+100 WOLVES PHRASES - Solitary, short and more

+100 WOLVES PHRASES - Solitary, short and more
+100 WOLVES PHRASES - Solitary, short and more
Wolf Phrases
Wolf Phrases

Are you a wolf lover? Wolves are one of the most admired and respected by human beings, due to their great beauty, their strength and their leadership skills. Due to its great qualities, there are those who feel identified with this precious animal.

If you also idolize these canids, then on our site, we show you a selection of the best wolf phrases that we have been able to collect. Which one do you prefer?

Lone wolf quotes

We start this recapitulation of the best wolf phrases, with lone wolf phrases. The image of the lone wolf has always conveyed a lot of sadness, and even coldness on some occasions, which is why we will also see some sad wolf phrases below. However, it is important to clarify that wolves are gregarious animals, that is, they always go in groups and are very sociable When a wolf separates from its pack, He does not do it to seek that loneliness that has been mistakenly popularized, but rather to find a partner and create his own herd. Next, we show you some of the best phrases of lone wolves.

  1. Wolves are not made to hunt alone. Maybe not. But many do. (Robin Hobb)
  2. The wolf is not alone: he is always in company.
  3. You have to be like wolves: strong alone and in solidarity with the pack.
  4. Wolves never hunt alone, but in pairs. The lone wolf was a myth. (John Fowles)
  5. Although the wolf usually works alone, the wolf is the most united animal of all. You won't find a wolf abandoning a wounded companion.
  6. Like a wolf in the desert, forgotten by time, far from his pack, he goes in search of his beloved
  7. When you've been a wolf, it's very difficult to be tied to a tree like a lamb.
  8. The moon also cried, but the wolf never knew. (Ron Israel)
  9. Do like the wolf. When you are rejected, act without fear of fighting and without fear of losing. Inspire loy alty and protect others.
  10. It is far better to walk like a lone wolf in the right direction than to follow the pack in the wrong direction.
  11. As long as the wolf does not have its moon, it will continue to howl at the stars.
  12. Maybe I'm just a lone wolf looking for his prey, but I know that when I find it, my intentions will be far from doing anything bad with it.
  13. There are nights where the wolves are silent and only the moon howls. (George Carlin)
  14. When a wolf doesn't want to do anything, it looks really adorable. (Michelle Paver)
  15. Every wolf only finds his cowardly ferocity in the pack. (Carlos Domine)
  16. There are only two kinds of people in life: wolves and sheep. (Patricia Cornwell)

Although the wolf is not really a solitary animal, as we have just seen, in this other article on our site we show you animals that are solitary: The 10 loneliest animals in the world.

Wolf Quotes - Lone Wolf Quotes
Wolf Quotes - Lone Wolf Quotes

Strong and warrior wolf phrases

In addition to the lone wolf, the image of the strong, warrior wolf has also become popular. In other words, the image of the alpha wolf. This is because, in real life, wolves have a marked hierarchy in the pack, with the main reproductive pair being the alpha wolf (male) and the beta wolf (female)Next, we show you some of the best phrases of alpha wolves (or warriors and strong):

