The shedding of the shiba inu

The shedding of the shiba inu
The shedding of the shiba inu

If you have adopted a shiba inu and want to know everything about him, you have come to the right place. On our site we are going to offer you, this time, very useful tips and tricks during your best friend's hair change. As well as indications on the moment and some care.

If your house is full of hair or you are worried that it is not occurring normally, read this article and discover how it is and what you should take into account at this time.

Keep reading this article about shiba inu shedding!

When is the shiba inu shedding?

Dogs usually shed their hair twice a year: in spring and autumn. In this way they adapt to the different temperatures that are about to approach, adopting a lighter coat or another that is thicker and more woolly.

The Shiba Inu, like its close relatives such as the Akita Inu, have an undercoat of undercoat that gives them insulates even more from the cold winter. Also in their dermis they have a thin layer of fat that protects them. In order not to eliminate this natural layer, we must be careful and wash our dog when it is really dirty.

We can see significant changes in already hairy breeds, although in the case of the shiba inu it may be somewhat more discreet. However, we will realize when it is the change of hair since the shiba usually loses hair leaving our home and our clothes well decorated.

If the molt is not taking place at the right time the ideal thing would be to go to the vet to rule out a possible illness or stressful situation of the animal.

Shiba inu shedding - When is the shiba inu shedding?
Shiba inu shedding - When is the shiba inu shedding?

Proper feeding during moulting

Each stage of a dog's life has specific needs. In this case, during the shedding of the shiba inu it will be important to consider that the animal is suffering wear and tear, so it will be important to include a high-quality diet as well as supplementsthat directly affect the mantle and its strength. It is important to always use natural food:

  • egg
  • fish
  • oil
  • vitamins

Incorporating these foods into your diet will be easy, all you have to do is offer eggs and fish (boneless!) once a week or every 15 days with a dash of olive oil. You will see the results for yourself by seeing a shiny and silky coat on your shiba.

It will also be important Consult the veterinarian Trusted to administer vitamins or these same natural foods if you suspect that your dog may have allergies.

Shiba inu shedding - Proper nutrition during shedding
Shiba inu shedding - Proper nutrition during shedding

Brushing hair

You should generally brush your Shiba Inu two to three times a week. During the shedding we advise you to increase the frequency of brushing trying every day or two to brush your best friendIn this way we will eliminate dead hair and help you get through this stage better (and we will have less hair on the sofa).

The shedding of the shiba inu - Brushing the hair
The shedding of the shiba inu - Brushing the hair

If you are one of those who enjoy grooming and caring for your pet's coat, I recommend you visit the following articles:

  • Natural products to bathe my dog
  • Tricks to make my dog's hair shine
  • How to make homemade perfume for dogs
Shiba inu shedding
Shiba inu shedding


  • If the molt occurs at a time that is not right, go to the vet.
  • You should also go to the professional if you notice claps and excessive hair loss.
