Is avocado bad for dogs? - Myths and truths

Is avocado bad for dogs? - Myths and truths
Is avocado bad for dogs? - Myths and truths
Is avocado bad for dogs?
Is avocado bad for dogs?

One of the great mysteries surrounding the natural diet of dogs. Can we give avocado to dogs? Is it true that it is harmful to your he alth? From our site we have set out to answer these and more questions, so don't hesitate and keep reading!

The avocado is a fruit that, until recently, was believed to be disproportionately fattening and, therefore, attempts were made to control its consumption. However, it has been shown that the fats that make it up are those classified as 'good', so that its popularity has not stopped growing due to the multiple benefits it provides us. However, do these benefits also extend to our furry companions? Next we expose if avocado is bad for dogs or not

Forbidden food for dogs, myth or reality?

How many times have you read or heard that avocado is one of the most toxic foods for dogs? There are even those who claim that it is a product that could lead to death. However, what is the truth in this?

Well, as indicated by the Animal Poison Control Center Pet Poison Helpline, avocado is a food that can cause mild poisoning in dogs and cats, while in other animal species, such as birds and ruminants, it can cause a moderate or severe reaction. This is so due to a toxin called persin found in both the avocado pit and the peel. In this way, if our dog eats one of these two parts of the food, he can develop the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Decay

However, they state that it is not a poisonous toxin for dogs and, therefore, symptoms may or may not appear. Likewise, since it is a mild poisoning, the veterinarian will prescribe the best treatment to control it and eliminate the toxin from the body. If the bone is ingested, it could get stuck in the animal's throat, produce an obstruction and cause suffocation, which is the real problem. On the other hand, if the dog eats the pulp of the avocado, absolutely nothing will happen to him.

So we can say that the bone and the shell are prohibited, while the flesh of avocado is good for dogs and cats.

Is avocado bad for dogs? - Forbidden food for dogs, myth or reality?
Is avocado bad for dogs? - Forbidden food for dogs, myth or reality?

Benefits of avocado for dogs

Now that you know that avocado is not bad for dogs, let's review all the benefits it can bring to your furry companion consume the pulp of this fruit. To do this, we will start by detailing the nutritional composition for each 100 grams of avocado:

  • 160 calories
  • 2% protein
  • 7% fiber
  • 10% Vitamin E
  • 13% Vitamin B6
  • 14% Vitamin B5
  • 14% potassium
  • 15% he althy fats
  • 17% Vitamin C
  • 20% folic acid
  • 25% vitamin K

The aforementioned nutritional value translates into countless highly beneficial properties for our furry companions.

High fat, but he althy

As we have seen, avocados have a high percentage of calories, most of which are made up of he althy fats. But what exactly are they and what benefits do they provide?

Briefly, there are two main types of fats: bad fats and good fats. The first of these refer to the so-called 'saturated fats' or 'trans fats', and increase the percentage of bad cholesterol in the blood, increasing the chances of suffering from cardiovascular diseases and suffering from obesity or diabetes, among other consequences. The second, meanwhile, are known as ' unsaturated fats', free of cholesterol and essential for properly absorbing vitamins. Likewise, good or he althy fats provide a large amount of energy, are a fundamental part of nerve tissue and help balance cholesterol levels, so that they also benefit cardiovascular he alth

Within unsaturated fats, or good, we find two main types: monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, divided into omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. The avocado has both types and, therefore, offers the dog that consumes the mentioned benefits, and helps keep its coat he althy, soft and shiny.

Rich in antioxidants

Due to the vitamins that make it up, avocado is a food with powerful antioxidant properties that help your dog to prevent premature cellular oxidationand, therefore, considerably reduce the chances of developing diseases of a degenerative nature and typical of old age. Likewise, this same richness in vitamins and antioxidants strengthens the animal's immune system, preparing it to deal with possible viruses or bacteria that may enter its body.

Good for the skin

Its high content of vitamin E, mainly, makes it an ideal natural remedy to keep the skin in perfect condition. Thus, by providing avocado to your dog you will also achieve this effect and, therefore, your dog will have soft and he althy skin. On the other hand, vitamin E stimulates the formation of red blood cells and promotes the creation of collagen, thus promoting wound healing.

Good for the heart

Folic acid, known as vitamin B9, also promotes the production of red blood cells, so it is fully indicated for dogs with anemia. On the other hand, a deficiency of this type of vitamin B impairs heart function, because folic acid decreases the amount of homocysteine, a compound that facilitates blood coagulation and, therefore, increases the obstruction of blood vessels. Thus, avocado is good for preventing both heart attacks and other pathologies related to the heart and arteries.

How to give your dog avocado?

Since the dog is a carnivorous animal, fruits and vegetables should occupy between 15 and 20% of its diet. In this way, to ensure that he takes advantage of all the benefits of avocado, it is best to offer pieces of avocado to the dog from time to time Remember thatYou should remove both the skin and the pit first, since only the flesh of the avocado is good for dogs.

To be more exact and work with figures, we can say that a dog weighing around 10 kilos should consume an average of 150 grams of meat per day and approximately 30 grams of fruits and vegetables. It should be noted that when we indicate "fruits and vegetables" we do not mean that we should offer 30 grams of fruits and another 30 of vegetables, but rather that both foods should be included within this daily figure. Thus, we can provide our dog with the proportional amount of meat and alternate both fruits and vegetables to offer him varied foods and avoid giving him the same thing every day. In this way, one of the days the pulp of the avocado can occupy those 30 grams per day.

Other Good Dog Foods

As we pointed out in the previous section, we can combine avocado with other beneficial foods for dogs, the following being the most recommended:

  • Apple, digestive, astringent and rich in vitamin C.
  • Banana, rich in fiber.
  • Blueberries, with a high content of antioxidants.
  • Pear, low calorie.
  • Strawberry, rich in antioxidants.
  • Spinach, natural source of vitamins A, C, E, F and B.
  • Celery, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, digestive and strengthener of the immune system.
  • Carrot, ideal for strengthening the dog's teeth.
  • Oat, rich in essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Olive oil, promotes joint he alth.

To learn in detail about all the benefits that these foods can bring to your furry companion, as well as the proper way to take them, don't miss our article on the best fruits and vegetables for dogs.
