Zebrafish Care

Zebrafish Care
Zebrafish Care
Zebrafish Care
Zebrafish Care

The zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio or Danio rerio) is a cyprinid native to the fresh waters of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Goza very popular among those who like to have home aquariums, because their basic needs are very easy to cover. It receives the name of zebra for its appearance, being also called danio or flag.

With a tiny size, between 5 and 6 centimeters only, the color of its body is gold or silver, with dark blue stripes crossing its length. If you want to know everything you need to have a danio at home, don't miss this article on our site about zebrafish care

Prepare the aquarium

Although the danio is a small fish, it requires a spacious aquarium, due to its nature as a great swimmer and the fact that he prefers to walk in schools. For this reason, we recommend that you acquire an aquarium of at least 70 liters, preferably with an elongated shape. There, about 10 zebra fish can coexist peacefully.

You will need to cover the bottom of the tank with gravel, about 7 millimeters thick will suffice. Also, add some plants, such as ferns, java moss and other rooting varieties to properly recreate the habitat. Ideally, you should place the plants mainly on the sides, so that the danio can come and go throughout the fish tank without any obstacles.

About the temperature, this species is able to survive between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius, although the ideal is to keep it at 27 degrees The The pH of the water should be kept at a neutral level, between 7.3 and 7.5. To control the temperature, you need to purchase a thermostat and a heater Likewise, lighting is important, so the tank should receive about 13 hours of light per day.

This fish tends to be very jumping, so you should cover the top of the tank with a mesh small enough so that the specimens do not fit.

Finally, an electric filter to purify and a wheel that gives movement to the water, imitating the fast sweet currents where it lives species, they will form your ideal aquarium for zebrafish.

Zebrafish care - Prepare the aquarium
Zebrafish care - Prepare the aquarium

Feeding the zebrafish

The danio is an omnivorous animal, so imitating its diet and providing all the necessary nutrients is quite simple. The commercial food for tropical fish will be fine for this species, always in the form of scales.

However, it is always preferable to feed our animals in the most natural way possible, so we recommend you supplement (or base) your zebrafish's diet withartemia and mosquito larvae, very small crustaceans (even those prepared with shrimp or prawns that can be found in pet stores) and even some boiled vegetables in minute proportions.

This type of food should be exchanged for raw and even live prey when mating the zebra. Similarly, the fry require another type of food. To know all the details about it, visit the article on the reproduction of the zebrafish.

Zebrafish Care - Feeding Zebrafish
Zebrafish Care - Feeding Zebrafish

General tips

With the above your zebrafish will have enough to live well. However, we can still give you some essential recommendations that will help you in the care of zebrafish:

First days with your danio

  • If you come home with your zebrafish straight from the pet store, it should not remain for a long time in the plastic bag with water in which they are usually given to you at the establishment. Within 8 hours you must introduce it into its new home, with clean water Otherwise, it will die.
  • Avoid unnecessary stress to your zebrafish: under no circumstances take it out of the tank, not even when changing the water. It is only essential that you change the aquarium when you intend to mate them.
  • The collective is very important for the zebrafish, so you should not ignore the recommendation that it is absolutely necessary to keep them in a group Not only will this prevent aggressive behavior, but you'll also be entertained watching them swim in sync.
  • They can coexist with other species, such as loaches or rasboras. Avoid placing fish with a calm personality as company, as the zebra's hyperactivity will easily stress them out.

Aquarium Maintenance

  • A temperature below 24 degrees centigrade will only shorten the life of the fish, estimated at 3 or 4 years maximum. Always keep it at 27 degrees.
  • Tap water can be used to fill the tank, but you will need to treat it. To do this, purchase not only the water purifier, but also sodium thiosulfate in solution. Add it to the water before pouring it into the aquarium.
  • If you have problems with the pH of the water, buy products to regulate acidity at veterinary stores.
  • When filling the aquarium you should never cover it completely to the top, leave a few centimeters free at the top to provide oxygen.
  • The cleaning of the tank or aquarium is essential. Acquire a siphon to suck up the debris accumulated in the gravel on the floor, while you take off any dirt adhering to the glass with a spatula. With the same siphon, it withdraws only 15% of the water to change it.
  • During cleaning, also clean the filter and heater.

Diet tips

  • Zebrafish have their mouths on top of their heads, so they will only eat the food that floats around them. Spread some food on top and let the fish eat it. If after 10 minutes you still see residue floating, do not feed it again and put a little less next time.
  • Feeding too much can kill them.
  • If you offer processed shrimp or prawns, rinse them with a little water to remove excess s alt.
  • The food should be small, since they consume it without chewing, in a single bite.
  • They only need to eat twice a day.
