Canary care

Canary care
Canary care
Canary care
Canary care

The caring for a canary are simple, although they do require constant monitoring to ensure that everything works correctly and that our beloved pet stays he althy and vital in its small habitat.

Below we will detail all the care that your canary requires and needs, keep reading this article on our site to make sure you are doing it properly.


The canary's cage must be spacious and wide, preferably wide, so that our bird can exercise properly. The cage is his habitat, his home, for this reason it is important that it is suitable and pleasant for him.

Some breeders and especially those dedicated to singing competitions often offer very small cages to enhance singing. In my opinion it is a very bad practice because this behavior generates stress and discomfort in small birds, thus reducing their life expectancy among other negative factors.

Canary care - Cage
Canary care - Cage

Cage Innkeepers

Together with the cage, we usually buy some very common plastic perches. Although they are a "basic" it is important that we think about acquiring natural branches since they wear down the nails, exercise the legs and provide a more comfortable grip.

If you can't find it in the market, you can make branches from a fruit tree, always without treating or varnishing. Cut them to the size required by the cage. In addition, it is important to know that you should not place perches or feeders below other perches, otherwise the droppings will fall on them.

Canary care - Cage innkeepers
Canary care - Cage innkeepers


Not maintaining regular hygiene in the cage of your canaries can lead to serious diseases in the future. To do this, clean the cage thoroughly and with a natural and non-harmful disinfectant at least once a week and you should include in the cleaning the branches, feeders, drinkers, swings, bottom and even go over the bars.

Falled food scraps such as fruit and vegetables that may rot will also be removed, but more frequently. We will also change all the food in the cage once a week since, even if they are seeds, they are susceptible to spoilage.

Canary care - Hygiene
Canary care - Hygiene


Paying attention to the canary's diet is essential for its wellbeing, physical and he alth development. For this, it is important to offer them mixtures, fruits and vegetables, calcium, water and supplements in the right measure and variety.

You want to know more? Find out about everything related to the feeding of the canary.

Canary care - Feeding
Canary care - Feeding

Parasite Control

Like other pets, it may happen that our canary is infested with mites or small parasites. To do this, the ideal is to go to the vet so that he can recommend how advanced the case is, and sometimes the common SPRAYS that we find on the market do not go to be of no use.

Do not apply products whose effectiveness or use you do not know.

To prevent parasites it will suffice to apply a drop to our canary from a pipette for dogs once every two or three months and offer regular baths as well as an observation of the plumage.

Sometimes, people with little experience in birds, confuse moulting or any change of plumage with parasites, for this reason we recommend that you go to the expert.

Canary care - Parasite control
Canary care - Parasite control

Canary environment

We will place our canary in a calm and relaxed environment where it can enjoy a bit of natural light. In summer, we will take them to the balcony properly protected and with a small space of shade.

Avoid draughts, they are very harmful to birds and they can quickly catch a cold.

The canary understands the process of hours of light and darkness as a measurement to begin moulting or reproduction. For this reason, even if you live indoors, you must have minimally fixed hours in which you can carry out this process.

At sunset, when you see him begin to relax and climb to the highest branch, cover him, yes it is summer it will be enough to cover the upper part of the cage a little.

Canary care - Canary environment
Canary care - Canary environment


The canary's molt usually takes place at the end of summer and in most cases, living indoors, they tend to present altered, prolonged or untimely molts, as a result of what was mentioned in the previous point.

We will try not to alter the natural photoperiod of canaries as well as the temperature or other environmental conditions. Follow a stability to keep your canary happy.
