Types of Wolves and their Characteristics - Complete List (WITH PHOTOS)

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Types of Wolves and their Characteristics - Complete List (WITH PHOTOS)
Types of Wolves and their Characteristics - Complete List (WITH PHOTOS)
Types of wolves and their characteristics
Types of wolves and their characteristics

The wolf is a carnivorous mammal that is often considered a relative of the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris), despite its obvious differences in size and behaviour.

Did you know that there are different types of wolves with their own characteristics? These species are distributed in different areas of the world, in most of which they occupy the highest place in the food chain. If you are interested in knowing the different species of wolves that exist, don't miss this article on our site. Keep reading!

Wolf Characteristics

The wolf has existed on earth for approximately 800,000 years. At that time, they were distributed in much of the world, such as America, Asia and Europe; Today, however, this has changed. Where do wolves live? Mainly in the United States and part of Europe, especially in the area that belongs to Russia, and they do so in packs.

Among the characteristics of wolves, their similarity to the domestic dog stands out. In addition to that, they reach a weight between 40 and 80 kilos, depending on the breed of wolf, and have a solid body with strong and muscular legs, accompanied by a powerful jaw with sharp teeth.

Wolf breeds reach between 10 and 65 km/h, in addition to making great leaps, necessary to avoid mountainous terrain and catch their prey. The sense of smell is highly developed and the eyes have the ability to see in the dark thanks to the presence of the tapetum lucidum, a membrane capable of filtering small amounts of light present in dark environments.

On the other hand, the fur of wolves is dense, thick and hard. In this way, it protects them from adverse conditions and dirt, as well as keeping them warm during frosts and serving as camouflage.

These are some of the characteristics of wolves, below we will talk in more detail about the different breeds of wolves that exist.

How many types of wolves are there?

There are several species and subspecies of wolves that are distributed in different parts of the world, but how many types of wolves are there? Coming up next, we tell you.

In the genus Canis, 16 different species are recorded, including Canis lupus. This species, in turn, registers 37 different subspecies, including a cross between a domestic dog and a gray wolf. There is also the Canis mesomelas elongae, a subspecies of the Canis mesomelas species, which are not wolves, but jackals, just like the Canis simensis, which is also a coyote.

Now then, since not all species recorded within the genus Canis are wolves, how many types of wolves are there? According to the official organizations, the various studies carried out[1][2] and as shown by the comparative toxicogenomics database (CTD), the following they are the only species of wolves that exist, within which there are different subspecies:

  • Canis anthus
  • Canis indica
  • Canis lycaon
  • Canis himalayensis
  • Canis lupus
  • Canis rufus

In the following sections we will talk about the most popular species and subspecies.

Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

The Canis lupus or grey wolf is a carnivorous canine species from which many subspecies descend that constitute the different types of wolves. Today, this species is found primarily in United States, where it is one of the largest predators.

It is characterized by its life in herds governed by a social hierarchy. Thanks to this organization, they hunt and feed together. This behavior, however, has considerably reduced their opportunity to reside in other places, since they represent a danger to farms and livestock.

There are more than 20 subspecies of the gray wolf, some of which we will discuss below.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus)

The Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus) is a subspecies of Canis lupus endemic to the Iberian Peninsula. It is characterized by reaching 50 kilos and presenting a distinctive coat: brown or beige on the belly, black towards the back with lighter spots from the middle towards the tail.

The Iberian is one of the most common types of wolves in Spain. Their carnivorous diet consists of hunting sheep, rabbits, wild boar, reptiles and some birds, as well as a small portion (5%) of foods of plant origin.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus)

Arctic wolf (Canus lupus arctos)

The Canus lupus arctos, or arctic wolf, is a specimen that inhabits only Canada and Greenland Its size is smaller than other wolves and weighs around 45 kilos in most cases. As a form of adaptation to the cold environment where it develops its life, it has white or light yellow fur that allows it to easily camouflage itself. This is also a subspecies of Canis lupus.

