Jealousy between cats and dogs

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Jealousy between cats and dogs
Jealousy between cats and dogs
Jealousy between cats and dogs
Jealousy between cats and dogs

Our cute pets get emotional and are also capable of feeling jealous just like humans. If you already have a dog or a cat in your home and you await the arrival of a pet of a different species, you must take into account certain considerations that will help you to have a better coexistence.

Here are our tips to avoid jealousy between cats and dogs. Follow the advice on our site to achieve the best coexistence between the two.

The first step is socialization

Is your dog sociable? From our site we always encourage you to socialize your pets with people and animals of all kinds, this means making them able to participate and enjoy the company of those who love them. surround.

Whether the animal you already have at home is a dog or a cat, you should do everything possible so that it acquires a social and friendly behavior before adopting a new pet.

Ask your friends and relatives that if you have pets they also bring them to visit, it is essential that the pet begins to get used to the presence of other animals.

When the new pet arrives it is important that they get to know each other, that is: that they smell each other and relate to each other. Although the first days it is important that you are present, progressively you can give them more space and more time alone as they get to know each other. But we emphasize that yes it is important that you are present in the first moments, before leaving them completely alone and in the same space.

Jealousy between cats and dogs - The first step is socialization
Jealousy between cats and dogs - The first step is socialization

Avoid disputes over food

A dispute between your animals can be over food, fortunately, this can be avoided in a very simple way.

It is important that each pet has its own eating utensils and, if possible, that it does not do so in the same space as the other. If each animal has its feeder and drinker separately and they also eat in different areas of the home, food will not be a reason for jealousy or fights.

Jealousy between cats and dogs - Avoid disputes over food
Jealousy between cats and dogs - Avoid disputes over food

Offer the same care and attention

It is true that cats have a very different nature than dogs, they are more independent and need less love, but make no mistake, cats also need a lot affected.

A clear example can be given by using the sofa. Dogs generally like to lie down next to their owner more than cats, but you should be aware that if you let your dog climb on the sofa, you will also need to allow the same behavior in the cat.

Obviously these differences of each species must be respected but you must also understand that your predisposition to care and give affection must be the same for the dog than for the cat, otherwise these differentiations could start a jealous conflict.
