10 smells that cats hate - Find out what they are

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10 smells that cats hate - Find out what they are
10 smells that cats hate - Find out what they are
Cats Hate Odors
Cats Hate Odors

What smell do cats not like? Cats are the animal representation of cleanliness. These rules, natural and born in them, apply not only to their personal hygiene, but also to their environment and everything that has to do with it. Such is the case of smells, an interesting topic within the feline world. Due to evolutionary processes, cats have their respective olfactory preferences.

First you need to know that cats have a sense of smell fourteen times stronger than that of a human being. This is because, although it may not appear physically, the nasal organ of every cat is much larger than that of a person.

A cat's olfactory system is spread over almost the entire head, which, internally, ends up being a whole nose. Let us also remember that cats, in this case, are like people. There are typical smells that most people hate, but still, everyone retains their individuality. Some cats may dislike some odors more than others.

Whether it's food they can't digest, strong natural odors, or potentially dangerous chemicals, a cat will avoid certain odors and run away from them. In this new article on our site we have investigated what smells cats hate, so don't miss out!

Citrus scents

Cats are not fans of limes, oranges, lemons and similar scents. In fact, there are cat repellents that contain essences like these. If, for example, you are trying to prevent your cat from going out into the garden and eating all the flowers, you can spray some orange oil or spread someshells of those fruits They also don't appreciate the taste very much, so they may very well stay away from the area where they see a lot of these items.

You may be interested in the following article with some Tricks to prevent a cat from entering your garden.

Smells Cats Hate - Citrus Smells
Smells Cats Hate - Citrus Smells


Among the smells that cats don't like, we also find bananas. Although they are very rich in flavor and potassium, cats are not considered friends of this fruit. If you want to prevent your cat from taking a nap and leaving its fur in that part of the house, rub a banana peel on the sofa or leave it for a while. day. You'll see how it doesn't come back to that area.

Can cats eat banana? Discover the answer in the following article on our site that we recommend.

Smells that cats hate - Banana
Smells that cats hate - Banana

Dirty sand

Who likes to walk into a bathroom with a bad smell? The same thing happens with cats when their litter box is dirty, for no reason, they will want to go near it. A dirty litter box could lead to your cat getting mad at you and scolding her by making her own litter box on an expensive rug, in someone's pot exotic plant and even on a piece of clothing that has fallen on the ground.

Check out this article with Tricks for the bad smell of cat litter, here.

Smells that cats hate - Dirty litter
Smells that cats hate - Dirty litter

Pine tree

Although there are natural litters that are made with this type of material (with the aim of making it, in every way, more pleasant for the cat) we cannot abuse the odor intensity, and that leads the cat to have the opposite effect, to the point of hating and rejecting the sand. By rotating the odors of the litters and making them more neutral, you will ensure that your cat does not get saturated with them.

We leave you other good and safe Plants for cats that they will enjoy.

Smells that cats hate - Pine
Smells that cats hate - Pine

Bad Fish

What smell do cats hate food? Among the smells that cats hate, we find that of fish, which is bad. In this, too, cats resemble humans. One thing is that we love fish and quite another is that we like the smell of bad fish.

The same thing happens to cats, they hate everything that is expired. We recommend that you never try to give your cat a stale fish, one will not eat it and two if you force it, it will surely get sick or you could even poison it.

Can cats eat fish? We leave you this post from our site so you can find out the answer.

Smells Cats Hate - Bad Fish
Smells Cats Hate - Bad Fish


Another of the smells that cats hate is pepper, although in this sense there are also some humans who hate it. Cats do not appreciate food odors that are spicy or overly seasoned such as pepper, mustard and even curry. In this way, when a cat is near pepper, regardless of its type, its sense of smell perceives them as if they were toxic.

If you want to know Forbidden foods for cats, don't miss this article on our site where we present them to you. We already have 7 smells that cats hate, so don't miss the last ones that we have highlighted in this article.

Smells that cats hate - Pepper
Smells that cats hate - Pepper

Soaps and deodorants

What smells do cats hate besides all the ones we've already seen? Strong, chemical odors are repelled by cats. Be careful with the soaps and cleaning products that you are going to choose, both for the house, and for cleaning your litter box and your food bowl… ah! and even for your personal hygiene. Remember that odors attract or repel felines.

Now that you know some examples of what are the smells that cats hate, maybe you are curious to know what are the Smells that attract cats.

Smells that cats hate - Soaps and deodorants
Smells that cats hate - Soaps and deodorants


What are the plants that cats hate? Although most flowers and plants love them, some are simply not their favorites. Lavender, geranium, thyme, lemon are some of the plants that are on his blacklist. Gardeners always complain about cats because they invade the gardens and make a mess.

We recommend placing a couple of lavender or thyme plants to prevent the natural disaster from being massive. There are also a large number of toxic plants for cats, it is very convenient to avoid them, despite the fact that many of them instinctively avoid them.

Smells that cats hate - Lavender
Smells that cats hate - Lavender


Among the plants that cats do not like, we also find the eucalyptus. Most cats dislike the smells of some plants because they find them toxic. A typical case is rejection of eucalyptus, since its essential oils can be harmful to the animal and he knows it. Nature is wise.

Smells that cats hate - Eucalyptus
Smells that cats hate - Eucalyptus

Other cats

This rejection is the most interesting of all. Cats are not bothered by the smell of other friendly cats or felines with whom they already have a regular dynamic. However, the smell of a new cat in the house could get on your nerves, remember that cats are very territorial animals. We human beings connect with other individuals by other means, cats often connect through smell.

Now that you know what smells cats don't like, discover How many cats can I have at home? next.