This species usually lives in rock caves and feeds on other mammals found in arctic areas, such as moose, oxen and caribou, as well as hunting seals and partridges.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Arctic Wolf (Canus lupus arctos)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Arctic Wolf (Canus lupus arctos)

Arabian Wolf (Canis lupus arabs)

Another wolf breed is the Arabian (Canis lupus arabs), also a subspecies of the gray wolf that is distributed in the Sinai Peninsulaand several countries in Middle East It is a small desert wolf, weighing only 20 kilos and feeding on carrion and smaller animals, such as hares.

Unlike other species of wolves, the Arabian does not howl or live in a pack. The coat is sepia to chestnut, both pale tones to allow better camouflage in sand and rocky areas.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Arabian wolf (Canis lupus arabs)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Arabian wolf (Canis lupus arabs)

Black Wolf

The black wolf is just a fur variation of the gray wolf (Canis lupus), i.e. it is not a subspecies of the order of wolves. Like the gray wolf, the black wolf is found in North America, Asia, and Europe.

This coat variation is due to a genetic mutation that occurred in a cross between domestic dogs and wild wolves. In the past, however, there was a Florida black wolf (Canis lupus floridanus), declared extinct in 1908.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Black Wolf
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Black Wolf

European wolf (Canis lupus lupus)

Canis lupus lupus is the most widespread subspecies of gray wolf in existence. This type of wolf inhabits a large part of Europe, but also extensive Asian territories, such as China. Among the European species, it is one of the largest, weighing between 40 and 70 kilos. Its coat is the well-known gray mantle with a cream-colored abdomen.

In terms of food, the European wolf is a predator of hares, deer, elk, deer, goats and wild boar.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - European wolf (Canis lupus lupus)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - European wolf (Canis lupus lupus)

Siberian Wolf (Canis lupus albus)

Among the types of wolves that inhabit cold areas is the Canis lupus lupus or Siberian wolf. It is distributed in the Russian tundra and the Siberian region until it reaches Scandinavia. It weighs between 40 and 50 kilos and has long, fluffy fur that allows it to survive in freezing weather.

The Siberian feeds on reindeer, hares and arctic foxes. In addition, they are a nomadic species that travels following the movement of the animals that support their food.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Siberian wolf (Canis lupus albus)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Siberian wolf (Canis lupus albus)

Mexican Gray Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)

Another type of wolf is the Canis lupus baileyi, a subspecies that inhabits North America, where it prefers to live in deserts and temperate forest areas. It weighs up to 45 kilos and has a coat of various colors, among which cream, yellow and black stand out.

The species feeds on cattle, hares, sheep and rodents. Due to its attack on cattle, it has been persecuted and today it is considered extinct in the wild, although there are different programs for its reproduction in captivity.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi)

Baffin's Wolf (Canis lupus manningi)

The Baffin wolf (Canis lupus manningi) is a rare subspecies that inhabits only Baffin Island, Canada. Its fur and size are similar to those of the arctic wolf. Little is known about this species, but it feeds on foxes and hares.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Baffin's Wolf (Canis lupus manningi)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Baffin's Wolf (Canis lupus manningi)

Yukon Wolf (Canis lupus pambasileus)

Another wolf breed is the Canis lupus pambasileus, also called the Yukon wolf or Alaskan black wolf It resides in Yukon, Alaskan province from which it takes its name. It is among the largest wolves in the world, as weighs up to 70 kilos

It is characterized by a coat that combines different shades, including white, grey, beige and black, colors that are distributed in a disorderly way on the body.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Yukon Wolf (Canis lupus pambasileus)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Yukon Wolf (Canis lupus pambasileus)

Dingo (Canis lupus dingo)

The dingo (Canis lupus dingo) is a variety found in Australia and parts of Asia. It is a small wolf, since it only weighs 32 kilos, so it is often considered a dog and is even adopted as a pet.

The dingo's coat has a uniform color that varies between reddish and yellow; similarly, individuals with albinism can also be found.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Dingo (Canis lupus dingo)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Dingo (Canis lupus dingo)

Vancouver Wolf (Canis lupus crassodon)

Canis lupus crassodon is endemic to Vancouver Island, Canada Like the arctic wolf, it has white fur that gives it allows camouflage with the environment. Although little information is known about this type of wolf, it is known that it lives in packs of up to 35 individuals and that it rarely approaches areas populated by humans.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Vancouver Wolf (Canis lupus crassodon)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Vancouver Wolf (Canis lupus crassodon)

Mackenzie Wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis)

The Mackenzie wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis) inhabits the coasts of the Arctic Ocean up to the United States. It is one of the largest wolves, reaching 85 centimeters in length, although it only weighs between 45 and 50 kilos.

