At what age do dogs START BARKING? - Find out

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At what age do dogs START BARKING? - Find out
At what age do dogs START BARKING? - Find out
At what age do dogs start barking?
At what age do dogs start barking?

Barking is a characteristic sound of dogs. It is part of their communication system and, as such, it is important that we know their different meanings in order to better understand each other with them.

In this article on our site we will explain At what age do dogs start barking, why they do it and how to prevent it that excessive barking is a problem of coexistence. In addition, we will see what happens with dogs that apparently do not bark.

Why do the dogs bark?

Dog barking can be triggered multiple times and, as the form of communication it represents, we should always pay due attention to it, which is not synonymous with encouraging it. In the coexistence with our dog we will notice that he emits different barks that will vary in tone, volume, frequency or intensity.

Enthusiasm, stress, attention call, surprise, fright or undetectable signals for us are some of the causes in which it is triggered the bark Learn to identify the different types of barking in dogs with this article: "Why Do Dogs Bark?"

Therefore, it is essential that we are clear that canine barking is not synonymous with aggressiveness or threat. Rather it would be a alarm signal and attention directed to his canine and human herd. Given the importance of barking, the age at which dogs begin to bark dates back to their puppyhood.

At what age do dogs start barking? - Why do the dogs bark?
At what age do dogs start barking? - Why do the dogs bark?

When does a dog start barking?

Many caregivers wonder at what age dogs start barking, but the truth is that, although a puppy starts to bark during its first few weeks of life, having the ability does not mean that the dog go do it immediately. In addition, the first bark will be very different from the one the dog will emit when it grows up, since it is higher pitched and softer.

They will begin to emit vocalizations after a couple of weeks, which, around a month and a half, can already become a first bark, although there are dogs that will take longer to bark without it being due to any problem. Puppies can bark for many reasons, just like adult dogs, among which are getting the attention of their mother, siblings or humans, indicating that they want to play or eat, showing that something is bothering them, etc.

My puppy barks a lot, what do I do?

Puppies are constantly learning and when they discover something new it is totally normal for them to repeat it several times. This can also happen with barking, making the puppy bark throughout the day Especially if he lives with his mother and siblings, it is totally normal for puppies to bark at each other during their play sessions, both to encourage activity and to stop it.

In any case, the best solution is Ignore the barking and reinforce the calm attitude To do this, as long as the puppy is calm We will reward him with caresses, words of encouragement or some treat for puppies. In this way, we will use positive reinforcement. Now, if the puppy barks a lot because he is hungry, wants water, is stressed or has a he alth problem, it is essential to pay attention to identify the cause and treat it.

How to control dog barking?

In order to prevent our dog from barking uncontrollably it is important that we know what has triggered the barking When we are together It can be easy to detect and calm him down, but there are dogs that manifest a pattern of barking and destruction, known as separation anxiety, when they are left alone. In these cases, constant barking is a sign of stress and will be more difficult to correct. Spending more time with it, exercising it frequently and, of course, consulting with an expert are the options to solve it.

Another common situation occurs when the dog barks at visitors. It may be due to enthusiasm for an arrival that excites him or to alert him to the presence of strangers. If the barking corresponds to an excess of enthusiasm, we will explain to the visitors that you do not have to greet him and we will use an obedience command, such as sitting, toreinforce calmness We will reward him when he obeys, although it is very likely that he will need several repetitions due to excitement.

However, when the dog warns us that an unknown person is approaching, we may be facing a problem of territoriality, which in the most serious cases can lead to aggressiveness. In these cases it is essential to avoid visits and immediately consult a veterinarian specialized in ethology to help us work on the problem. We will completely avoid putting another person at risk or carrying out guidelines that are not prescribed for our dog in particular. Spaying or neutering can help improve this behavior.

A dog can also bark insistently when he wants to reach something and finds it impossible. For example, a raised food bowl or a cat out of reach. These situations can be resolved quickly if we go to see what happens at the first bark, remove him from his sight and ignore him Over time the behavior will die down, but it takes many repetitions when timed.

It will be easier to stop persistent barking if we act when it starts and not when it has already intensified or become a habit. Using "no" to avoid it can sometimes be counterproductive, since the dog understands that in this way he gets our attention and continues trying to achieve his goal.

Other times it will be impossible for us to identify the origin of the barking, since the dog may bark as a response to stimuli that are undetectable for us. Even so, we must go, try to find out what is happening, distract and calm the dog. An object phobia can also trigger excessive barking. At this point it is important at what age dogs start barking, because it is possible that it is due to incorrect socialization of the puppy.

If the dog barks at others in the street, keep calm. Instead of pulling the leash to take him away, it is better to stop, order him to sit, for example, and praise him only when he has obeyed the command. In some cases, when the dog is very reactive, behavior modification sessions will be needed. Finally, elderly dogs or dogs with a disease such as deafness can bark out of place. You have to take them to the vet and prescribe the necessary treatment or, at least, implement measures to improve their quality of life.

At what age do dogs start barking? - How to control dog barking?
At what age do dogs start barking? - How to control dog barking?

My dog doesn't bark, why?

Although barking is typical of dogs, we can find specimens that we have never heard barking, as well as breeds that are less likely to do so. It doesn't have to be a problem, since there are simply dogs more or less barking In addition, we have seen at what age dogs start barking, so that, although it is an approximate date, before they are not going to bark.

In other dogs we will notice that they do not bark well or, at least, they do not do it as they used to. It may be due to some inflammation such as laryngitis Therefore, if we suspect illness we will go to the vet. A dog that has just arrived at home may take time to bark due to having suffered a past of mistreatment or simply because before expressing himself he needs some time to adapt to the new environment
