How to remove the legañas of my dog

How to remove the legañas of my dog
How to remove the legañas of my dog
How to get rid of my dog's
How to get rid of my dog's

When your dog gets up in the morning or from a nap, or throughout the day, does he have many rheumy eyes? Legañas are a mucous secretion that comes out of the tear ducts and accumulates in the corners of the eyelids. Sometimes the eye secretion is lighter and as it does not stick much to the hair around the dog's eyes, the crust can be removed more easily, but other times the mucous secretion is thicker and when it dries and becomes entangled in the hair of the dog, creates a crust that is quite complicated to remove.

If your dog can't naturally remove the dregs himself with his tears, you should help him and clean his eyes well so that This substance does not continue to accumulate and ends up causing discomfort and visibility problems. If you're not sure how to do it without hurting him, keep reading this article on our site and discover how to get rid of my dog's legañas effectively and without hurting him.

Physiological saline solution to remove lees

When your dog has a snot and you want to remove it but it is already quite dry and hard, if you simply wipe it with a tissue eye it is likely that you will hurt it, since when it is hardened what you will do will be to stretch the hair and skin around your dog's eye with the possible result that you will do a lot of damage. To avoid this it is advisable that before proceeding to remove the legañas we wet them so that they soften.

The best option to do this is use saline solution that we can find in pharmacies. To do it well, it is advisable that instead of using toilet paper or cotton we use sterile gauze, also for sale in pharmacies, since this way we will avoid leaving any fiber or residue in the eye of our furry one.

Take a sterile gauze and moisten it well with saline solution, also pour serum directly into your dog's eye and gently massage it with the gauze. Don't press, because if you do, it can hurt your faithful companion, simply massage gently and you'll notice that the crust, when hydrated again, loosens easily. Of course, you must use a different gauze for each eye, never take advantage of one eye to clean the other because if you do you can pass dirt or some eye condition from one to the other. Keep doing this massage with saline solution until the dog's two eyes are very clean and free of bothersome rheum.

In addition, this cleaning with saline will also allow you to remove stains from your dog's eyes, those that are made when the The eye waters a lot but the tear ducts do not drain very well and they stain the hair a reddish-brown hue.

How to remove legañas from my dog - Physiological serum to remove legañas
How to remove legañas from my dog - Physiological serum to remove legañas

Cold chamomile to remove legañas from your dog

Another way to remove legañas from your dog and which is also more effective than physiological serum when there is a problem other than mucous secretion, such as the onset of conjunctivitis or an eye something inflamed due to an allergy to something, it's the cold chamomile infusion

In the case of the beginning of conjunctivitis in dogs, it is good to try to stop the problem before it gets worse and an infection begins, for this reason, in addition to any medical treatment that your veterinarian has recommended. confidence, you can perform cold chamomile baths in your dog's eyesLikewise, if you notice that your dog's eyes are somewhat swollen and rheumy, it is likely that there is something in the environment, for example a lot of dust, that is causing an allergic reaction and, in these cases, it is best to remove what He is allergic or you remove him from the area and help him remove the crust and reduce the swelling and itching of his eyes with cold chamomile infusion.

To do this you must prepare an infusion of chamomile, strain it to remove any residue and as soon as it is lukewarm, put it in the fridge to chill for at least half an hour. When the chamomile is very cold, take a sterile gauze and soak it in the infusion, place the soaked gauze over the affected eye of your faithful friend and let it rest for a few seconds. Gently massage and you will notice that the legañas are released and you can easily remove them. With this remedy you will be able to eliminate sludge, clean your eyes well and reduce inflammation thanks to the effect of cold chamomile.

How to remove legañas from my dog - Cold chamomile to remove legañas from your dog
How to remove legañas from my dog - Cold chamomile to remove legañas from your dog

Thyme to remove the legañas from your can

If you don't have physiological serum or chamomile and you are looking for an effect that not only cleans but also disinfects and reduces inflammation in your dog's eyes, we recommend that you use Infusion of thyme in cold to remove the legañas of your dog and relieve his eyes.

Thanks to the disinfectant properties of thyme, it is advisable to use it if we suspect conjunctivitis, eye infections or allergies, as we have mentioned before with chamomile, since in this way we will be able to reduce the progress of inflammation and infection. Again, what you should do is infuse the thyme, filter the remains and let it cool in the fridge. With a sterile gauze you can apply the thyme in the eyes of your dog with a gentle massage and thus clean the legañas, which will no longer be dry and hard, allowing the gauze to soak the eye area well in order to deflate and disinfect it well.

In addition to using these remedies, it is very important that you go to your trusted veterinarian to have your faithful companion's eyes checked since, when it is not a question of simple rheum from having slept a lot, the he alth problem must be treated as soon as possible and prevent the dog's eye condition from worsening.

Also, you should be careful when you bathe your furry, since washing his eyes with shampoo is not the best option since this product can irritate the dog's eyes. But, if you decide to bathe it with some natural products to bathe dogs, then it may be that some can be applied to the fur around the eyes without causing problems for them and thus you can remove the rheum from your dog the legañas, but to be sure you should consult your veterinarian first.