As for its coat, it can be black, gray or brown with white. Its diet is varied, as it feeds on oxen, hares, fish, reptiles, deer and elk.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Mackenzie Wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Mackenzie Wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis)

Red Wolf (Canis rufus)

Leaving aside the subspecies of the gray wolf, within the wolf species there is also the Canis rufus or red wolf. It lives only in some areas of Mexico, the United States and Canada, since it is critically endangereddue to the hunting of the species it uses for food, the introduction of specimens into its habitat and the effect of the construction of transportation routes.

The red wolf is characterized by weighing around 35 kilos and having spotted fur, where reddish, gray and yellow areas can be seen. They feed on deer, raccoons, and rodents.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Red wolf (Canis rufus)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Red wolf (Canis rufus)

Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis)

Also called the Abyssinian, the Canis simensis or Ethiopian wolf is actually a jackal or coyote, so it is not a kind of wolf It lives only at 3000 meters of altitude in the mountains of Ethiopia. It has a small size similar to a dog, since it only weighs between 10 and 20 kilos. In addition, its fur is reddish with white spots under the neck and a black tail.

Lives in hierarchically organized herds. Currently, is in danger of extinction due to the destruction of its habitat and the attacks it receives from humans to keep it away from livestock.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis)

African Golden Wolf (Canis anthus)

The African golden wolf (Canis anthus) is a species of wolf found on the African continent. This wolf is adapted to the semi-desert climate, but prefers to live in areas with nearby water sources.

In terms of its physical characteristics, its size is smaller than that of other wolves. Weighs around 15 kilos and has dark fur on its back and tail and sandy-colored fur on its legs and abdomen.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - African golden wolf (Canis anthus)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - African golden wolf (Canis anthus)

Indian Wolf (Canis indica)

The Indian wolf (Canis indica) is native to Israel, Saudi Arabia, India and Pakistan, where it prefers to live in semi-desert areas. It is a stylized-looking wolf, weighing only 30 kilos, with reddish or tawny fur that allows it to camouflage itself in the sand and rocky areas.

This breed of wolf feeds mainly on livestock, which is why it has been persecuted in India for several centuries.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Indian wolf (Canis indica)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Indian wolf (Canis indica)

Eastern Wolf or Canadian Red Wolf (Canis lycaon)

Another type of wolf is the eastern wolf (Canis lycaon), which inhabits southeastern Canada. It has a hard and long coat in black and light cream colors that are distributed in a disorderly way on the body.

This species of wolf inhabits the forested areas of Canada, where they feed on smaller vertebrates and live in packs. It is also an endangered species due to the destruction of its habitat and the fragmentation of populations that this has caused in its herds.

Himalayan Wolf (Canis himalayensis)

The Himalayan wolf (Canis himalayensis) is native to Nepal and northern India. They live in small communities and there are currently a small number of adult specimens.

As for its appearance, it is a small and skinny wolf. Its coat is hard and comes in light shades of brown, gray and cream.

Types of wolves and their characteristics - Himalayan Wolf (Canis himalayensis)
Types of wolves and their characteristics - Himalayan Wolf (Canis himalayensis)

Domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris)

The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is one of the most widespread animals in the world and is among the favorite pets. Their physical characteristics vary among the different recognized breeds that exist, which present wide differences in size, color and type of fur, personality and life expectancy, among others.

The domestic dog is a different subspecies Originally, the most recent theories suggest that the dog as it is known today is the result of crosses between dingo wolves, basenji wolves and jackals. However, 14,900 years ago the lineage of dogs and wolves split, although their ancestors are recognized to be common. From this separation, each species developed differently and the dog managed to be domesticated. You will find all the information in this article. "Does the dog descend from the wolf?".
