Tips for teaching your parrot to talk

Tips for teaching your parrot to talk
Tips for teaching your parrot to talk
Tips for teaching your parrot to talk
Tips for teaching your parrot to talk

If you own a parrot you will know that each one has its own personality. Some, depending also on their species, are more likely to speak than others. The age and past of the animal can also play a role. The African Gray Parrot or Amazon species such as the Blue-fronted are very good talkers. But don't worry, if your animal friend is a macaw or a cockatoo you can also teach him to speak.

Establishing a close relationship with your parrot and a lot of patience are the keys to receiving you every day when you come home with a "Hello".

In this article on our site we'll show you some tips for teaching your parrot to talk, you'll see how in a matter of months between you both get it:

Become his friend

The first thing to establish is a good relationship with him. Some birds get very stressed when they arrive at a new house, it may go to the opposite corner every time you approach the cage. It's normal. Give him his space the first few days.

Establish some basic conditions for the:

  • The cage must be the appropriate size and have everything you need.
  • They love light and warmth, put it in an appropriate place.
  • Don't leave him alone, he must make life with the family. Hearing you talk and seeing you move around will help him blend in.
  • Use bird treats and fruit bits to gain their trust.

With the passing of the weeks you will be able to interact more with him and get him out of the cage

Tips to teach your parrot to talk - Become his friend
Tips to teach your parrot to talk - Become his friend

How to teach him to speak

Below we detail some tricks that you can use if you want to teach your parrot to talk, but they are just advice, there is no method exact:

  • Associate moments of the day with words: Every time you enter the house say "Hello", when you leave in the morning say "goodbye" ". You can vary the words you use: "Goodbye lorito", "Hello handsome" "To work"… Use the ones you want, the important thing is to repeat it in the same situation always so that it associates that moment with that word.
  • Do sessions with him: Spend several minutes a day talking to the parrot. You can do it in 10-15 minute sessions so neither you nor he gets bored. These sessions basically consist of repeating words, starting with single words. At first he won't answer but be patient. As he learns, you can teach him phrases and songs.
  • Show him fruits: When you give him a piece of fruit say "Banana", "Pear", whatever. When he starts to say any of those words, reward him with that same fruit. Little by little you will associate the word. You can add "Give me a pear", "How delicious", "I want a banana"…
  • Avoid words you don't want me to repeat: It may seem silly but parrots often pick up words that we don't teach them. It may be that he suddenly says "Fucking ads" or swear words that he has heard throughout the day. This is because there are certain phrases or words that we say with a different tone, with more enthusiasm and when they start talking and say "Bastard" the natural reaction is to laugh and try to get them to say it again.
  • Talk to him a lot: While you're at home talk to him whenever you can. Sing songs or tell him things. Little by little he will answer you with words that he already knows. Take advantage of the moments when he is talkative to teach him short phrases.
  • Try different pitches by repeating words.
Tips for teaching your parrot to talk - How to teach him to talk
Tips for teaching your parrot to talk - How to teach him to talk

Constancy and patience

There is no estimated time to teach a parrot to speak. Some in a few months will learn a few single words and others will need more time. Patience and consistency are essential for your parrot to become an adorable chatterbox.

It is essential that you don't get frustrated and abandon the process. The sessions with him should be frequent but your parrot is your companion for many years so be very patient. The important thing is to establish a good connection with him and teach him little by little, without pressure.

Do reviews with him, from time to time remind him of words he already knows. It is important for you to keep using them and not forget them.

Never yell at him or use violence with him, it's completely counterproductive.

Find out more about parrots:

  • Most common diseases of parrots
  • Why does my parrot scream a lot
  • Prohibited food for parrots
  • Why is my parrot plucking its feathers
