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What do ladybugs eat?
What do ladybugs eat?

Coccinellids, known as ladybirds, make up a group of insects belonging to the diverse and numerous order Coleptera and the family Coccinellidae. Their characteristic rounded shape, their striking colors, together with the polka dot-like spots that many species have, undoubtedly makes them one of the best-known insects and appreciated all over the world.

By their appearance, they may seem harmless, however, ladybugs are voracious predators of other insects, their prey often being important pests of agricultural crops. Do you want to know more about ladybugs? Continue reading this article on our site and we will tell you what ladybugs eat along with other characteristics of this wonderful group of insects.

Feeding the ladybugs

Ladybugs are carnivorous and opportunistic, and a single species can prey on a wide variety of insects, having data on species They consume more than 60 species of aphids. Ladybugs attack sedentary insects and show very close life cycle synchronization with their prey. That is, they reproduce when their prey has increasing populations, and on the other hand, they can hibernate when their prey is less active.

These insects are highly appreciated, especially by the agricultural sector, as they are natural predators of many pest insects, such as the case of some species of mealybugs, aphids, mites and flies. Some species can also consume other insects, such as moths and small spiders. In fact, much has been said about whether ladybugs eat ants, and the truth is that only some very specific species feed on them.

On the other hand, other types of ladybugs feed on shells and scales of other animals, although these species have a slower development and are smaller in size than those that feed on insects such as aphids.

Do ladybugs eat lettuce leaves?

As there are always exceptions, as there are some species of ladybugs, such as those that make up the subfamily Epilachninae, whichare herbivores , since they consume plants. They can feed on the leaves, seeds or fruits of many plant species, such as lettuce.

Although are not considered a pest, in times when their natural predators are not present, in this case parasitoid wasps, these ladybugs can have explosive increases in their populations. This can often mean a threat to cultivated areas in many parts of the world, since they are found in practically all temperate zones.

What do ladybug larvae eat?

In general, larvae and adults have the same diet, however, some larvae can supplement their diet by consuming fungi, nectar and pollen.

To give us an idea, in the favorable season, especially in summer, a ladybug can consume more than a thousand insects, and counting the offspring that a female can have, more than a million, its role as a natural insecticide is more than justified. In other words, they are biological controllers, since they act by eliminating insects that are often harmful to crops, and they are an excellent replacement for chemical and toxic products.

What do ladybugs eat? - Feeding of ladybugs
What do ladybugs eat? - Feeding of ladybugs

How much can ladybugs eat?

Ladybugs have a voracious appetite and have a very particular feeding strategy. They lay thousands of eggs in the colonies of the insects they feed on, so that when the larvae hatch, food is immediately available.

Generally, a single larva is capable of eating about 500 individuals of its prey while developing. This can also vary depending on the species and the food available, but on certain occasions they can consume more than 1,000 individuals When they reach adulthood, their favorite prey it changes, starting to consume larger and larger insect species, since an adult is less voracious than a larva.

Cannibalism in ladybugs

Another characteristic of ladybugs linked to their diet is that in the larval stage they are cannibalisticThis behavior is very generalized in most species, and it is common for those that hatch first to feed on the eggs that have just hatched and then move on to those that have not yet hatched.

In addition, a newly hatched larva can also feed on its sisters that hatch a short time later, maintaining this behaviora couple of days , to later separate from the clutch and her sisters.

Now that you know what ladybugs eat, you may be interested in this other article about The most beautiful insects in the world.
