The catahoula leopard dog does not receive this name by chance, because without a doubt, seeing a photo of it shows the similarities between it and wild leopards. But not only does this stand out, as it is a unique breed, the source of a melting pot of canine breeds that arrived in America from different parts of Europe and native American breeds.
In addition, the Catahoula leopard is a breed with a lot of mystery regarding its history and origins, constituting an enigma in itself. Likewise, there is so much variety among Catahoula leopard specimens that each one of them is practically unique. Do you want to know why this happens? Read on to discover on our site all the characteristics of the catahoula leopard and much more.
Origin of the catahoula leopard dog
The catahoula leopard is a dog from the United States, more specifically from the state of Louisiana, which is why it is also known as the Catahoula Louisiana. The exact moment in which the breed arises is unknown, although the strongest theory seems to be that they are dogs descended from crosses between mastiffs and dogs of European breeds brought to America by settlers in the 16th century. Other theories advocate establishing the origin of the Catahoula leopard dog at a more recent point in our history, but the lack of reliable evidence is a great obstacle that has not yet been jumped to know the exact moment in which the breed made its first appearance. appearance.
The catahoula leopard acted as a hunting dog, participating in the hunt for prey such as wild boars, bears or reindeer. It is said that its name comes from an Indian word "Choctaw", which was the name given to a tribe of Native Americans, which evolved to become "Catahoula".
Despite the many enigmas posed by the Catahoula leopard breed, there is no doubt that over the years it became the quintessential Louisiana breed, being decreed as the official state dog of Louisiana in 1979 In addition, the UKC[1] developed its first official standard, or what is the same, the official recognition of the breed, in the year 1994.
Characteristics of the Catahoula Leopard
The catahoula leopard dog is a large breed dog, which weighs between 20 and 34 kilograms in males and 16 and 29 in the case of females. There are also differences in height according to sex, as males have a height at the withers of between 56 and 58 centimeters, while that of females is between 53 and 63 centimeters.
The body of one of these dogs is elongated, as are its limbs, which are of a good length. This, combined with their developed musculature, makes them extremely agile dogs, as well as flexible and resistant. Its tail, set low, has different lengths in each specimen. Continuing with the characteristics of the Catahoula leopard, this dog has a head proportionally larger than the body, but without any disproportion being seen. It has a flattened skull, with a snout apparently the same length, the nose can have different colors or combinations of them. The ears are variable, because in some they appear folded, while in others they are much more erect or thrown back. Their size also changes, since in some they are shorter and in others they are somewhat longer. The eyes are medium-sized, rounded, and practically any color or shade possible.
The coat of these dogs is quite characteristic, as it is what gives them the name of leopard. The coat is single layer, with a variable length between short and medium, always smooth and close to the body. It can also have different textures, either smoother or rougher.
Catahoula Leopard Dog Colors
The colors of the catahoula leopard dog include a wide range of colors, mixtures and shades Most of the specimens have a coat spotted or mottled, which gives them the name of leopard, due to its similarity with this wild cat. However, there are also monocolored solid color specimens. Any combination or monocolor coat in all its shades of: black, white, brown, blue and cinnamon are accepted.
The Catahoula Leopard Dog Puppy
One of the characteristics of these dogs is that Catahoula leopard cubs usually keep the coat they are born with throughout their lives, being frequent that they do not change neither in terms of pattern, in the case of the stained ones, nor in terms of the color and tone they present.
They also stand out for the immense range of variants that occur even within the same litter, since the assortment is incredible in terms of factors such as colors, the length of the coat, the shape of their ears or the length of his tail. For this reason, the breed has not yet been recognized by certain international cynological organizations such as the FCI.
Catahoula Leopard Dog Character
Despite the differences in appearance between some catahoula leopard specimens and others, they do not usually differ only in terms of character. In general, the Catahoula Leopard is a dog with a strong, energetic and defiant temperament
It is a very protective dog, so it is an excellent watchdog, successfully safeguarding everything it loves or considers its own, such as its family or its territory. This makes them distrustful of strangers, being able to present aggressive behavior towards them on many occasions, especially if they associate or see some kind of threat or danger.
They are extremely loyal and intelligent, they learn very quickly, although their character is as strong as we have mentioned, it is nothing that is not can train. However, it must be taken into account that this strong temperament can cause coexistence problems, especially in homes with more animals.
Catahoula leopard dog care
In the case of the Catahoula leopard, one of the fundamental cares is to provide them with good quality food, as in all dogs, but some experts point out that in this breed in particular it may be highly recommended to carry carry out a diet based on homemade food. Of course, whatever the type of feeding, it must be accompanied by good hydration, making sure that the animal always has fresh water at its disposal. For more details, don't miss this article: "Benefits of homemade dog food".
The coat of these dogs requires frequent brushing In addition, during the moulting season their coat must be brushed at least once a day, although it may even be necessary twice a day to remove excess accumulated fallen hair. Regarding baths, it is recommended to perform them once a month at most, limiting them to when necessary.
As mentioned, it is a fairly energetic dog, which needs exercise daily, requiring long walks and exercises such as running or play ball. It is also often recommended that they be taught to play discus or do agility circuits. In this breed, dog sports and intelligence games at home are totally recommended, so don't hesitate and take the opportunity to exercise with your dog.
Catahoula Leopard Dog Education
The strong character of the Catahoula leopard means that its training must be quite exhaustive to obtain the desired results. In the case of the Catahoula, the early socialization is even more relevant than in other dog breeds due to its temperament and because it is usually a very territorial dog. In this other article you will find excellent tips on how to socialize them when they are still small: "How to properly socialize a puppy?"
It is also very important to teach him to react in different ways in order to avoid aggressive responses, something that does not usually happen with his family, but with other people or animals, frequently with other dogs. Likewise, being a quite possessive dog, it is possible that it develops protection of resources, so it is also convenient to pay attention to this point to avoid it or know how to treat it. Of course, if you adopt an adult catahoula leopard and don't know how to solve certain behavior problems, we recommend consulting a professional ethologist or educator.
Finally, it should be noted that, as with all dogs, positive reinforcement is the most effective education and training method, so avoid punishment, yelling and never use physical violence.
Catahoula Leopard Dog He alth
Due to its large size, the Catahoula leopard can suffer from conditions such as hip dysplasia This alteration affects the articulation of the hip, as the head of the patella wears out, causing a high level of pain and discomfort in the animal, completely preventing its mobility. To prevent hip dysplasia there are certain measures, such as taking frequent x-rays to act at the slightest sign that something is going wrong. Some recommendations in dogs with hip dysplasia are to perform special exercises or provide them with nutritional supplements and medications such as chondroprotectors, which help the proper functioning of the joints.
In addition to the aforementioned dysplasia, there is a high risk of a gastric torsion, which, if it does not react quickly, it can be lethal to the animal. Some advice to avoid it is to make sure that they do not eat large amounts of food in one sitting and that they do not exercise or run after eating.
Where to adopt a catahoula leopard dog?
The Catahoula Leopard is a fairly rare dog outside the southern United States, but even there it can be difficult to find. However, here we not only want to mention the difficulties when adopting one of these dogs, but also the importance of knowing their specific characteristics and needs before adopting them.
You must bear in mind that they are very strong-willed dogs, which can lead to complications when living with them if they are not properly educated and trained. This is something very important, because if the needs of an animal are not evaluated before adopting it, unfortunately it often ends in abandonment, another form of animal abuse. If after evaluating all this you are determined to adopt a catahoula leopard, then we recommend you go to animal shelters, shelters and associations