When we speak of a mongrel dog or a mixed breed dog, we are generally referring to a dog whose ancestry is unknown and which exhibits characteristics typical of two or more breeds. This is usually the result of non-selective breeding, but generally fortunate, since a mixed-breed dog can be exactly as good a companion as a dog of a certain breed.
Due to numerous factors, although the great genetic variability should be highlighted here, there are many advantages of having a mongrel dog and it is important to emphasize this point since, unfortunately, a lower value is usually given to a dog of these characteristics. If you are thinking of adopting a mixed breed dog you are surely gathering all the necessary information, if you are wondering how to know what size a mixed breed dog will be be sure to read this article on our site.
Is it possible to know the size of a mongrel dog?
Of course, estimating the exact size of a mongrel dog is not an easy task, although it can be done more easily if we know what ancestry our pet has, or in any case,the size of their parents.
Genetic inheritance plays a huge role in the size and overall physical appearance of a mongrel dog, so much so that two black mongrels could give rise to a litter of golden coats. How is this possible? Mixed dogs have a large number of recessive genes that, although they are not dominant, do acquire this role in the new litter.
It is for this same phenomenon that it is worth clarifying that knowing the size of your dog's parents does not mean being able to estimate how much it will grow, because if your dog comes from other dogs mestizos, genetics can always surprise you

Is it possible to know the ancestry of a mongrel dog?
From the year 2007 it is possible to find in some countries, such as the United States, a simple genetic test that can be performed with blood samples or even saliva swabs.
Although they are offered for sale to the public and claim to be able to determine the breed composition of a mongrel dog, the truth is that their validity is limitedas few "pure breeds" have been genetically tested.
This test allows us to determine those genetic sequences that are common to a certain breed or another, with this we can get an idea of our dog's ancestrymestizo, however guaranteeing a certain size is still a delicate task.
When will a mongrel dog stop growing?
The extent of the growth process is linked to the size our dog should have, but this data can be used as a clue, since depending on the age of our pet when it stops growing, we will understand that it will finally have some dimensions or others:
- Small size: The dog will grow rapidly, at 3 months it will have reached half its adult weight and will start to stop growing at about 6 months.
- Medium Size: Will actively grow until 7-8 months, however height and volume will eventually settle when he turns one year old, this period may be slightly shorter.
- Large size: The growth process is much slower compared to a small breed, reaching half its adult weight at approximately 6 months and its growth can last up to a year and a half.
By observing when our mongrel dog's growth stops, we can know in an indicative way its size.