Can RABBITS Eat GRAPES? - Here the Answer

Can RABBITS Eat GRAPES? - Here the Answer
Can RABBITS Eat GRAPES? - Here the Answer
Can rabbits eat grapes?
Can rabbits eat grapes?

More and more households have a rabbit as a pet among their members. For coexistence to be successful and our rabbit to enjoy good he alth, it is important that, before adopting a rabbit, we inform ourselves about the veterinary care, housing or food that the rabbit will need for its well-being.

In this article on our site, we will focus on food and answer the question of whether rabbits can eat grapes.

What do rabbits eat

Rabbits in their natural environment would basically consist of grass. They are strict vegetarians and we have to take this fact into account when designing their menu, which has to be based on hay and fresh herbs such as dandelion or clover.

The hay for rabbits

Although there are commercial foods intended for rabbits, it is not advisable to offer them as the only food, as they are a source of dental and intestinal problems. They cannot account for more than 20-30% of the total diet and their percentage of protein must be less than 16%. On the other hand, the hay will ensure us a correct intestinal transit and, in addition, it helps to wear down the teeth, essential because the teeth of rabbits grow during all his life. You just have to be careful with alfalfa because it contains a large amount of calcium and excessive and prolonged consumption of this mineral is associated with some diseases such as calcifications or kidney failure.

If you don't know which one to choose, you can consult this other article on our site about The best hay for rabbits - Types and brands.

Fruits and vegetables for rabbits

The hay must always be freely available to the rabbit. If, in addition, it has been dried in the sun, we take advantage of its contribution of vitamin D. We must also provide vegetables and fruits, but in less quantity, and better from the three months. Before or if we exceed the amount offered, intestinal problems can be triggered. Therefore, rabbits can eat grapes and other fruits

And if you want to know what more fruit you can give him, here we leave you this other article about Fruits and vegetables recommended for rabbits.

My rabbit is not eating

An inadequate diet can make the rabbit stop eating, decrease its activity, appear weak, present a dilated abdomen, stop defecating or pass fewer stools than usual and with an altered consistency. In addition, the lack of fiber is equally harmful and its insufficiency is the cause of decreased intestinal motility, food retention or, directly, potentially fatal intestinal paralysis. Therefore, if your rabbit does not eat or drink in 24 hours, it is essential that you go to the vet as soon as possible.

For more information, you can consult this other article about My rabbit does not eat hay.

Can rabbits eat grapes? - What do rabbits eat?
Can rabbits eat grapes? - What do rabbits eat?

How much does a rabbit eat per day

Following the indications given in the previous section, it is essential to choose a good hay and always leave it within reach of the rabbit so that it can go feeding at its own paceOn the other hand, it is important to note that it must be changed daily. Better to use a container designed to place this food, also known as "hayra", since the hay that falls to the ground will be trampled and dirty instead of eaten, so it will have to be thrown away. In order for the rabbit to be able to grasp it well from the mentioned sling, the strands must have sufficient length

In addition, we can add fresh vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, Swiss chard or spinach, which are a good source of calcium. It is also possible to give carrots and fruits, as rabbits can eat grapes, apples, pears, melon, watermelon or pineapple. If we want to give it feed, of course, it must be specifically formulated for rabbits, but it is not convenient to offer large amounts. Approximately, on average, one tablespoon a day per kg of weight is enough, as we explain in this other article on Daily amount of food for rabbits. It is better to offer it in pellets, since of the mixtures it is usual for the rabbit to select and eat only the foods it likes, so the diet will not be balanced. Finally, we cannot forget to always leave them clean and fresh water at their disposal. To do this, it will have to be changed frequently.

Can rabbits eat grapes? How much does a rabbit eat per day?
Can rabbits eat grapes? How much does a rabbit eat per day?

Vegetables and plants that rabbits can eat

In addition to hay, it is recommended to offer the rabbit fibrous vegetables which add vitamins to the diet that are lost during hay processing. Some of them are:

  • Fresh alfalfa.
  • Grass.
  • Fruit tree leaves.
  • Carrot leaves.
  • Mulberry leaves.
  • Blackberry leaves.
  • Canons.
  • Watercress.
  • Arugula.
  • Endivia.
  • Parsley.
  • Spinach.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cauliflower leaves.
  • Celery.
  • Endive.
  • Cabbage.

All of them can be consumed daily and only need a previous wash before offering them. As we have said, rabbits can eat green and black grapes, as well as other fruits, but, in this case, it is necessary to give them in moderation, even just to prize mode, that is, occasionally, due to its high sugar content. The same happens with other vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, peppers or the like.

Of course, before offering a new food to your rabbit, make sure it is not a toxic plant for your pet. So that you keep in mind what you cannot give your rabbit, we leave you this other article on Toxic plants for rabbits.

Can rabbits eat grapes? - Vegetables and plants that rabbits can eat
Can rabbits eat grapes? - Vegetables and plants that rabbits can eat

Can rabbits eat raisins?

While grapes can be offered in moderation, raisins are not the same They contain a higher amount of sugar, which makes them makes it an inadvisable food for this species. If we give it one very occasionally, nothing will happen to it, but we cannot add them to the diet on a regular basis or allow the rabbit to eat large quantities. Let's remember that an unbalanced diet is a source of he alth problems.

To help you take proper care of your pet, we also leave you this other article on Forbidden foods for rabbits.
