Exercise for obese cats

Exercise for obese cats
Exercise for obese cats
Exercise for obese cats
Exercise for obese cats

Many people don't realize that their cat is getting fat until it's too late and the animal has a serious obesity problem. We know that chubby cats are very sweet, but the reality is that if you want it to be a long-lived and he althy feline, you should apply yourself to lose weight.

If this is your case, this article interests you, on our site we are going to offer you some varied ideas so that your cat begins to exercise in a dynamic and fun way with you. Shall we start? Find out what kind of exercise for obese cats we offer you as well as important advice on their diet:

What should we consider?

Cats are animals with a very particular lifestyle, we are not going to pretend that a sedentary feline suddenly spends long hours exercising because you buy him a scratching post with a ball, the cat that hardly move needs to be motivated.

We must spend about 20 minutes a day to exercise our four-legged friend to start noticing results within one and even two months. We must be cautious and not overdo it, it must be something fun and attractive for the cat.

Exercise for obese cats - what should we consider?
Exercise for obese cats - what should we consider?

1. Exercise through intelligence games

There is a wide variety of very useful intelligence games that you can use to motivate your cat. Some dispense treats, others use toys or sounds, it will be up to you to find the one that can be more attractive to him.

Exercise for obese cats - 1. Exercise through intelligence games
Exercise for obese cats - 1. Exercise through intelligence games

More intelligence games

You can also think of simpler and cheaper intelligence games such as buy a kong for cats. Do you know what it is?

Consists of a toy that must be shaken and moved in order to get out the sweets inside, (light snacks, obviously) in addition to encouraging movement, it will be of great help to you when it is approved, since it is totally safe, helps to overcome separation anxiety or long stays without our presence and can obviously be used without supervision.

Exercise for obese cats - More intelligence games
Exercise for obese cats - More intelligence games

two. Active Exercise

In this type of exercise for cats you enter as you must be their main source of motivation: you must act as a trainer trying to achieve the best performanceof your student, always without going overboard.

Get him toys that motivate him and that he especially likes, our site recommends those that make noise, sounds or lights because they better capture his attention. As we mentioned before, you should spend at least 20 minutes chasing these toys and exercising actively.

Avoid using laser lights as they often frustrate and stress the cat by never being able to catch them. Better use a physical toy that he can hunt from time to time.

Exercise for obese cats - 2. Active exercise
Exercise for obese cats - 2. Active exercise

3. Passive Exercise

You can make your cat exercise without realizing it inside your own home, for this you must analyze the structure of your floor and of the furniture you have in it.

Any ideas:

  1. Do you have stairs? He divides his food in two and places the portions at each end of the ladder, in this way he will go up and down to eat everything.
  2. Do you have room for one more piece of furniture? In our article on cat furniture you can see a countertop converted into a litter box. The cat accesses it through some holes, you can create a similar one to motivate him to jump.
  3. Scatter your toys in different parts of the house: tables, beds, countertops, cupboards… You will have to move to access them all, yes, they must be a little visible otherwise you won't find them.
  4. Is your cat sociable? You can think about adopting a cat from a shelter, if they like each other they can become true inseparable friends and this will encourage them to move more and play.

This is just some advice, you should think of ideas that can work with your cat, because you know him better than us.

Exercise for obese cats - 3. Passive exercise
Exercise for obese cats - 3. Passive exercise

4. Other Cat Exercise Ideas

More and more people dedicate part of the space in their homes to their pets, in the case of cats we find a wide variety of furniture up to playroomsYou can also achieve yours through walkways and fixed shelves, try it!

Exercise for obese cats - 4. Other ideas for exercising cats
Exercise for obese cats - 4. Other ideas for exercising cats

Feeding an obese cat

In our article on preventing obesity in cats, we discussed the importance of proper nutrition. We find on the market a wide variety of light or low-calorie feed, ask your veterinarian which one he recommends.

Snacks and treats should also be low in calories

It is important to note that we must offer our cat the adequate amount of feed since an excess will not prevent our feline from continuing gaining weight Consult the professional to add a higher proportion of wet food, a beneficial idea since it contains large amounts of water and improves the cat's purification and hydration.
