Is it bad to breed sibling dogs?

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Is it bad to breed sibling dogs?
Is it bad to breed sibling dogs?
Is it bad to cross sibling dogs?
Is it bad to cross sibling dogs?

The idea of breeding sibling dogs is not just bad practice. This is an irresponsible action, whose consequences are unforeseeable. However, much more happens than we might think. Professional dog breeders use this resource for various reasons that we will reveal later.

Being an inadvisable practice, if the person who uses it is a professional expert who knows what he is doing, and weighs all the convenient and inconvenient factors that may arise from it, it is admissible as an exception.

If you continue reading our site, we will answer your questions on the subject: Is it bad to breed sibling dogs?

How are dog breeders? How do they work?

Responsible breeders

As always happens in any human activity, there are responsible professionals and professionals (if they can be called that) bad, or very bad. This means that the resource of mating two sibling dogs that many professionals use, is applied in a very different way in one case or another.

Breeders apply this dangerous resource to try to fix certain phenotypes, or characteristics that prevail in a given breed of dog. They do it with measure and always assessing the global consequences that the action will cause.

However, this type of act can have fatal consequences if the genetic line of both dogs is unknown, causing the appearance of diseases hereditary and congenital. A responsible professional will only carry out this act in a very punctual and specific way in a single genetic line.

Is it bad to cross sibling dogs? - How are the dog breeders? How do they work?
Is it bad to cross sibling dogs? - How are the dog breeders? How do they work?

Irresponsible breeders

The bad breeders perform these practices to the tun, tun. Not caring at all about the collateral damage their litters may suffer as they grow up. With which they manage to greatly impoverish the dog's genetic load and cause many problems to the poor animal, and therefore to its caregivers.

The German shepherd dog is perhaps the most punished breed in this regard. Malpractice in breeding usually manifests itself in a lack of intelligence of the resulting German Shepherd, and in successive diseases during its adult stage. Virtually all German shepherd dogs suffer from hip dysplasia when they reach their adult or elderly stage.

Is it bad to cross sibling dogs?
Is it bad to cross sibling dogs?

Reasons for mating between sibling dogs

Experienced and responsible dog breeders use sibling crosses very sparingly and rarely. At the same time they invest real fortunes in males and females of other genetic lines In this way they reinforce positive genetic diversity in future crosses. Even so, and despite the fact that these are very specific occasions, it is not at all recommended to cross sibling dogs.

However, mediocre breeders don't spend a dime on new breeders. The only important thing is that the dogs come out nice and cheap, to be able to sell them well. If the dog is sick, aggressive, silly, or with a weak character…, it's not your problem. They will have already been paid.

Is it bad to cross sibling dogs? - Reasons for crossbreeding between sibling dogs
Is it bad to cross sibling dogs? - Reasons for crossbreeding between sibling dogs

What happens if sibling dogs mate?

Forget about practicing sibling dog crosses at home. It's not a matter of heads or tails, in which after tossing the coin in the air if it comes up heads the puppies come out right, and wrong if it comes up tails.

Normally it goes wrong in both cases (heads and tails), and it goes right only when the coin falls to the ground after tossing it into the air and stays upright on edge. Pretty unlikely, right?

Is it bad to cross sibling dogs? - What happens if sister dogs are crossed?
Is it bad to cross sibling dogs? - What happens if sister dogs are crossed?

Is inbreeding bad in dogs?

Inbreeding is when members of the same family (human or animal), or a very small social group, interbreed. The genetic impoverishment of these crosses, very occasionally produces beautiful beings, and much more often, aberrant beings.

Inbreeding, sooner than later, causes many degenerations among the groups that practice it. Pharaonic races, royal races and some spheres of economic, social or religious power have succumbed to this despicable practice.

Nonsense such as: "preserve the purity of the blood"; blue blood; accumulation of noble titles; or economic status so that everything stays "in the family". They have been harmful in terms of he alth for those who have practiced it. History is proof of this.
