How to talk to my dog? - Tips for good communication

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How to talk to my dog? - Tips for good communication
How to talk to my dog? - Tips for good communication
How to talk to my dog?
How to talk to my dog?

If you have a dog as your best friend, I'm sure you've talked to him on more than one occasion. Just say what do you want? Food? Shall we go for a walk? And depending on his intelligence and your understanding, he will understand you more or less. Even so, there are tricks or tips that can make your communication improve enormously, since the dog is a social animal that loves to please you and that we pay attention to it.

In this article on our site we are going to guide you to discover how to talk to your dog in a way that he understands you. In this way, your relationship will improve and you will avoid fights and unwanted situations. Keep reading!

1. Grab their attention

There is no point in practicing a command or attempting to communicate with your dog if you haven't already gotten his attention. Use his name or a specificgesture to do it

You should know that dogs respond much better to visual stimuli, so snap your fingers, say hello or wave your arm up and below are good tools to get your pet's attention.

Putting us in another situation, if you don't know the dog very well with which you are going to interact, it is best to use treats or prizes (you can also use small pieces of frankfurter). Before a minimum plastic noise you will have the animal waiting for you.

How to talk to my dog? - 1. Grab their attention
How to talk to my dog? - 1. Grab their attention

two. Decide which words will enter your vocabulary

Although dogs are very intelligent animals they have difficulty differentiating words with similar phonetics. For this reason I recommend you always set very specific and short words for each command and accompany them with a visual gesture that is also specific.

Below, we show you the words most used by dog training professionals in different languages:


  • Together
  • Sit
  • Lie down
  • Still
  • Come
  • Very well
  • Greets


  • Heel
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Stay
  • Here
  • Very good
  • Shake


  • Junt
  • Seu
  • Tomba
  • Quiet
  • Came
  • Molt bé
  • Greets


  • Fuss
  • Sitz
  • Platz
  • Bleib
  • Hier
  • Gut


  • Elkar
  • Eseri
  • Etzan
  • Glditu
  • Etorri
  • Ondo-bear

Remember that it is important not to use very similar words to communicate with your dog. For that reason, if his name looks like a command you can use other languages.

How to talk to my dog? - 2. Decide which words will enter your vocabulary
How to talk to my dog? - 2. Decide which words will enter your vocabulary

3. Always use positive reinforcement

The best tool for your dog to understand you is positive reinforcement. You can use it with small prizes or also by using the clicker. Dogs learn much faster when they are rewarded although remember that you should not only use treats. Caresses and affectionate words are also a good reinforcement for your best friend.

How to talk to my dog? - 3. Always use positive reinforcement
How to talk to my dog? - 3. Always use positive reinforcement

4. Before scolding him ask yourself why he does it

Many people tend to scold their pets (some excessively) when they do something wrong. A urine at home, eating from our plate or getting on the sofa are usually the most common. It also happens when our pet barks excessively or tries to attack other dogs.

Before using the "No" you must be very clear that your dog is not suffering from stress problems, a possible illness or simply that he does not know the basic training commands.

Many adopted dogs show destructive and illogical behavior for the first few days. If this is your case you must have a lot of patience, something essential if you want to have a pet by your side.

All dogs, regardless of their age, can be retrained if we wish. Although the ideal would be to go to a professional such as ethologists if that were necessary.

In addition to being much more difficult to understand, violence and excessive fighting can lead to undesirable behavior in the future (or in the future). present) such as aggressiveness, fear or stress.

How to talk to my dog? -4 Before scolding him ask yourself why he does it
How to talk to my dog? -4 Before scolding him ask yourself why he does it

5. Repeat, repeat and repeat

Dogs are animals of habit: they like to have a fixed schedule of meals, walks, games… This way they understand better life.

Dogs also appreciate the repetition of commands even if they are already learned. Stimulating his brain with about 15 minutes of obedience a day will be essential for him to have fun and also not forget everything he has learned. Even if it's an adult you can also include new tricks and games.

How to talk to my dog? - 5. Repeat, repeat and repeat
How to talk to my dog? - 5. Repeat, repeat and repeat

6. Observe your dog's response

Although dogs don't "talk" by themselves (some make very funny little noises) they do respond to us through body gestures:

  • Putting up your ears means attention.
  • By turning their heads to the side they show that they are understanding what you are saying.
  • Relaxing tail wagging indicates happiness.
  • Smacking your mouth means stress (or that that treat was very good).
  • Lie down on the ground is a sign of submission (typical of dogs with fear).
  • Moving your ass from side to side is a sign of joy.
  • Lowered ears indicate attention and fear.

Whatever your dog's response will be important try to figure out what it means Remember that not all dogs use the same body signs, for this reason it will be important to spend time with our own dog and not try to understand through difficult and long guides what it is saying.

How to talk to my dog? - 6. Observe your dog's response
How to talk to my dog? - 6. Observe your dog's response

7. Lots of love and love

Although your dog may misbehave on some occasions or be disobedient, the magic formula that will cure everything (in more or less time) is the affection and love that we can offer our best friend.

Being patient and attentive to his needs will help us communicate better with our dog

Be positive and practice with him every day so he can understand you and you can understand him better. Thank you for following our site and feel free to continue browsing to learn more about your pets.
