SYMPTOMS of a PREGNANT Dog - Complete Guide

SYMPTOMS of a PREGNANT Dog - Complete Guide
SYMPTOMS of a PREGNANT Dog - Complete Guide
Symptoms of a pregnant dog
Symptoms of a pregnant dog

It is important to learn to recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate a possible pregnancy in the bitch if there is a possibility of it occurring. Likewise, it is vitally important to know all the information related to pregnancy in bitches, care during this period, signs of labor and possible problems.

At the slightest suspicion, the most appropriate thing to do is visit the vet so that the specialist can carry out the appropriate tests to confirm the pregnancy and take carry out a correct monitoring of it. However, sometimes it can happen that a real pregnancy is confused with a psychological pregnancy, what to do in these cases? In this article on our site we talk about the symptoms of a pregnant dog, the differences between a pregnancy and a pseudo-pregnancy and the main care for this moment.

Pregnancy in the bitch

Pregnancy in the bitch occurs after intercourse. In this way, once the mating has occurred, it is most likely that the dog will become pregnant. So, if you have been able to observe that your bitch has had sexual intercourse with a male, we recommend that you visit the vet so that they can indicate the most appropriate feeding care, as well as request the first ultrasound, which should be done around the fourth week of gestation.

Having said the above, it is important to know the time of pregnancy in a bitch to estimate the time of delivery. Well, a dog's pregnancy usually takes about 2 months or about 58-65 days of gestation. Nature is not exact, so this time is an estimate, after which the bitch should give birth.

As for the approximate number of puppies, it is usual to see litters of between four and eight puppies, although depending on the breed they can be born up to more than nine puppies or, conversely, less than four. In that first ultrasound, the vet will tell you the exact number of puppies that your dog is gestating, essential information to verify that they are all born when the moment of delivery arrives.

Now, if you haven't observed the moment of mating but you suspect that it has taken place, you should pay attention to the changes produced in your dog to know if she is really pregnant. By the time a bitch becomes pregnant you don't see her belly growing, so she probably won't notice signs of pregnancy until fourth week of gestation, that is, until the middle of the pregnancy. This fact increases the risk factor that puppies do not receive the necessary nutrients and care during their development, for this reason we recommend visiting the specialist as soon as possible. To know each of the stages of pregnancy, we recommend consulting the article on Pregnancy in the bitch week by week, where we detail the entire evolution of pregnancy.

Symptoms of a pregnant dog - Pregnancy in the dog
Symptoms of a pregnant dog - Pregnancy in the dog

How to know if a dog is pregnant or psychological?

Psychological pregnancy in dogs is very common and usually presents practically the same symptoms as a real pregnancy. The way to differentiate a pregnancy from a pseudogestation, or psychological pregnancy, is by looking at the duration. While the real gestation lasts between 58 and 65 days, the psychological pregnancy has a maximum duration of 3-4 weeksIn this period, it is common to observe symptoms such as a bulging belly, breast growth, milk production, nest creation or increased vaginal discharge. However, the most differential symptom that can make you think of a psychological pregnancy is the breeding of lifeless objects such as stuffed animals

For more details, don't miss the following article: "Psychological pregnancy in dogs- Symptoms and treatment".

Physical changes of a pregnant dog

It is true that the growth of the belly is not noticeable until the first month of pregnancy, but there are other physical changes that indicate a pregnancy in the bitch and that we show below.

Physical Symptoms of a Pregnant Dog

  • Breast enlargement: it is normal that from the first weeks there is swelling in your dog's breasts, a small increase of its size that to detect it you must be very observant. Likewise, it is a sign that is not always present at the beginning, since it can appear during the second half of pregnancy.
  • Pink Nipples: This sign is one of the easiest to spot and complements your dog's swollen mammary glands. In this way, if you notice that your pet's nipples are more pink than normal, you have to start suspecting that she may be pregnant.
  • Vaginal discharges: It is also likely that during the first weeks your dog will have vaginal discharges, of a clear or light pink liquid. This liquid works as a "plug" to protect the puppies during pregnancy.
  • Increased urination: It is normal for your female dog to urinate more than usual, as the bladder has less space to store urine in this state.

