The armadillo as a pet

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The armadillo as a pet
The armadillo as a pet
The armadillo as a pet
The armadillo as a pet

The armadillos or Dasipodidae by their scientific name, are animals that belong to the Cingulata order. They have the distinctive feature of having a strong shell made up of bony plates, useful for defending themselves against natural predators and other dangers.

They are animals that can be found throughout America, from North America to South America. Armadillos are so well adapted that they already existed in the Pleistocene, when they shared with the giant armadillos or glyptodonts, which measured almost 3 meters.

These are placental mammals that originated in America, they are the only representatives of the Cingulata order that exist today. Very fascinating animals that easily arouse people's curiosity, in this article on our site we will explain if it is possible to have an armadillo as a pet.

Is it legal to keep an armadillo as a pet?

Having an armadillo as a pet is illegal In order to keep an armadillo in captivity you must have a special permit, such permission is not granted to any person, only to those specialized entities dedicated to the care and conservation of this beautiful primitive animal.

One of the ways to be able to legally adopt an armadillo in order to take care of it is possessing a zoo certificate. Despite this, there are many countries where animal protection laws are very weak or non-existent.

On our site we recommend that you do not support this type of practice, since animals like the armadillo need a wild ecosystem to survive and have a better life.

The armadillo as a pet - Is it legal to have an armadillo as a pet?
The armadillo as a pet - Is it legal to have an armadillo as a pet?

Armadillo Life Expectancy

As with most animal species, armadillos can multiply their life expectancy in captivity. In the wild they are animals that can live from 4 to 16 years on average, taking into account the different species of armadillos that exist.

This is more than enough time to raise awareness. Even with all the possible life of an armadillo in captivity, it must be taken into account that they are animals that require specific care, which can only fulfill a professional.

The armadillo as a pet - Life expectancy of the armadillo
The armadillo as a pet - Life expectancy of the armadillo

General armadillo care

The armadillo must live in a place where the soil is aerated, in order to dig. You should also have cool, shaded areas, so the armadillo can cool down its hard shell. They are animals that live in holes in the ground.

In captivity it must be ensured that the armadillo cannot get out of its care area by digging. The most favorable climate for armadillos is warm weather, they should never be kept in cold places or where the temperature drops at night. Armadillos usually have their young in the spring

Armadillos are animals that can eat roots, as well as insects and small amphibians, one of their favorite foods is antsThey are carriers of different microorganisms which do not harm them, such as some protozoa. This is an issue that can be treated with a veterinarian who is an expert in exotic animals and therefore not everyone can have one.

The armadillo as a pet - General care of the armadillo
The armadillo as a pet - General care of the armadillo

If you liked this article, don't hesitate to also visit Where the giant armadillo lives to discover other things that surround this beautiful animal.
