Malnutrition can be defined as a generalized deficiency of nutrients and its causes can be diverse, such as an infestation by intestinal parasites or a syndrome of malabsorption of nutrients, however, the greater number of cases of malnutrition they occur in abandoned dogs.
Welcoming an abandoned dog home is one of the most rewarding actions we can take and it is known from the experience of multiple owners that these animals will subsequently express infinite gratitude.
But you should know that a dog in a state of malnutrition presents a serious situation and that it requires all your attention, that's why in this AnimalWised article we talk about the care and feeding of a malnourished dog.
Symptoms of a malnourished dog
The most characteristic feature of a malnourished dog is its extreme thinness, we will observe a null amount of fat and muscle mass,consequently, the bony structures can be clearly seen with the naked eye.
However, there are also other symptoms that a dog in a state of malnutrition presents:
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Dull hair
- Scaly skin and hairless body areas
- Lethargy and weakness

Go to the vet
Veterinary care is a priority when treating a malnourished dog as some cases are so severe that rehydration and even parenteral nutrition must be resorted to, that is, through an IV.
The veterinarian will also determine the existence of other diseases that may have been caused by malnutrition and will establish if there is any specific nutritional deficit that predominates over others, which must be taken into account for subsequent dietary treatment.
Feeding a malnourished dog
Overfeeding a malnourished dog is a serious mistake, as its digestive system is not prepared for excess food and this could lead to a wide range of gastrointestinal symptoms.
The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends use a high-end puppy food, despite the fact that we are treating an adult dog, since this type of feed is the richest in calories and nutrients and is absolutely necessary in the treatment of a malnourished dog. During the first days of treatment, it is advisable to mix the dry feed with wet feed, in this way the water content is increased, but also the fat content.
Food rations should be moderate but frequent, ideally for the dog to have 4 meals a day, also it will be a priority that clean water is always available and fresh.

Other care for the malnourished dog
Because of a malnourished dog's low percentage of body fat, the same will have great difficulty maintaining its body temperature, therefore You will need outside help. This implies that you must have a warm and comfortable space, it will be appropriate to have a soft bed and several blankets at your disposal.
It is important that the malnourished dog can easily absorb all the nutrients it is receiving, to improve the function of the digestive system one of the best options is to start a treatment with probiotics for dogs.
Make regular visits to the vet
It is not only important that the dog initially has a veterinary assessment, it is also it will be essential that until the dog regains optimal body weight, it can go to the veterinarian regularly.
The purpose of these periodic visits is to supervise the nutritional treatment and adapt it in those cases in which the animal's response is not the most adequate for its recovery, after having offered the necessary care and feeding for a malnourished dog.