  1. Throw me to the wolves and I'll come back leading the pack.
  2. The she-wolf seems to be hiding under the wolf. She pretends to be scared, but in reality she is protecting her partner's throat.
  3. The howling wolf is a real danger. (David Attenborough)
  4. The silent wolf is more impressive than the barking dog.
  5. You can't throw me to the wolves. They come when I call them.
  6. I am fierce. I'm loyal. There is no one stronger. I have the heart of a lion and the moon of a soul. I am the leader of my pack. I'm the alpha.
  7. Be like the wolf and the lion, have a big heart and the power of leadership.
  8. A man can befriend a wolf, but no man will be able to really tame him. (George R. R. Martin)
  9. The tiger and the lion may be the strongest, but you will never see the wolf performing in the circus.
  10. My character is like that of wolves: if they don't attack, I won't bite.
  11. If wolves stopped running, people would stop screaming. (German proverb)
  12. Live like a wolf: wild, free and hungry. (C. Pacific)
  13. The wolf attacks with its fangs; the bull with its horns. (Horatio)
  14. A wolf doesn't turn around when a dog barks.
  15. It's better to live among wolves than people… at least you know what to expect from wolves.
  16. Even the wolf knows how to be polite when beastly humans have no idea what politeness is. (Muni Khan)
  17. Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest. (German proverb)
  18. We humans fear the beast that lives in the wolf because we don't understand the beast that lives within us. (Gerald Hausman)
  19. The wolf may fight the bear, but the rabbit always loses. (Robert Jordan)
  20. The wolves pounce on the wounded deer. It is the nature of the beast. (Barbara Delinski)
  21. The wolf can change its appearance, but never its intentions. (Proverb)
  22. Wolves are very skilled. All they need is for people not to shoot at them. (Bob Ferris)
  23. Sheep spend their whole lives fearing the wolf, but it is the shepherd who eats them.
  24. Wolves may be dangerous, but if you stop to look at them, you will realize that they are beautiful as a rose: cruel appearance, beautiful essence.
  25. I'm a wolf. Quietly I will bear it, quietly I will suffer, patiently I will wait, because I am a warrior and I will survive.
  26. If you can't face the wolves, don't go into the forest. (Alexandra Udinov)
  27. Wolves don't fight sheep…they eat them. Spot.
  28. Learn to be like the wolf: aggressive, but also patient, as needed.
  29. Nobody knows, but it was the wolf who taught Little Red Riding Hood to walk alone without being afraid of getting lost.
  30. If given the choice to be a shepherd or a sheep, be the wolf. (Josh Homme)
  31. In the deep and calm waters of the mind, the wolf lurks. (F. T. McKinstry)
  32. No wolf f alters before it bites, nor does the falcon hesitate before launching. Therefore, they hit the mark. (Shannon Hale)
  33. It never bothers the wolf how many sheep there are. (Virgil)
  34. When you run with the wolves, you must howl with the pack. (Leon Trotsky)
  35. Wolves in sheep's clothing will never stop being wolves. Sooner or later what they really are will manifest.
  36. Where there are sheep, the wolves are never far away. (Plautus)
  37. Freedom for wolves is death for lambs. (Isaiah Berlin)
  38. When shepherds fight, the wolf has his game won. (German proverb)
  39. The strength of the pack lies with the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is to pack. (Rudyard Kipling)
  40. A society of sheep will eventually spawn a government of wolves.

If you want to know more about the hierarchical roles of wolves and their reproduction, we encourage you to read this other article on Reproduction of wolves.

Phrases of wolves - Phrases of warrior and strong wolves
Phrases of wolves - Phrases of warrior and strong wolves

Short wolf quotes

We end this tour of the best wolf quotes with some phrases perfect for Instagram: short wolf quotes. You like them?

  1. Fear makes the wolf bigger than it is.
  2. Who walks with wolves, is taught to howl.
  3. The wolf does not walk alone, he always leads his pack.
  4. The look of the wolf penetrates to our soul. (Barry Lopez)
  5. Wolves are the witches of the animal world. (Katherine Rundell)
  6. They beat the wolf until it bites, so they can say it's bad
  7. Old Wolf does not fall for the trap.
  8. If you run away from the wolf, you may come across a bear. (Lithuanian proverb)
  9. In the wolf pack, loy alty is an oath.
  10. The wolf dressed in sheep's clothing and the herd consented to the deception. (Mary Shelley)
  11. I'd rather live a few hours as a wolf than a hundred years as a sheep.
  12. When a donkey is of many, the wolves eat it. (Juan de Mariana)
  13. It's crazy for a sheep to talk peace with a wolf. (Thomas Fuller)
  14. The wolf one listens to is worse than the ogre one fears. (J. R. R. Tolkien)
  15. The wolf will always be bad if we only listen to Little Red Riding Hood.
  16. A wicked canary is better than a pious wolf. (Anton Chekhov)
  17. When the sheep decide, even the wolves will flee.
  18. A wolf doesn't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.
  19. I have a wolf's heart and a wolf in my heart.
  20. A wolf doesn't care about the opinions of sheep.
  21. Make a sheep of yourself and the wolf will eat you. (German proverb)
  22. Flatterers look like friends, and wolves look like dogs. (George Chapman)
  23. Only a true wolf falls in love with the moon. (J. S. Ulli)
  24. The wolf doesn't know that Little Red Riding Hood is going to the forest for him.

If you liked these wolf phrases, don't miss this other article on Animal Phrases!
