Can dogs eat kefir? - Benefits and elaboration

Can dogs eat kefir? - Benefits and elaboration
Can dogs eat kefir? - Benefits and elaboration
Can dogs eat kefir?
Can dogs eat kefir?

Currently, advances in veterinary medicine have made it possible to verify the numerous benefits of probiotics for the he alth of our dogs. Although there are commercial supplements that offer this probiotic action, the ideal is to prefer foods of natural origin to complement the diet of our furry ones. Among the best natural probiotics, we find kefir, a natural fermented product obtained from a privileged microflora composed mainly of beneficial bacteria In recent decades, this natural fermented drink has regained much popularity in human diets, even being indicated by many nutritionists. However, it is an ancient tradition that dates back to traditional Oriental Medicine.

Wondering if dogs can eat kefir? Well, you have reached the right page. In this article on our site, we tell you better what kefir is and what its properties are. We also present the benefits that this natural probiotic can bring to the he alth of our best friends. Read on to find out how to give a dog kefir

Why are probiotics important for dogs?

Just like us, our furry friends have an intestinal flora composed of a set of beneficial bacteria, which are essential to carry out a he althy digestive process. But this microbiota is involved not only in digestion, but also in the metabolism and immune system of dogs, since they guarantee the assimilation of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Probiotics for dogs offer a strain of beneficial bacteria (such as lactobacillus) found naturally in intestinal flora. By supplementing the diet of our dogs with these microorganisms, we manage to help strengthen their natural defenses, prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract, optimize the absorption of nutrients and prevent gastrointestinal discomfort, such as excessive gas formation and diarrhea.

As we mentioned, you can find probiotic supplements at he alth food stores and even some veterinary clinics. However, the ideal is to offer natural probiotic foods to your dog, such as kefir or yogurt, for example. Next, we will explain better what kefir is and what its beneficial properties are for dogs.

What is kefir?

Kefir is a natural probiotic food obtained from the fermentation of small nodules that contain a privileged bacterial microflora (bacteria, fungi and beneficial yeasts). Among the beneficial bacteria that make up the so-called kefir granules or nodules we find:

  • Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
  • Lactobacillus helveticus
  • Lactobacillus casei subsp. pseudoplantarum
  • Lactobacillus brevis
  • Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis
  • Streptococcus thermophilus

Beneficial yeasts and fungi have also been found in kefir grains, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida inconspicua and Kluyveromyces marxianus [1].

It is common to hear that there are three types of kefir: water kefir, milk kefir and kombucha or tea kefir. But, in reality, kombucha is a different fermentation, which involves a different microflora and requires a special process. Therefore, the truth is that there are only two types of kefir: water kefir and milk kefir

Can dogs eat kefir? - What is kefir?
Can dogs eat kefir? - What is kefir?

Water kefir or milk kefir for dogs?

Milk kefir and its nodules receive many names, depending on the country where we are. The dairy probiotic drink is commonly called “kefir milk”, “Bulgarian yogurt” or “bird yogurt” (mainly in Chile). The nodules can be known simply as “Bulgarian” or “little worms” (in Uruguay, mostly).

Without a doubt, milk kefir is the most popular and consumed worldwide, perhaps because its flavor and texture are very similar to traditional yogurt. For its part, water kefir, also called "tibicos", has a microflora almost identical to that of milk kefir and, consequently, its properties are very similar and equally beneficial.

The fundamental difference between water and milk kefir is the culture mediumwhere the microflora develops and carries out the natural fermentation process. Since milk is already rich in fats and sugars, it already naturally provides the necessary nutrients for the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. Instead, the water requires the addition of these nutrients to allow the fermentation that will give rise to the kefir drink.

Benefits of kefir for dogs

As a natural probiotic, kefir is an excellent ally for he althy digestion, favoring intestinal transit and preventing many digestive problems, such as constipation, food intolerance and gas. Its strain of beneficial bacteria also allows to preserve the integrity of the intestinal flora, improving the digestive process and optimizing the assimilation of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, kefir is also considered an effective natural supplement to strengthen the immune system and prevent many diseasesand he alth problems[2], such as:

  • Malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, including gastritis and gastroenteritis.
  • Allergies and skin diseases.
  • Asthma and respiratory allergies.
  • Arthritis.
  • Cancer.

Can I give my dog kefir?

Yes! Our best friends can enjoy the benefits of kefir. However, it is essential to consult your trusted veterinarian before making any changes to your best friend's diet or starting to offer a natural or commercial supplement. The professional will be able to guide you in the administration of natural probiotics and establish the appropriate dose for your dog according to its size, weight, age and state of he alth.

Although the taste of kefir milk is usually more familiar, water kefir offers the same benefits and has the advantage of being able to be consumed by those who are intolerant or allergic to lactose. For this reason, the ideal is to prefer to offer our pets the drink fermented from water, since dairy products are among the main allergenic foods for dogs. Thus, given the previous doubt about whether milk or water kefir is better, we opted for give water kefir to dogs

Another benefit is that water kefir grains require relatively less care, making them easier to store. In addition, an excellent idea is to use kefir water to prepare he althy drinks for our dogs, such as a delicious probiotic drink with beneficial fruits for your body, such as blueberries, strawberries and peaches, for example.

