70 Phrases of birds - Beautiful, original and to reflect

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70 Phrases of birds - Beautiful, original and to reflect
70 Phrases of birds - Beautiful, original and to reflect
Bird Phrases
Bird Phrases

"One swallow doesn't make a summer" is one of the most popular sayings about birds and you've probably heard it before. In fact, there are a series of phrases about birds and other birds that are widely used because they provide existential reflections, to praise the sensation of freedom or the beauty of nature.

In this article on our site we present the best bird phrases chosen from hundreds of phrases by renowned poets, writers and thinkers. But we also present some originals created by our writing team.

Free bird phrases

You can find hundreds of phrases about birds on the Internet, but only a few manage to really touch the heart by highlighting their right to freedom. Next, we show the best phrases of birds in freedom:

  • "It is better to be a bird flying than to be caught in your hands."
  • "If you want birds, plant trees."
  • "Birds are daily memory".
  • "God is in the small details: in the simplicity of a bird's song, in the serene sunrise or in the fall of the first autumn leaves."
  • "How I wish I were a bird! Fly high, far from here, and look at everything from above!".
  • "We learn to fly like birds and swim like fish, but we don't learn to live together as friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • "Every bird, every tree, every flower reminds me of the blessing and privilege it is to be alive." - Marty Rubin
  • "God loved birds and invented trees. Man loved birds and invented cages." -Jacques Deval
  • "We believe that caged birds sing, when in fact they cry." -John Webster
  • "Birds born in cages think flying is a disease." - Alejandro Jodorowsky
  • "A forest bird never wants a cage." - Henrik Ibsen
  • "Even the birds are chained to the sky."
  • "The tip of the branch accompanies for an instant the bird that leaves". - Jules Renard
  • "To be able to see birds it is necessary to be part of the silence". - Robert Lynd
  • "No bird flies too high if it flies on its own wings." -William Blake
  • "I work as many times as I want, and yet I am free as a bird." - Ethel Merman

All these phrases show us that birds are animals born to fly free, not to remain caged. For this reason, if you live with birds, we remind you how important it is to let them out of their cage or even keep it open so that they take it as a refuge and not as their prison. Of course, your home must be safe and prepared so that they do not get hurt.

On the other hand, these bird phrases serve as inspiration for our own lives, because how many people live tied to something, without feeling totally free? Tell us, which of these phrases about birds would you say encourages you the most to search for freedom? You can also consult another list we made with phrases about animals. Keep reading because we continue with more phrases.

Bird Phrases - Free Bird Phrases
Bird Phrases - Free Bird Phrases

Popular Bird Sayings

When you think of a phrase about birds, which ones come to mind most quickly? You probably think of the popular sayings that have been passed down from generation to generation. On our site we believe that these are the most famous because they are widely used, but if you know any more, do not hesitate to leave your comment!

  • "Love is the freedom to fly accompanied."
  • "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".
  • "One swallow does not make a summer".
  • "The bird is known by song".
  • "Old bird does not fit in cage".
  • "Bird that ate, bird that flew".
  • "The bird is well in its nest."
  • "God gives each bird an earthworm, but he doesn't take it to the nest."
  • "The bird sings even though the branch creaks".
  • "No bird is born to stay in the nest."
  • "Little birds in band, afternoons are made of water".
  • "Bird that molts many nests, in each bird leaves a feather".
  • "Sleeping bird, late fills the belly."

Although they are not proverbs, they have gone down in literary history and, therefore, we could not pass up the opportunity to also share the following fragments taken from poems that talk about birds:

  • "My land has palm trees, where the thrush sings; the birds that sing here don't sing like there." - Goncalves Dias
  • "The dark swallows will return to your balcony to hang their nests, and again with their wings to their windows, playing they will call". - Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
  • "For several centuries now, illustrious birds have flown over the grounds of vast poetry." - Mario Benefetti
  • "The high flight I follow with my hands: honor of the sky, the bird crosses the transparency, without staining the day". - Pablo Neruda

You may also be interested in this other article in which we have listed a series of cat phrases.