Behavioral changes of a pregnant dog

In addition to the physical signs, there are also behavioral changes that will help you find out if your dog is actually pregnant or not. First of all, you must bear in mind that you know your dog better than anyone and if you notice a change in her daily behavior, you must be alert. Some of the behavioral changes that can indicate a pregnancy in your dog are:

  • Dietary changes: at the beginning of pregnancy, your dog is likely to eat less than what she used to eat, but this It is something that will change as the pregnancy progresses. The usual thing is that after the first two weeks your dog shows an increase in appetite. After the second month, the increase in appetite is very noticeable, something completely normal, since growing babies consume a lot of energy and nutrients.
  • Changes in the dog-human relationship: It is a common change to notice the dog more affectionate, since many dogs seek more to their guardians when they are pregnant. They like to be caressed or to be next to their humans, seeking protection and comfort because of the state they are in. In the event that your dog is suspicious or skittish, this trait may be accentuated in her pregnancy. It is very likely, then, that your dog does not want you to touch her in general, but much less in the area of the abdomen, where they become more sensitive.
  • Apathy and lethargy: She may play less than usual or behave less energetically than usual. She may be running less, not wanting to walk, or moving less in short. It is also possible that your dog spends more time sleeping or resting during her pregnancy.
  • She walks away from other animals: It is common that one of the changes of a pregnant dog is that she walks away from other dogs, preferring being alone at this stage.
  • Finds a place to nest: Among the symptoms of a pregnant dog is the search for a place to have the puppies of it, a kind of nest. You can notice this if your dog scratches the floor, places blankets in a specific corner of the home or hides in dark and lonely places that can later serve as a nest for her babies.
Symptoms of a pregnant dog - Behavior changes of a pregnant dog
Symptoms of a pregnant dog - Behavior changes of a pregnant dog

Symptoms of a one month pregnant dog

After discovering what the changes are in a pregnant dog in general and seeing that they do not always occur during the first weeks of pregnancy, we are going to detail the signs that appear once more than half of this stage.

As we have indicated throughout the article, the one-month-old pregnant dog is the one that will most clearly show the symptoms that confirm pregnancy. They are as follows:

  • Increased abdominal area.
  • Swollen breasts.
  • Vaginal discharges.

Towards the middle of the pregnancy the bitch will show a considerably swollen belly, with swollen and pink nipples and vaginal discharge. When feeling the belly it is even possible to notice the puppies still developing, although this will be easier as gestation progresses.

Symptoms of a pregnant dog - Symptoms of a one month pregnant dog
Symptoms of a pregnant dog - Symptoms of a one month pregnant dog

Symptoms of a 50 day pregnant dog

At 50 days of pregnancy for a bitch, delivery is almost imminent, so the symptoms of pregnancy become unmistakable. At this time of pregnancy, the bitch will have a much larger belly, and can almost touch the ground in those dogs that gestate many puppies. When you feel the belly, you will notice the movement of the puppies and you will perceive their already fully defined shape. Also, it will already produce milk, so you may notice small leaks or notice wet nipples.

On the other hand, at this time the dog will have already formed her nest, but if she hasn't, you should make it easier for her one for delivery to take place there

Symptoms of a pregnant dog about to give birth

About 12 hours before giving birth, bitches experience a drop in body temperature. In addition, they will display symptoms such as the following:

  • Nervousness and restlessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Excessive licking of the vaginal area
  • Expulsion of mucous plug
  • Contractions

Once labor has started, it can last more or less depending on the number of puppies and the state of each one. See the article "How long does a dog go into labor?" for more details about it.

How to confirm that a dog is pregnant?

With all these signs you can have an idea that your dog is pregnant. However, to be completely sure, you should go to the vet, who will carry out different tests after three weeks of pregnancy to confirm pregnancy. The teststhat she will perform will be the following:

  • Auscultation to listen to the heart of babies.
  • Ultrasound after the third week.
  • Blood test that will indicate if your dog is pregnant or not.
  • X-ray tests and palpation from 28 days of gestation.

Home tests to see if my dog is pregnant

There are no home remedies to know if a dog is pregnant. All you can do is buy a dog pregnancy test and perform it following the directions on the package insert. Beyond this, the only tests you can do at home will be to observe the symptoms mentioned in the previous sections.

Although the price of an ultrasound to find out if a bitch is pregnant can be high, it is advisable to carry out an adequate follow-up of the pregnancy by a specialist to confirm that all the puppies are well. Sometimes, it is possible to go to animal associations and protectors to request financial aid.

Once the puppies are born, we recommend assessing the sterilization of the bitch to avoid another possible pregnancy and prevent, as far as possible, he alth problems related to the reproductive system, such as womb infection or infection of uterus.

Symptoms of a pregnant dog - How to confirm that a dog is pregnant?
Symptoms of a pregnant dog - How to confirm that a dog is pregnant?

Care for a pregnant dog

If your dog is pregnant you must take into account a series of care that will guarantee that both she and her babies are he althy and strong. You must be careful with feeding her, take her out to exercise and, of course, give her a lot of love. The best thing is that you take your dog as soon as possible to a veterinarian, who will advise you on the care you should have from now on with your dog and will carry out an adequate follow-up of your pregnancy.

In order to be prepared, we advise you to consult our article on "Problems in the delivery of the bitch" and take note of our recommendations to avoid them.
