Can parent dogs breed with offspring? - Everything you need to know

Can parent dogs breed with offspring? - Everything you need to know
Can parent dogs breed with offspring? - Everything you need to know
Can parent dogs be crossed with children?
Can parent dogs be crossed with children?

It is not recommended to cross parent dogs with offspring or siblings due to the impoverishment of the offspring's DNA that this entails. However, there are still people who wonder if they could breed between dogs of the same family. So that you don't make these types of serious mistakes, we are going to show you why parent dogs cannot be crossed with children Continue reading this article on our site and all your doubts. We would like to make it clear what the consequences of this type of practice would be and why they do not happen in nature.

How do wolves reproduce?

As the wolf is the closest animal to the dog, both in gregarious behavior and in genetic structure, it will be the animal on which we must base our observations to define whether it is positive or negative to cross parents with offspring. Males and females of the same family live together in wolf packs, but coincidentally only the "alpha" specimens reproduce The wolf and the alpha she-wolf are monogamous, this means say that they only reproduce among themselves and never change pairs unless one of them dies.

The offspring males when they reach adulthood can choose to stay in the family unit where they will not be able to reproduce or leave the group. When they leave the group they walk long distances erratically. Along the way they may come across a female who, although in heat, cannot reproduce due to the social rank she occupies in her group. This female may decide to leave the group and form her own family with the new male

In this case we see how the strong social structure of wolf packs prevents reproduction between relatives.

Can parent dogs be crossed with children? - How do wolves reproduce?
Can parent dogs be crossed with children? - How do wolves reproduce?

Why do dogs want to mount family members?

Dogs have changed a lot during their evolutionary distance from being wolves. Now they no longer live in herds of the same species, in which their functions are well marked. They live with a herd of humans and rarely have the opportunity to reproduce. When the opportunity arises their reproductive instinct is stronger than the social ranks within the group. These social ranks have been lost, only the quality that indicates that they are two specimens of the same species and of opposite sexes remains.

There are very few animals with such a strong social structure as packs of wolves. Currently, groups of dogs that live in families lack this social structure that has prevented the impoverishment of the species for thousands of years.

The importance of genetic variability

Two individuals from different families have different genetic codes, this means that each individual can perform the same function in a different way. Let's take an example to better understand this:

A dog's genetic code indicates that in winter he must produce dense fur to protect himself from the cold. And another individual manages to have thick hair in winter from another different genetic information. Two ways to lead to the same function

By reproducing these two different specimens, the offspring will contain the information on how to obtain dense fur in winter through two different ways. And in the event that one of the two modalities is damaged by a mutation, or is not suitable for a new ecosystem, the descending dog will always have the other genetic information that will make it better adapted.

What happens if a dog meets her father or a mother meets her son?

Animals of the same family share most of the genetic information, when they interbreed the information is repeated and this makes their DNA poorerGoing back to the example of how to get thick hair in winter, in this case you would have two identical copies. Which will make you a less adapted individual. This example is with something of little importance for a dog that lives inside a home, which may have warm clothes, but there are other functions that are irreparable, allergies, vitamin synthesis, bone growth…

By crossing parent dogs with offspring or siblings we are reducing the genetic variability of individuals, making them weaker and more maladjusted. We make its genetic code have fewer adaptation resources and, therefore, it becomes poorer.

The immediate consequence will be seen in the reduction in the life expectancy of the hatchlings, in hereditary diseases more pronounced, more and more serious allergies, earlier cancers. This will lead to maintenance costs for the animal that are increasing more and more. And this is where the colloquial name of the mortgage dog arises.

Can parent dogs be crossed with children? -What happens if a dog crosses paths with her father or a mother with her son?
Can parent dogs be crossed with children? -What happens if a dog crosses paths with her father or a mother with her son?

Do dog breeders carry out this type of practice?

The diversification of the dog in the large number of existing breeds today is due to artificial selection by humans. For thousands of years specimens have been selected to cross with certain characteristics.

Currently breeders have been selecting dogs with certain traits and breeding dogs with desirable physical characteristics. To do this, they constantly cross parent dogs with children or siblings and from there the following terms arise:

  • Breeding: controlled breeding, both parents are selected.
  • In-breeding: Inbreeding of animals with direct kinship used to fix certain traits shared by both parents.
  • Line-breeding: Breeding between animals that share the same genetic line, that is, between somewhat more distant relatives.
  • Out-cross: Breeding between animals from different family groups, which do not share anything.

Professional breeders have to select individuals for many more characteristics than the physical traits they are trying to sell and obtain. They have to assess visible illnesses, life expectancy and quality of life, mental traits, aggressive behaviors, and many other factors that they don't always take into account.

It must be recognized that when an animal is commercialized to its current levels, these techniques become corrupted, giving priority to obtaining many beautiful specimens rather than he althy ones. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account where an animal is acquired, always favoring adoption.

Can parent dogs be crossed with children? - Do dog breeders carry out this type of practice?
Can parent dogs be crossed with children? - Do dog breeders carry out this type of practice?


In short, you cannot cross parent dogs with offspring, despite the fact that there are breeders who dedicate themselves to doing so and selling animals with low quality of life. You can continue to observe the advantages of having a mongrel dog or adopting an adult dog. To do this, remember to visit the animal shelters and shelters closest to your place of residence. And if you have in mind to cross your dogs, always remember to ask yourself if it is the best for them, what will you do with the puppies, if you have the necessary space and the cost involved in monitoring a pregnancy.
