Avoid jealousy between children and dogs

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Avoid jealousy between children and dogs
Avoid jealousy between children and dogs
Avoid jealousy between children and dogs
Avoid jealousy between children and dogs

At the time of pregnancy we begin to ask ourselves all kinds of questions, including in this case our dog, because we don't know how our pet will react when the baby arrives or what it will do if we can't spend so much time with it.

Jealousy is a natural feeling that arises when we feel rejected within a nucleus because, in this case, another member overshadows all the attention.

In this article on our site we will give you some tips so that your dog never becomes jealous of the newcomer, on the contrary, establishes a good relationship with him within the home. Read on to find out how to avoid jealousy between children and dogs

Preparing for the baby's arrival

In this article on how to avoid jealousy between children and dogs we are going to offer you a small guide so that you understand all the steps to follow to avoid that undesirable situation such as jealousy between a dog and a child.. To do this, and before the baby arrives, it is important to begin to change our usual routine, in this way, our dog will begin to understand that things are not going to be as before, but they are not going to be worse for that.

Involving our dog in this wonderful experience such as pregnancy is no joke: as being sociable and with feelings, the dog should participate as much as possible in this process, understanding in some way what is going to happen. Remember that dogs have a sixth sense, let it get close to your belly

Before the baby arrives, every family begins to prepare things: his room, his crib, his clothes, his toys… You must Allow the dog to sniff and move in an orderly and calm way what is going to surround the child Rejecting the dog in this previous moment will be the first step to trigger jealousy towards the future member of the family, you should not be afraid that it may do anything.

It is important to note that if the times for walks, meals, etc. can be altered by the arrival of the newborn, let's start preparing these changes as soon as possible: get the dog used to walking with another person, have its food ready, set an alarm so as not to forget certain habits, etc. Don't let your pet experience a sudden change in her routine

Once the baby arrives in this world, we will let our dog sniff used clothes of the new family member, in this way we will get him used to his smell and it will be one more factor that will make him appreciate his arrival.

Avoid jealousy between children and dogs - Prepare for the arrival of the baby
Avoid jealousy between children and dogs - Prepare for the arrival of the baby

Introduction of the baby and the dog

Once the baby arrives home, our dog will do everything possible to find out what it is, probably he will never have seen a baby before. Already accustomed to his smell, he will be more confident and relaxed in the presence of a stranger to him.

At first it's normal for you to find it hard to get them too close, you'll wonder, what if my dog gets confused? What if he thinks he's a toy? It probably won't be as the little one's scent is mixed with yours.

Take your time for close introductions, although it is essential that from the first day your dog makes visual and gestural contact with him. Look carefully at his attitude

Little by little you will allow yourself to bring the baby closer to your dog, you'll see. And the thing is, if the dog is good, calm and docile with you, why wouldn't it be with your baby?

Another completely different issue is if we are talking about a dog whose character or reaction we do not know because it is an adopted dog, for example. In these cases and if you really have doubts about his reaction, we recommend that you call the shelter to find out or hire an ethologist to supervise the presentation process

Avoid jealousy between children and dogs - Introduction of the baby and the dog
Avoid jealousy between children and dogs - Introduction of the baby and the dog

Growing up of the boy with the dog

Up to 3 or 4 years old, small children are usually sweet and affectionate with their dogs and when they grow up, they begin to experiment and snoop around everything that surrounds them in a more abrupt way. You must teach your children what it really means to have a dog in the family and what it entails: love, affection, respect, companionship, responsibility, etc.

It is very important to teach your child that, even if the dog does not respond to what is asked of him properly, they should never harm him or force him to do anything at all: the dog is not a robot or a toy, it is a living being. A dog that feels attacked can react by defending itself, don't forget it.

For the coexistence and affective development of the child to be ideal, we must share with our son the responsibilities that a dog entails, such as allowing him to accompany us on walks, explaining how and when we should put him on food and water etc Including the child in these daily tasks is beneficial for him.
