The Hotot white rabbit or Hotot rabbit is a cute little rabbit that is characterized by its pristine white fur, with black markings that color the area surrounding its large and expressive eyes. But not only is the Hotot rabbit striking because of its appearance, because its character is not far behind. The hotot is a friendly, affectionate and very calm rabbit, who loves the company and attention of his family and loves to share great moments with them.
Do you want to know a little more about this breed of rabbit? On our site we tell you all the characteristics of the Hotot white, its most important care and possible he alth problems.
Origin of the White Rabbit of Hotot
The hotot rabbit is a rabbit of entirely French origin. This rabbit did not arise spontaneously, since it appeared due to extensive breeding work by breeder Eugenie Bernhard, giving first litter in 1902 The name of the breed is taken from the region from which it comes, Hotot-en-Auge. It shares genetics with breeds such as the butterfly rabbit, the Flemish giant or the Vienna white rabbit.
The new breed soon became popular. It was exported to other European countries until it reached countries such as the United States of America in 1920. Actually, in America it did not achieve much popularity, so it practically disappeared, and in Europe it suffered the ravages caused by the Second World War. However, the breed rose from the ashes, returning to the podium in the 1960s and 1970s, somewhat later in the US. Currently, it is recognized by the main cynological organizations, but it is listed as threatened due to the high risk of disappearance to which the hotot breed is subjected.
Characteristics of the Hotot White Rabbit
Hotot white is a small size rabbit, females are usually around 3.6-4.5 kilograms, while that the males, somewhat more corpulent, range between 4, 1 and 5 kilograms of body weight. Their life expectancy is really long, since it is between 12 and 14 years old, although there have been several cases of hotot rabbits that have exceeded 16 years of age.
The most relevant characteristic of the white Hotot, apart from its small size, is its fur, completely white with some peculiarblack bands around his eyes These striking bands have a width that must measure between 0.16 and 0.32 centimeters to be within the officially established standard. These black bands make it appear that the little rabbit has outlined its eyes or that it is wearing elegant black glasses, being a characteristic that shows its relationship with the English spot or butterfly rabbit.
The snowy-white coat of the hotot rabbit is of medium length and is very dense, always smooth. His body is compact, muscular despite being so small, thick and with powerful limbs.
Hotot White Rabbit Colors
The only color included in the official standard for the Hotot white rabbit is pure white, broken only by a clean black on the lines surrounding his large eyes.
Hotot White Rabbit Character
The little hotot are really cheerful and grateful rabbits. They have a benevolent character, being one of the most recommended rabbits to have as a pet. In addition to being calm and affectionate, given their size, they are ideal to have in flats or apartments of any size, even the smallest.
Furthermore, their intelligence and capacity stand out and predisposition for learning So much so, that experts from the world of rabbit farming highlight which is one of the most obedient and easy to train rabbit breeds. We may not be able to get them to perform championship tricks, but it is true that dwarf Hotot white rabbits learn basic commands very quickly and education regarding hygiene and the rules of coexistence of the home in which they live.
Hotot White Rabbit Care
You have to be very alert when it comes to food, since it is a fairly greedy breed, which tends to develop overweight and even obesity problems relatively easily. But this can be avoided by providing him with a balanced diet and adjusted to his specific nutritional needs. It should always be borne in mind that the feeding of the White Hotot, and any other rabbit, is always based on the consumption of hay supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Another of the cares of the white of Hotot to which we must pay attention is the space dedicated to rest. Since it is a small breed, the cage does not have to be as spacious as in other rabbits. Of course, the minimum dimensions must be 61x61. In it it is important to place hay, water and a burrow so that the hotot can rest. Likewise, like all rabbits, the Hotot White needs to exercise and explore, so it is not appropriate to keep him confined to the cage 24 hours a day. Ideally, he should have his own room to leave the cage open and let him explore the rest of the home in the presence of humans to avoid accidents.
See all the rabbit care in this other article.
Hotot White Rabbit He alth
This breed of rabbit is not particularly delicate in terms of its he alth status, so there are few diseases of the breed. Specifically, the most frequent problem is malocclusion, a condition that affects oral he alth and, therefore, the general he alth of the animal. To solve this, you have to be aware of the growth rate of the rabbit's teeth, making cuts at the vet if necessary to avoid reaching a more serious problem. At home, it can be avoided by providing the target of Hotot with items or toys that they can gnaw, thus wearing down the teeth in a much more natural and progressive way.
Another oral disease that affects the hotot is the appearance of abscesses, which must be treated by veterinarians and can be noticed by symptoms such as lumps, decreased or no feeding, or apathy.
Apart from being able to get sick for the reasons mentioned, there are numerous pathogens that lie in wait for rabbits, the hotot being no exception, for this reason it is recommended to keep them properly vaccinated. Veterinarians strongly recommend vaccinating rabbits against two deadly diseases, myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic fever.
Hotot white rabbit for adoption
The hotot rabbit is not a very widespread breed in Spain or in other American countries other than the USA. For this reason, finding a Hotot white rabbit to adopt can be a really complicated task. However, although it is not exactly easy to find a specimen of this breed to be able to adopt it, it is always advisable to go to all the associations and protectors that is possible, in case they have a specimen looking for a home.
Of course, before making such an important decision as adopting an animal, we must carefully assess its needs in order to ensure that we can fulfill the necessary tasks for proper care of the animal. We always defend responsible adoption, which constitutes a deep commitment regarding the ownership and welfare of the adopted animal.