Dog Great Anglo-French tricolor hound: characteristics and photos

Dog Great Anglo-French tricolor hound: characteristics and photos
Dog Great Anglo-French tricolor hound: characteristics and photos
Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound
Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound

Like other hounds, the Greater Anglo-French tricolor is an excellent hunting dog with large packs. Today it is still used in France for hunting big game, but the breed is not very popular these days and is almost unknown in the rest of the world. Even so, the great Anglo-French tricolor hound is a very active, cooperative and faithful dog, which can become our great dog friend if we take care of it and educate it right.

From our site, we want to offer you all the information you need to know about this breed if you are interested in adopting a large tricolor Anglo-French hound or if you already have one. This way you will know what his origins are, his physical characteristics, his character, his care, his education, and the he alth problems that most affect him.

Origin of the great Anglo-French tricolor hound

The Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound is the third of the Great French Hounds developed through crosses between different French and English hunting breeds such as the English Foxhound and the Pointevin, which was revived in the mid-19th century after being nearly extinct during the French Revolution.

This robust and highly resistant hound was and is used for hunting large deer and stag mainly in France, although some have been seen in North America, but it can be said that there are very few specimens and that it is a fairly unknown breed.

The so-called "Anglo-French" breeds were accepted in 1857 and were recognized by the International Cynological Federation and the world's leading cynological associations in 1983.

Physical Characteristics of the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound

The Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound has the typical appearance of a Bloodhound and closely resembles the English Foxhound. This large dog is muscular and strongly built, weighs between 34 and 36 kg and is between 62 and 72 cm tall.

Your head is moderately broad and the cranial roof is flattened. The naso-frontal depression (stop) is well marked. The eyes are large and brown. The ears are medium, crooked, hanging and medium insertion. The body of the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound is muscular and stocky. The back is straight as is the loin, which is short at the same time. The croup is long and sloping. The chest is deep and wide. The queue is long.

The coat of the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound is short and of moderate thickness. And as its name indicates can only be tricolor,that is white, brown and black.

Character of the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound

Like all other French Hounds, the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound is very active during the hunt and becomes obsessed with it. These dogs are brave, dynamic, intelligent and cooperative with the other dogs in the pack.

They tend to get along with other dogs and people, but are not very playful or affectionate. They tend to chase other pets, so having a large tricolor Anglo-French Hound together with cats or other animals can be problematic. That is why it is necessary to properly socialize the great Anglo-French tricolor hound from puppyhood so that it learns to relate to its environment, and with other animals or people.

Despite being an animal used for hunting big game, this dog can be an excellent pet due to its fidelity and its excellent condition as a working dog.

Care of the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound

Care for the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound is not extensive as it is only necessary to brush the coat once a week to keep the coat in good condition and bathe it only when it is really dirty and needs it. What it is advisable to do is inspect the floppy ears so that they do not proliferate bacteria or fungi due to the humidity that can accumulate in them if they are not dried well or kept clean.

Apart from that, due to their natural hunting instinct, these dogs need a lot of exercise and daily walks are not enough to cover these requirements, but they need to live in a large place with a garden or that they have access to the field from time to time so that they can expend their energies and satisfy their hunting instincts. Therefore, they do not adapt well to city life or to life in flats or small houses.

Education of the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound

Despite what you might think, the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound is a dog easy to train Still, not It would be appropriate to start his advanced training prematurely or until he has learned the basic obedience commands for dogs, just as it has to be done with the rest of the breeds. For this, it is necessary to review the commands between 5 and 10 minutes a day so that the hound learns them well and we can continue teaching him more advanced ones.

Given its hunting instinct, the dog needs additional training to work with its owner, so it is necessary to have patience and make an effort if we want the great Anglo-French hound to become a good hunting dog. Likewise, it is not advisable to let them sleep outdoors since they are prone to getting lost while chasing prey.

These dogs can be very destructive if they do not receive the large amounts of exercise they need and do not expend much of their energy, and they can also be very barking, so proper socialization and training in canine obedience they will encourage the good behavior of the great hounds.

He alth of the Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound

Being a little-known breed, the dog diseases that most afflict it are not known. However, as a general rule, these large Anglo-French hounds can suffer from hip dysplasia if they do not exercise properly or exercise excessively.

As is the case with other hunting dogs, it is recommended that a regular inspection be carried out after spending a day in the field or outdoors. outdoors, in order to discover parasites in the skin or stuck splinters. And of course, it is mandatory to keep the vaccination schedule up to date and take it to the vet every 6 months to prevent and detect any possible disease before it becomes serious.

Photos of Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound
