Tips to make a cat more social

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Tips to make a cat more social
Tips to make a cat more social
Tips to make a cat more social
Tips to make a cat more social

Is your cat a lovable and affectionate feline with you but tends to be a bit grumpy with other people? or is he just distant from everyone, including you and your own human family and you wish he was different?

Although some cats are naturally more detached than others, and this is a fact that must be accepted, this distance can be widened and encouraged or, on the contrary, shortened in the early stages of development and throughout the life of the cat.

If you want your cat to be more open, you and your family can help. Continue reading this article on our site, where we will give you some tips to make your cat more social.

Early Socialization

Educating him from a young age is the key Many people try to socialize their adult cat and that is when they notice this detail. We must accustom our cat, since he is small, to being surrounded and living with other people and animals. This will get him used to socializing on a regular basis and the cat will break the distance gap as a baby.

If you want your cat to be sociable, the best way is to educate him early, taking into account socialization, efforts aimed at raising him as a friendly and open cat, giving him affection and positive contact.

The process begins naturally from the first day of life, when the cat begins to interact with his mother and, later, with his siblings. That teaches him how to communicate according to feline language. Later, around three months, when it will be possible to separate him from his mother, the cat must continue his socialization, interacting with dogs, cats, children and adults

Using positive reinforcement to engage him and make the experience more positive is extremely important. Involve all family members in the activities and dynamics that are established, you do not want him to be only sociable with you and distant with others.

Tips to Make a Cat More Social - Early Socialization
Tips to Make a Cat More Social - Early Socialization

Positive Social Links

Make the whole family spend time with the cat. Allow him to see you as friends, protectors and providers of food, in this way the bond will be positive and pleasant for him. Make daily routines where the main purpose is based on your cat being a more affectionate and sociable animal. You want him to love you, as much as you love him.

A suggestion might be to give him eat several times a day in small amounts. Do not give it a lot of food just once a day, otherwise your cat will not realize who is the person who, with so much love, feeds it. By doing it on different occasions, you will be reinforcing the idea that you are the one who feeds it. At the time of putting the food in the feed, or when opening a can of wet food, talk to him and tell him how tasty what he is going to taste shortly. Paying attention to small details is essential, since he will feel loved and cared for.

Tips to Make a Cat More Social - Positive Social Bonds
Tips to Make a Cat More Social - Positive Social Bonds

Love and pure love

The physical contact you have with him tries to be always with loveThat improves any relationship. She plays with him, enjoys her presence and lets him enjoy yours. Talk to him all the time, caress him and comb him so he gets used to contact, yes, without overwhelming him Respect his safety space and attract him to you with kind words and candies.

Make him feel important within the family nucleus. Without insisting, have the whole family spend time near his space to talk or play, while paying attention to him but letting him come closer for his own interest. It allows him to interact with everyone, big and small.

If you follow all these tips with a lot of consistency and patience, you will see how in a short time, the cat will go from being distant to being sociable and later to loving. The relationship will go from being distant to very close. Everything is progressive, this can be a process that lasts days, weeks or even months.

Tips to make a cat more sociable - Love and pure love
Tips to make a cat more sociable - Love and pure love

Time to play

Everything that has to do with activities and games promotes the cat to be more sociable, has more interaction with other people, improves its intelligence and contributes to the development of curiosity. It is essential for cats to play a good time every day, and even better, if they do it in the company of family or other animal friends, in addition to being a excellent way to strengthen ties.

Do not try to pressure the cat with games that can be somewhat invasive. For example, cats, unlike dogs, don't really like being chased. Your pet may feel cornered and even afraid. Better discover the different toys for cats that exist in the market and that best suit him.
