By bird distemper we refer to an infection of the upper respiratory tract that affects chickens, hens and other species such as quail. Its name is avian infectious coryza and it is also known as croup. At first glance, it looks like a simple cold, but the truth is that it can have very serious consequences
It is a disease more common in the warm climates of countries in South America, Africa or the Middle and Far East, although it can also occur in other territories, mainly due to climate change. Therefore, in this article on our site, we will explain what is distemper in birds or avian infectious coryza, its symptoms and treatment.
What is distemper in birds?
Distemper or, more accurately, avian infectious coryza, is a respiratory disease caused by a bacterium called Avibacterium paragallinarum. Symptoms begin to appear about 2-3 days after infection. It is a very contagious disease and with a mortality that can become significant. This is caused by septicemia or generalized infection.
In addition, the bacterium survives for days in low-oxygen environments, such as water or feces It also remains in birds that are kept as carriers and that, normally, they will be asymptomatic, that is, they will seem completely he althy to us. Actually, they are the main reservoir of bacteria. Infection is caused by direct or indirect contact through contaminated water, food or accessories. On the other hand, distemper in chickens is more common than in adult birds.
Symptoms of distemper in birds
Infectious coryza produces a clinical picture that lasts for 2-3 weeks, although, depending on the severity or the concurrence with other bacteria and viruses, this period of time can be increased. They highlight symptoms such as the following, which occur with greater or lesser intensity:
- Eye discharge.
- Runny nose.
- Swelling of the face due to edema or fluid accumulation.
- The eyes may appear swollen shut.
- Shake and scratch head.
- Sneezing.
- Cough.
- Respiratory difficulties.
- Breathing sounds.
- Anorexia, the bird does not eat or drink.
- Diarrhea.
- Lethargy.
- Change in the color of beards or chins, which take on a bluish hue. In roosters they can also become inflamed.
- Distemper in hens affects egg laying.
If you have poultry, such as chickens and ducks, it is also important to know what Poultry Diseases are in order to avoid them.

Treatment of distemper in birds
But how to cure distemper in birds? As it is a bacterial disease, it is combated with antibiotics for distemper in birds which, of course, should always be prescribed by the veterinarian. They can be given in the water or by injection in the most severe cases and in those where the hens are not eating or drinking. This professional must distinguish coryza from avian cholera or lack of vitamins, problems that will present similar symptoms. The diagnosis can be confirmed by sending samples to the laboratory, although this is usually done with birds that die and live with others.
Even with the vaccine against distemper in birds, not all birds affected by distemper manage to recover. Those who have been seriously ill, may have sequelae and will become carriers. If they go through a moment of special stress, it is easy for the disease to manifest again.
If you are not sure what distemper in birds is, you can also take a look at this other article on our site about Chicken diseases and their symptoms.

Control of distemper in birds
It is important that we focus our efforts on prevention and, above all, on proper handling with clean enclosures, feeders and waterers, which other animals cannot access, and aAdequate food and quality, as we detail in this other article of What do chickens eat? With this, we avoid stress and improve resistance to pathogens.
If we have more than one hen, it is convenient to keep the sick one apart We can consult with the veterinarian about the appropriateness of vaccination against distemper in birds in our case. The vaccine does not prevent infection, but it does minimize the clinical picture and reduces the spread of the bacteria. Finally, if we want to increase the avian family, the newcomer must go through a quarantine period.