modern positive reinforcement, or old-fashioned dominance. But it is not my intention to go into this kind of trained obedience. I think it's more interesting to talk about the dog's innate obedience, which transcends and goes beyond training.

We could conclude that the instinctive obedience of dogs is based more on the sense of innate herd among dogs, than on socialization or training, although without undervaluing said training. This is clearly reflected among dogs that are mistreated by their handlers, yet continue to cling to them instead of running away, just like a human would.

Therefore we can conclude that dogs obey better than humans (although I don't see clearly that this is an advantage for the poor dogs).

10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 3. Obey
10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 3. Obey

4. Run

The speed at which a dog can run, even if untrained, is greater than that of a human, even if trained. Obviously, propelling yourself with 4 legs and with such a low center of gravity is more advantageous than doing it with 2 legs and a high center of gravity.

An ordinary dog can run for 3 or 4 minutes at 40 km/h, while an ordinary person can run over 20 km/h, approximately for a similar time.

Elite athletes can run 100 m at 40 km/h, while a greyhound reaches 60 km/h. Unquestionably dogs run more than people.

10 things dogs do better than humans - 4. Running
10 things dogs do better than humans - 4. Running

5. To swim

Swimming is an innate activity among some dogs, although there are many who are afraid of water. In human babies, the swimming instinct only lasts a few months, in most cases being lost over time. The truth is that all dogs have the instinct to move their legs to stay afloat. There are dogs whose swimming ability is magnificent. The breeds most capable of swimming are:

  • Newfoundland
  • Golden retriever
  • Labrador retriever
  • Spanish Water Dog
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Nova Scotia Debt Collector

However, flat breeds (Pugs, Boxers, Bulldogs, etc.), they are not good swimmers as water enters their snout very easily. Greyhounds and whippets are also not very adept at swimming, as their thin legs are designed for jumping and running.

All other dog breeds defend themselves better than most humans in the water.

10 things dogs do better than humans - 5. Swim
10 things dogs do better than humans - 5. Swim

6. Look out

Dogs can watch even when asleep. Human beings find this activity much more difficult when asleep.

It is precisely their powerful sense of smell that allows dogs to be constantly vigilant, even when asleep. Impossible thing for a human. Any strange smell immediately alerts the dogs, activating all their other senses immediately.

10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 6. Watch
10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 6. Watch

7. Save

An activity Inherent in surveillance is guarding Dogs tend to be brave and immediately come to the defense of their family (their herd), their home (territory) and the little ones. Even the smallest dogs confront intruders with loud barks that alert anyone nearby.

10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 7. Save
10 Things Dogs Do Better Than Humans - 7. Save

8. Don't worry

Dogs go through some bad times, just like humans or any living being on the planet. But fortunately for them, there are much fewer percentage cases of depression than among humans. They know how to forget about things better than us.

The canine mind is freer than the human mind, since it is not as complex and does not get into as much trouble as human minds tend to get into their owners. Dogs don't think of signing mortgages, bungee jumping, volunteering for an army, or investing their savings in postage stamps. I know they can't do it, because we humans don't let them do it. We keep these brilliant ideas to ourselves, it seems.

Consequently, the vast majority of mutts live (and especially sleep), with far fewer worries than any adult human.

10 things that dogs do better than humans - 8. Don't worry
10 things that dogs do better than humans - 8. Don't worry

9. React instinctively

Dogs' Instinctive reactions are more Fast and accuratein general than what we do when faced with an unforeseen difficulty.

This circumstance connects with the short but intense vital experience of dogs. By living in a more uninhibited, free, dizzying, intense and simple way than any human being; their reactions are faster, and generally more accurate than what happens to us humans.

An example: Rarely will someone with bad intentions trick a dog. While humans are relatively easy to deceive through falsehoods.

10 things that dogs do better than humans - 9. React instinctively
10 things that dogs do better than humans - 9. React instinctively

10. Irreducible affection

Dogs when they take affection for you is for life, even if you give them reasons to hate you. It's like they're fans of you.

It is known throughout the world that the only immutable thing for the human being is to be a fan of a football team throughout life. For dogs, we are "their favorite soccer team", loving us beyond reason throughout their lives.

Humans are capable of divorcing the people who, at one point in our lives, we have loved the most.
