How do fish reproduce? - Complete guide

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How do fish reproduce? - Complete guide
How do fish reproduce? - Complete guide
How do fish reproduce?
How do fish reproduce?

Fish can have offspring in two basic ways, depending on fertilization occurs inside or outside the female's body. We will pay special attention to the reproduction of fish in aquariums and to the reproduction of fish for children, which we will exemplify in the clown fish, a fish that has achieved notoriety thanks to the children's films Finding Nemo and Finding Dori.

Discover below in this article on our site how fish reproduce:

Oviparous fishes

We begin the explanation of how fish reproduce by talking about those oviparous species. These have a external fertilization, that is, the female lays eggs that are fertilized by the male outside her body. These eggs can be deposited on the bottom as they are denser, they can float, they can stick to rocks or algae, or they can protect them in the mouth or in other parts of the body such as the gill chambers. They can also build nests with different materials.

Fish that defend their eggs develop territorial behaviors Since these eggs can be easily eaten by predators, oviparous fish must lay a large number, to ensure survival. Bream, trout, tuna, puffer fish, carp or sea bass belong to this group.

How do fish reproduce? - oviparous fish
How do fish reproduce? - oviparous fish

Viviparous fishes

In this case, to explain how fish reproduce we must understand that we are dealing with an internal fertilizationThe males fertilize the eggs that the female carries inside her. The female gives birth to live young, called alevines, which are born fully formed. This type of reproduction increases the chances of survival of the offspring. Some sharks belong to this group.

Ovoviviparous fish

Reproduction of this type also involves internal fertilization Females can store sperm to lay eggs without the presence of the male. He performs rituals to attract her. She, after copulation, carries the eggs in her body. The young mature inside the mothers and the eggs hatch or are expelled outside. Tiger, white and bull sharks reproduce this way.

Finally, regarding how fish reproduce, it is interesting to know that some migrate to reproduce. Thus, salmon live in the sea and at the end of their life they go up rivers to spawn. They are anadromous fish On the other hand, eels live in rivers and, once ready to reproduce, descend to the sea where they spawn. They belong to the group of catadromous fish

How do fish reproduce? - ovoviviparous fish
How do fish reproduce? - ovoviviparous fish

The reproduction of fish in the aquarium

If we want to increase the family in our aquarium we must take into account the following considerations:

  • Obviously, we must be clear about how the fish in our aquarium reproduce.
  • It is important to know that some fish will present sexual dimorphism, that is, males and females have different colors or sizes, which helps to differentiate them.
  • Other fish are going to be hermaphrodites, they can behave like males or females indistinctly, they can reach sexual maturity as females and become males or vice versa.
  • Depending on the reproductive characteristics of our fish, this is how we should arrange the space. For example, if they are fish that spawn on rocks, they must have them at their disposal.
  • Be aware that in some cases you will have to separate the newly hatchedfingerlings, as their parents or the other fish could eat them.
  • Likewise, it is important that we reproduce the ideal conditions of their habitat. The temperature, pH, cleanliness and oxygenation of the water or food must be suitable.
  • Having a group of fish favors reproductive success.
  • The feed should be enough. Be careful with overfeeding, as it could make us think that a female is pregnant. We will also have to pay special attention to feeding the fry.
  • We must pay close attention to our aquarium since some females may have arrived fertilized, as is the case with guppies.

Fish reproduction for children

Finally, in this section we will explain how the fish best known to children reproduce, the clown fish popularized by Nemo. As we have already said, it is essential that we have an aquarium with the ideal characteristics for the species. Clownfish are oviparous and hermaphrodite They present a laying ritual and this is more common in the spring.

When it comes to breeding, which is about 2 years old, the most dominant fish, usually the largest, will be the femaleThey will stick their orange, capsule-shaped eggs on plants, rocks, or a simple pot. Shortly before putting them on we can see the wider female and both clean her surroundings. The males are in charge of their care and we will see them swimming around them, moving their fins to oxygenate the water. Their color will change and they will hatch in 7-10 days , at sunset.

The fry will consume live food and it is good to move them to another well conditioned aquarium to prevent them from being eaten. Eggs can be moved. This is the most difficult stage. Low light and a diet based on rotiferous and artemia salina is recommended. Both for this aspect and for any other related to the care of these animals, we should always consult with experts. Finally, if we want to breed these fish at home, we must ensure that the specimens have not been caught in the sea to preserve the environment.