How to get the kefir nodules?

Today you can find kefir drinks in some he alth food stores and even in supermarkets (in some countries). On the Internet you can also find some sellers of milk or kefir water, as well as offers of milk and water nudules. However, the ideal is to prepare your own probiotic that you can enjoy with your best friend, and get them through the kefir donation networks

Although kefir has regained great popularity in our times, it is one of the first dairy products known and consumed by mankind. Very old mentions of kefir can be found in traditional Muslim culture, where its nodules, which were called "granules of the Prophet Mohammed", were considered one of Allah's manna, being used as a sacred and healing drink. For many years Kefir was only cultivated by practitioners of the Muslim religion and its formula was kept secret, as it was believed that this sacred food could not be consumed by members of other religions.

It is estimated that Marco Polo was the first western man to be particularly interested in the properties of kefir, having mentioned this probiotic in some of his writings. And in the 19th century, kefir began to be used, in Western medicine, as a natural remedy to alleviate the symptoms of tuberculosis, which at that time had no cure, [3]

We explain all this not only as a curiosity, but also so that you understand that kefir is a culture and not a simple probiotic food. Among the many traditions that surround it, we find the worldwide network of donation and exchange of knowledge established among the followers of kefir. Traditionally, the kefir grains or nodules, as well as the kombucha mushroom, must be donated and not commercialized

The intention is not only to remove the economic purposes of this crop, but also to generate a circle of learning and transmission of wisdom that guarantees the survival of this cultural tradition. Therefore, the best way to obtain milk or water kefir nodules is to use a kefir donation network. You can find them with a simple search on the Internet, just type "kefir donation" or "kefir in Spain" (or another country) in the search engine that you are used to using. And when your nodules start to multiply during the cultivation of kefir, you will be able to return the donation and contribute to the continuity of this significant tradition.

Can dogs eat kefir? - How to get the kefir nodules?
Can dogs eat kefir? - How to get the kefir nodules?

How to make water kefir for dogs?

Now that you know that dogs can drink water kefir and that it is the easiest and fastest option, we are going to explain how to prepare it at home. The process of making water kefir is quite simple, requiring only a little care to ensure successful and safe fermentation. Next, we offer you a very simple step by step on how to prepare water kefir for dogs and what materials will be essential in this process.

Ingredients and materials (for approx. 1 l of kefir water)

  • 3 tablespoons water kefir nodules
  • 1 liter of clean water at room temperature (without added chlorine)
  • 2 tablespoons of raw honey
  • 1 dried fruit (you can use figs, plums or dates, always without their seeds and pits)
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • Wide mouth glass jar
  • Plastic drainer
  • Wooden or silicone spoon (not metal!)

A fundamental care is to ensure that the containers and materials used do not contain metal, since these elements interfere with the fermentation process of the water kefir nodules.


  1. To begin, take the wide-mouth glass jar and add 1 liter of water without chlorine inside.
  2. Next, add the other ingredients and mix or shake well until completely dissolved in the water.
  3. When you complete this first part, you should not close the glass jar, as the fermentation process will generate gas. To prevent the drink from being contaminated by any impurities or insects, you can use a fine mesh and tie it with an elastic or a thread to the jar.
  4. Once these steps are completed, just leave the preparation to rest for two or three days (until the fermentation process is successfully completed). But it is important to ensure that the ambient temperature is between 15ºC and 30ºC to preserve the life of the microflora that make up the kefir nodules.

Before giving your dog kefir water, you must remember to remove the kefir nodulesinside the fermented and you can use them to produce more water kefir. As you will see, the microflora will reproduce and you will have more and more nodules. Part of these nodules can be used to continue making kefir, but it will also be important to contribute to keeping the essence of this incredible tradition alive.

When giving the natural fermentation to your best friend, you can choose to offer it alone or prepare a drink (or smoothie using charity fruits for dogsAnd serving it is very easy: just pour the probiotic preparation into its drinker and leave it at the disposal of your furry dog. In general, dogs accept kefir water very well, especially when it is flavored with their favorite fruits.

Can dogs eat kefir? - How to make water kefir for dogs?
Can dogs eat kefir? - How to make water kefir for dogs?

Recommended kefir dose for dogs

The regular consumption of kefir and natural probiotics is very beneficial for our pets, as long as we respect a safe dose for their body. In general, the recommended dose of kefir for dogs is proportional to the weight of each animal. The basic calculation is similar for all natural probiotics: 1 tablespoon for every 15 or 20 kg.

However, it is essential to have the guidance of a veterinarian before including any supplements in your dog's diet. The trained professional will be able to guide you on the appropriate amount and the best form of administration according to the purpose of consumption, the specific needs and the state of he alth of your dog. Thus, you can guarantee an optimal positive impact on the he alth of your best friend.
