The 10 animals most faithful to their partner

Table of contents:

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner
The 10 most loyal animals
The 10 most loyal animals

It is true that most animals do not usually have any type of fidelity towards their partners once the reproduction process is over. Even so, nature surprises with animals that create bonds that accompany them throughout their lives.

On our site we have prepared a nice list for you to discover the the 10 animals most faithful to their partner and you fall in love with them also. Keep reading this article and find out what they are!


The parakeet is a social animal that feels lonely and sad when it has no company. He is one of the most faithfulanimals that exists with his partner. He will need a partner to be happy inside the cage and once he is with her he will not want to leave her side. The death of a companion or his partner will be terrible for the parakeet as he may suffer serious anxiety.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Parakeet
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Parakeet


Beavers are animals monogamous that will only cease to be faithful in case their partner dies. Both parents collaborate to maintain the nest by creating large burrows together and will remain united for the survival of all.

It is common that when they reach adulthood, the children leave the colony to form a new one, although in periods of food scarcity they stay with their family waiting for abundance. In addition, due to the behavior that they have observed from their parents, they do not stray far from the old colony at the time of establishing a new one.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Beaver
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Beaver

Rockhopper Penguin

In summer, the rockhopper penguins return to the place where they were born to meet a suitable female and form a mate that They will be loyal to you for life Those who already have a mate return to Antarctica to the exact spot where they last nested. They can be extremely aggressive if they see another plume seducing their mate. They have a very peculiar ritual and together, after mating, they take care of the eggs.

Discover the different types of penguins that exist!

The 10 most faithful animals to their mate - Rockhopper Penguin
The 10 most faithful animals to their mate - Rockhopper Penguin


Swans are animals that live in pairs. They meet in the winter months, already in heat. When they see each other, they swim close to each other and make characteristic neck movements. Once the eggs are laid, it is the female who takes care of them, although the male usually replaces her on certain occasions. They are very faithful to their breeding territory, being able to show aggression towards other swans and even towards humans if they are domestic. He forms long-term bonds with her partner and even after her death, they will never look for another partner again.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Swan
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Swan


Gibbons are a type of monogamous primate that form bonds that last a lifetime. For them, it represents an advantage in the optimization of resources, lower energy cost in the protection of the territory, among others. They spend the day together, sharing resources and caring for the young.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Gibbon
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Gibbon

Grey Wolf

Gray wolvesform a pack consisting of a male, a female and her pups. They are tremendously loyal to their mate and protective to death of their little pups.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Gray Wolf
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Gray Wolf

French Angelfish

Its Latin name is Pomacanthus paru. This marine fish stands out for the fidelity that the pair maintains to each other Although they do not take care of their little fry once they hatch, they live forever together and defend each other from attacks from other fish. Even inside a fish tank, being they the only inhabitants, they continue to maintain the territorial role.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - French angelfish
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - French angelfish


Owls are faithful birds not only during the breeding season, but throughout the year they remain monogamous with their partner. Both collaborate in the care and feeding of the young. They are also very protective, mothers often lose their lives in an attempt to protect their young parents even against predators that double or triple their size.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Owl
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Owl

Bald eagle

The national symbol of the USA, bald eagles mate forever with a partnerchosen by being faithful until the day of death or in cases of impotence. They build and care for the nest together, providing warmth or taking turns looking for food. The young remain in the nest for a while until they fend for themselves, prolonging this process if there are very bad environmental conditions.

The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Bald Eagle
The 10 animals most faithful to their partner - Bald Eagle


Sounds strange, but some types of termites are also part of the species that fall in this monogamy list After entering courtship they look for a place to reproduce and prosper, if they are successful they will create a new colony of which they will be king and queen, otherwise they will die.
