These little rabbits with long ears have become regular pets in many homes. However, many are unaware that they are very delicate animals and that their care must be specific. Coat care or space and exercise needs should be considered when adopting a small belier rabbit.
It is generally a calm and sociable rabbit but it also needs space to move and a suitable cage. As for its diet, it does not differ from the diet of any domestic rabbit, discover its needs in the different phases of growth detailed in the rabbit's diet.
In this article on our site, we will address the feeding of the belier rabbit. If you want to know more about the general care of this rabbit, we recommend you also read belier rabbit care
Fiber contribution
Rabbits are herbivorous animals but in addition to fruit and vegetables they need to receive a daily supply of fiber so that their intestinal transit works properly. Also, like cats, rabbits can suffer from the presence of hairballs. The fiber will help remove them and prevent blockages. To remedy this problem you can also offer him a little m alt.
fresh hay is a good source of fiber. You must have plenty of hay for him to eat as he pleases and for his intestinal tract to function properly. The lack of indigestible fibers in the diet can cause constipation and even death in extreme situations. When this happens, they decrease their water intake and have fewer stools.
Of course, choose a good quality hay, without dust or pesticides and with a high fiber content in its composition. The water is also very important, you should always have it.

The feed
You should avoid feed intended for farm rabbits at all times, as in many cases they are intended for fattening the animals. This would not be suitable for our rabbit, we need a balanced diet and avoid obesity. Nor should you offer other feed that is not specific to rabbits.
In specialized stores we can currently find, food for domestic rabbits and specifically for small breeds such as the belier rabbit. When looking for a suitable feed you should look at the following aspects:
- Must have a high fiber content.
- The feed must contain a higher proportion of cellulose than protein.
- Avoid offering feed containing seeds.
- Find a low-fat one
Normally they come in the form of pellets and should never be the only food for your rabbit. The feed is a complement, the diet must contain fresh and varied products.
On the other hand you should know that the feed is not appropriate for rabbits of all ages: during its youngest stage the rabbit should have plenty of feed, but in its adult stage the ration will be approximately 30 daily grams. An excess will lead to a significant obesity of the rabbit and will affect its feeding.

Vegetables for the belier rabbit
The vegetables should always be present in your diet. It should account for approximately 50% of your diet. A rabbit fed only with feed, even if it is of good quality, may present nutritional deficiencies. Rabbits eat small amounts of food throughout the day.
We must provide him with fresh vegetables cut into small pieces to make feeding easier, especially in the first few months.
Some of the vegetables that you can give your belier rabbit are the following:
- Carrot
- Endivias
- Endive
- Watercress
- Radish greens
- Artichoke
- Spinach
- Cabbage
Remember that every time you introduce a new food in its diet you should watch your rabbit to see its reaction. Introduce each food individually so you can know if it makes you sick and eliminate it from the diet.
Some vegetables that are not recommended because they cause heavy digestion and can make our rabbit sick are:
- Garlic
- Onion
- Leek
- Iceberg lettuce (excess water)

Fruits for the belier rabbit
The fruits will be occasional foods as they contain a high percentage of sugar. We can give him small amounts of a fruit that he likes once or twice a week.
Avoid the seeds and pips of the fruits. Cantaloupe or watermelon skins and rinds are safe to eat. Some fruits you can offer:
- Cherry
- Pineapple
- Apple
- Cantaloupe
- Pear
- Watermelon
- Mango
Some fruits should be avoided as they contain toxic elements for our rabbit or that can cause difficult digestion:
- Avocado
- Grapes
- Plum
- Citrus

Forbidden food
Many foods present in our diet are harmful for our rabbit. They are herbivorous animals, so other types of food should be avoided. Even if he eats it when offered it, we should never give him the following foods:
- Sweet
- Dairy products
- Packaged Cereals
- Fruit in syrup
- Decorative plants
- Bread (excessively fattening)
Don't forget to visit our post on obesity in rabbits to learn how to lose weight and achieve good physical shape.