Bird Phrases - Popular Bird Sayings
Bird Phrases - Popular Bird Sayings

Phrases about birds to reflect on

Birds are animals that transform nature, either through their song or through their beauty. Observing them also provides us with a series of reflections capable of influencing our attitudesConsult now a list of phrases about birds to reflect on:

  • "What use are wings without the courage to fly?" - Philippe Perrin
  • "Don't be ashamed of your fears. Fearful birds also fly."
  • "No bird can fly without spreading its wings."
  • "The dinosaurs became birds." - Stephen Jay Gould
  • "The sad birds still sing."
  • "The bird does not sing because it is happy, but it is happy because it sings". -William James
  • "Hold on to dreams, because if dreams die, life is like a bird with broken wings that can't fly." - Langston Hughes
  • "A heart without dreams is like a bird without feathers." -Suzy Kassem
  • "Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark". -Rabindranath Tagore
  • "The bird that risks falling is the bird that learns to fly."
  • "You were born with wings, why would you rather crawl through life?" -Rumi
  • "Relationships are like birds. If you hold them tight, they die. If you hold them too lightly, they fly away. But if you hold them carefully, they stay with you forever."
  • "All birds find shelter during the rain, but the eagle avoids the rain by flying above the clouds"
  • "A bird perched on a tree is never afraid that the branch will break because its trust is not in the branch, but in its own wings. Always believe in yourself."
  • "Birds learn to fly without ever knowing where the flight will take them" - Mark Nepo
  • "I always wonder why birds choose to stay in one place when they can fly anywhere on earth."
  • "The birds sing even after the storm."
  • "To feel free as a bird is to forget everything except your happiness."
  • "Feet, what do I need them for if I have wings to fly". - Frida Kahlo

Some of these phrases are authentic reflections that help us realize how important it is to live by focusing on small details, such as the sound of birds in the forest, the rain when it falls or enjoying the company of our loved ones. Others help us motivate ourselves, which one is your favourite?

Bird phrases - Phrases about birds to reflect on
Bird phrases - Phrases about birds to reflect on

Phrases of birds that sing

Does the song of the birds lift your spirits? For many people this is a universal truth, and there is nothing better than getting up early with the song of birds in freedom. Here we present the best phrases about the song of the birds that we found, one of them from the famous poet Mário Quintana.

  • "The song of birds in nature is a praise to God for the gift of flight."
  • "More beautiful than the song of the birds are their flights. Not every song is of joy, but every flight is of freedom." - Mario Quintana
  • "The song of the birds is like songs to my ears."
  • "We hear the voice of God when we hear the birds singing."
  • "The song of the birds is a symphony that lifts our spirits."
  • "Better than the sound of silence, only the song of the birds" - Aerton Guimarães
  • "The forest would be very sad if only the best songbirds could sing." -Rabindranath Tagore
  • "Birds teach a great life lesson. All you have to do is listen to their song."
  • "A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." - Joan Walsh Anglund
  • "I'd rather learn from a bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance." - EE Cummings

Don't miss our other article where we list some of the best songbirds

Phrases of birds - Phrases of birds that sing
Phrases of birds - Phrases of birds that sing

Short beautiful bird phrases

Have you still not found any phrase about birds that you like? We end with a small selection of cute and short bird phrases:

  • "Birds speak only to people who can listen."
  • "Birds fly through the sky. I fly in my imagination."
  • "Flying is not an exclusive skill of birds. Flying is having the freedom to be whoever you want to be."
  • "This is too small for you. Just like birds, it flies, friend."
  • "If you don't dream you can fly, you'll never wake up with wings."
  • "Freedom is having the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be and to fly where we want, like the birds."
  • "If you want to fly, you first have to give up the weights that limit you."

Tell us, what do you think of these bird phrases? Do you know any more that you would like to add? Leave your comment!
