The angelfish is a beautiful freshwater species. It comes from the tropics, so the temperature of the water is important for good survival.
The angelfish is reported to be a species without excessive care problems. But this is misleading. The correct angelfish care take time and a series of previous actions so that the habitat for the angelfish is correct. If all this is prepared well, then the angelfish will be comfortable and happy in their aquarium.
If you continue reading our site, you will know the correct way to take care of your angelfish.
Angelfish Aquarium
Many aquarium enthusiasts buy an aquarium and some angelfish to enjoy their beauty. The most usual thing is that after a couple of weeks the fish die.
This happens because the aquarium requires some specific features in its measurements (the angelfish is taller than it is long), therefore the aquarium must have a high height so that the angelfish roams around the aquarium comfortably. Without their ventral fins rubbing the sand substrate, and their dorsal fins not sticking out of the water.
In addition, these aquariums must be properly "matured", which usually takes a month before the angelfish can be safely introduced. A 110 liter aquarium will be able to hold a single specimen of angelfish, while with a 150-200 liter aquarium two specimens can live (never 2 males).

Aquarium maturation
The formula of aquarium maturation consists of developing a colony of beneficial bacteria in its water and eliminating harmful ones. The ideal temperature of the water is 24ºC, without ever exceeding 28º, since the increase in temperature shortens the life of the angelfish. Therefore, a heater and a thermometer are a must.
Another essential element is a filter with more filtering capacity than the liters contained in the aquarium. If the aquarium is 100 liters, the filter must have a capacity to filter 140 liters. In this way the nitrogen cycle is stabilized correctly. Filters can be waterfall or canister type, but power head filters are not suitable. The noise and movement they produce in the water stress the angelfish that are typical of still waters.
By means of a beneficial bacteria kit you can speed up the process and be able to introduce the first angelfish after 30 days. If during the following 2 months there is no problem, it will be possible to introduce other angelfish (if the capacity of the aquarium allows it), or other companions.
Angel fish like plants in the aquarium. It is vital to replace 20% of the water weekly. You must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions for total cleaning of the aquarium.

Recommended fish to live with angelfish
Corydora catfish
Corydora catfish is recommended as it cleans the aquarium of debris. Share water features with angelfish. There must be only one copy.
It is highly recommended to feed these fish at night in total darkness, while the angelfish sleep in the center of the water column. Corydoras live at the bottom of the tank and the food will sink all the way down if the angelfish are inactive.

Ramirezi dwarf cichlid and others
The Ramirezi's dwarf cichlid is compatible with angelfish. It is a very beautiful fish.
Medium sized tetras are also compatible. Neon, cardinal and other small tetras are only plausible while angelfish are young. When they grow and reach adult size (15 cm long by 25 cm high), they will devour smaller fish relentlessly. In the image we can see the cardinal tetra:

It is important that angelfish consume specific food for them from two different brands, in this way the diet is richer and more nutritious.
It is advisable to supplement their diet with blood worms or tubiflex worms, but always dried and free of bacteria. They should never be fed live worms as they could introduce fatal bacteria into the aquarium.

Aquarium decoration
Angelfish like to swim among plants. Java Fern, Sword Plants and Ambulias are ideal for adorning angelfish tanks.
Besides the sand or gravel substrate at the bottom, having perforated rocks will serve as protection from the fry or small tetras if you decide to incorporate them into the aquarium.