You've made up your mind. You want to have a golden retriever at all costs. You want that noble, loyal and obedient dog that you saw in a movie or that you remember from childhood. But are you really ready to have a golden retriever? Before you get the puppy you loved so much or adopt the adult dog you saw at the shelter, honestly answer the following questions and make sure you're ready to welcome a golden retriever into your life.
In this article on our site we review all the things to consider before adopting a golden retriever, review them all and think carefully if it is the dog breed you can have. Likewise, remember that if the answer is no but you are willing to share your life with a dog, you can always choose another breed that better suits your lifestyle.
Does your lifestyle fit the lifestyle of a golden retriever?
While each dog breed has its own character, golden retrievers are generally very active dogs that need frequent exercise and lots of play. If you are an active person who enjoys sports and outdoor activities, then the golden may be a good dog for you. If, on the other hand, you are a calmer and more sedentary person, this breed may not be the most appropriate and you should opt for a calmer dog.

Do you want a guard dog or a companion dog?
If you are looking for a guard and protection dog, it is not a good idea to adopt a golden retriever. The German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Belgian Malinois, and Doberman Pinscher make good guard and protection dogs. Golden retrievers, meanwhile, are very sociable dogs and have no qualms about approaching strangers to play with them, so they are not good watchdogs
If you want a companion dog, then the golden retriever is a good idea. Especially if there are children or adolescents in your family who have a lot of time to spend with the dog.

Are you a fan of order and cleanliness?
If you are a clean freak, who likes to see shiny floors, impeccable carpets and clothes to the nines…, the golden retriever will give you a lot of headaches. On the one hand, they are very playful dogs that enjoy playing even in the water, in puddles or in the mud. So more than once you will have to give your golden an extra bath. And rest assured that on more than one unexpected occasion you will have to clean carpets, the car or clothes because of your dog. On the other hand, these are dogs that shed a lot Even with daily brushing, you will find dog hair all over the house, and on your clothes. If you can't stand that, then the golden retriever is not for you.
Last but not least, the golden is a large and active dog that can break decorations unintentionally. So if you have a golden retriever, you may have to rearrange the arrangement of the decorations in your house, or suffer the loss of some of them.
In short, if cleanliness and order are the number one priority in your life, look for another breed of dog. But if you can tolerate a little mess from time to time, some dog hair, and you don't mind having to clean up again from time to time, the golden retriever can be one of the best companions you'll ever meet.

Do you or someone in your family have allergies to dogs?
If someone in your family has allergies to dogs, then it's a bad idea to bring a golden retriever into your home because of the amount of hair he loses every day.
If despite the allergy you want to have a dog, and everyone in your house agrees, look for a breed of hypoallergenic dog that does not lose any hair, such as the poodle. Check our list of the best dogs for allergy sufferers and adopt the one that best suits your needs and lifestyle.
How much time do you have to dedicate to your golden?
As you know, golden retrievers need a lot of affection and company They are not dogs that you can leave alone all day while you go to work. If you leave a golden retriever alone all day, you can be sure that he will bark, dig in the garden, chew on plants or destroy furniture. If you don't have anyone to leave your golden with while you're away, opt for a more independent breed or look for other solutions.
Some people get around this problem by leaving their dogs in day care centers or by hiring walkers who take the dogs out for several hours. Those can be alternatives to owning a golden retriever despite working all day, but you need to make sure you get a good doggie daycare or a trustworthy walker.
The other option, of course, is for you to spend a lot of time with your dog. But that will depend on the work you do and if you are allowed to take the dog with you.

Do you want a golden because it's fashionable or do you think children are old enough to have a dog?
Inside the list of things to consider before adopting a golden retriever is the reason why you want to share your life with him. Goldens require a lot of time and effort, they are not ornamental dogs and they are not born trained, so never think of adopting a golden (or another dog) because the breed is fashionable or because you want to give children a gift.
Remember that dogs are living beings with their own needs and that adopting one is a great responsibility.
Can you train your dog?
dog training takes time and dedication. You don't train a dog in a few weeks or in occasional sessions. Although golden retrievers have a reputation for being obedient and easy to train dogs, you will need time, dedication, perseverance and patience to train your dog. Even if you hire a trainer to train your dog, at some point you will have to learn to handle it and continue practicing so that your golden does not forget what he learned.
When the golden retriever is a puppy, you have to clean the dirt off him, socialize him with people and other dogs, and get him used to different environments and situations. As an adult you have to keep up the training, both in real life situations and in planned training sessions. Thus, the training of the golden retriever is a lifelong activity, so before adopting one you should ask yourself if you are willing to educate your dog and maintain his education throughout his life. life
Does your budget allow you to have a golden retriever?
A golden retriever weighs about 30 kilograms. He is not a small dog and needs a lot of food. In addition, you will have planned and unforeseen veterinary expenses, you will need to buy collars and leashes, toys (which have to be replaced as they break), dog houses and surely more than one extra that does not appear in this list. Before you bring the puppy or adult dog into your home, make sure you have the money to support the pet. You may decide to take your dog to training classes, which also cost money. And the hairdresser and the bathrooms, if you don't take care of that, also have a high cost.
Check with owners of this dog breed and similar dogs to find out how much it costs to keep a golden retriever.

Does it bother you that the dog follows you everywhere?
Golden are dogs that hang out with people all the time, although they are not one-owner dogs. In this way, the golden retriever will follow you everywhere, be it to the kitchen or the bathroom. If that bothers you, then the golden is not the dog for you. A Basenji or Afghan Hound may be better alternatives because they are more independent dogs.
Do you have enough space?
If you live in a small apartment or flat you can have a golden, but you will need to spend a lot of time walking and playing. Also, consider what the effect may be on neighbors. It is not comfortable to enter a small elevator with a dog the size of a golden retriever in it.
After seeing the list of things to consider before adopting a golden retriever, can you share your life with one of they? If the answer is yes, remember that the protectors are full of adult specimens waiting to have a home to receive all the love they are willing to give.