The Ecuadorian sierra is a region of the Andes, which extends from north to south, and has an altitude range that goes from around 1,800 to almost 7,000 meters. This area has a variety of landscapes that includes depressions, large mountains and volcanoes, with different climatic spaces depending on the height. Associated with these various conditions, there is a representative fauna, which in some cases may be more restricted to certain localities or in others extend throughout the vast Andean mountain range. We invite you to continue reading this article on our site, so you can learn about 20 animals of the Ecuadorian highlands
Violet-mantled Tanager (Iridosornis porphyrocephalus)
This is a beautiful and uncommon bird, belonging to the tanager group, within the Thraupidae family. It has a beautiful color combination, between shades of emerald, black and yellow.
It lives in humid forests with mosses and forest edges, generally between 1,500 and 2,000 meters above sea level, although it has been located at higher levels. Due to the intense transformation of habitat by human activities, it has been classified as Near Threatened

Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus)
The Andean condor is a general symbol within the countries that share the Andean mountain range, making it a typical animal of the Ecuadorian highlands. It is one of the largest birds of prey that exists, being able to be larger than a meter and weigh up to 12 kg.
Distributed in areas of cloud forests and open grasslands, with elevations of up to 5,000 meters. It has been included in the vulnerable category, mainly due to its direct persecution, among other causes.
Discover more information about Birds of Prey or Raptors: types, characteristics, names and examples.
Andean Caracara (Phalcoboenus megalopterus)
This is another of the animals of the Ecuadorian highlands, which corresponds to a bird of prey, belonging to the Falconidae family. It is of medium size, with a black coloration up to a little more than half of the body, and the rest of the plumage is black. It inhabits from the north of Ecuador, in mountainous areas with open vegetation, associated with populated areas. Your rating is least concern

Silver-billed Mountain Toucan (Andigena laminirostris)
This other animal from the highlands of Ecuador is a beautiful bird from the group of toucans, it has a silver, black and yellow, with a mixed plumage of grayish blue, olive green, yellow and red. It is distributed to the west of the region, in humid mountain forests, with abundant mosses and bromeliads, with elevations between 1,200 and 3,200 meters. Very rarely it can be located below this level. It is listed as Near Threatened
Don't hesitate to consult the Types of toucans that exist in this post on our site.

Crested Quetzal (Pharomachrus antisianus)
It is a beautiful bird of the quetzal group, which measures around 30 cm, with sexual dimorphism, since the males are metallic green on the upper parts of the body, but the chest and belly are red, as well as an orange crest on the bill.
For their part, the females lack this crest, and are brown on the upper parts. It lives in primary Andean forests, with elevations of up to about 3,000 meters. It is in the category of least concern.

Mountain Tapir (Tapirus pinchaque)
This is the smallest species of tapir It is almost a meter tall and about 1.8 long, with a fur brown or black. It is found in various types of habitats in the Andean region, which have heights from 1,400 meters to the beginning of the snowy areas. Habitat fragmentation and hunting have led to it being listed as an endangered animal of the Ecuadorian highlands
You can discover the 10 most endangered animals in Ecuador and other extinct animals in Ecuador, here.

Andean Opossum (Didelphis pernigra)
This opossum was previously included in another species, but was separated. It is relatively robust, with a pointed snout, with characteristic white markings on the face; the body fur is greyish. It lives in the Andean zone and in Ecuador, it has an elevation range between 2,000 and 3,700 meters. It lives in different types of areas, such as disturbed, secondary forests, agricultural and suburban spaces. It is rated least concern

Tube-lipped tailless bat (Anoura fistulata)
This flying mammal is common in the Ecuadorian highlands, with a characteristic very long tongue and reddish-brown fur. It has a good distribution throughout the Ecuadorian Andes, from north to south. Depending on the area, it lives above 2,200 meters in altitude, with lower ranges of about 1,300 meters, in cloud forests. It falls into the category of insufficient data
Don't hesitate to discover the Types of bats and their characteristics, here.

Black-thighed Puffin (Eriocnemis derbyi)
This is a beautiful species of hummingbird, typical of the Ecuadorian highlands and other Andean areas. It measures just about 10 cm It is generally bright green, with a black bill, with some differences between males and females, since the latter have certain white spots on the back lower body.
It usually lives above 2,900 meters of altitude, on the edge of cloud forests, shrubby pasture areas, gardens and somewhat disturbed spaces. It is listed as Near Threatened.

White-fronted Capuchin Monkey (Cebus aequatorialis)
Although this species of primate is found mainly in lowland areas, it has also been found in the Ecuadorian Andean foothills. It is a small animal, with fur that can vary in different shades of light brown, in some cases whitish.
When it inhabits high areas, it does so in humid montane forests. Unfortunately, due to hunting and deforestation, it is classified as critically endangered.
We present the Types of monkeys and their characteristics in this post on our site.

Other animals of the Ecuadorian highlands
In addition to the above animals, here are other common examples of the fauna of the Ecuadorian highlands.
- Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (Rupicola peruvianus).
- Rufous-bellied Snipe (Attagis gayi).
- Ecuadorian hillstar (Oreotrochilus chimborazo).
- Violet-mantled Tanager (Iridosornis porphyrocephalus).
- Spotted Pijuí (Margarornis stellatus).
- Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna).
- Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus).
- Andean pygmy owl (Glaucidium jardinii).
- Puma (Puma concolor).
- Andean or culpeo fox (Lycalopex culpaeus).