Today it is undeniable that dogs can feel emotions that until recently we thought were exclusively human, for example, we can now say that dogs also feel jealousy. However, while canine emotions are now supported by multiple studies, any attached owner will have been able to notice the emotional worldof his pet very easily.
Therefore dogs can also feel fear and can feel it in an excessive way, even experiencing phobia, which not only affects their psyche but also their body, which can experience, among other phenomena, an increase in heart rate. In this article on our site we show you the best tips for dogs afraid of thunder
Why are dogs afraid of thunder?
Some dogs are afraid of cars, while others are afraid of water, but in general we can say that practically all dogs experience great fear when they hear thunder.
This is a terrifying experience for the animal and although the exact cause of this condition is not known, different hypotheses have been considered. Discover the causes that can provoke this fear:
- Genetic predisposition.
- Having previously suffered a traumatic or negative experience related to a storm or similar.
- Lack of habituation to this type of atmospheric phenomena in their socialization stage.
The manifestation of this fear can reach different degrees of severity, on some occasions dogs simply show moderate anxiety, but in In more extreme cases, the dog trembles, pants, may want to escape and may even jump out of a window or seriously hit itself because during a storm these are usually closed.
There is no specific treatment for this type of fear, however, there are many therapeutic resources that can be used successfully.

What to do if my dog is afraid of thunder?
Even if your dog experiences the highest levels of anxiety, under no circumstances can you blame him for this behavior during a storm, as you will only achieve aggravate the situation Remember that your pet is going through a terrifying experience and the last thing he needs is for you to punish him or yell at him, this in addition to being cruel would increase his levels of anxiety
You must stay by his side, calm him down and if he is willing to start a game at home with him, in this way, he will begin to associate the noise of thunder with other more pleasant moments. Intelligence games or food vending toys, such as the kong, are very useful tools to entertain him.
While you accompany your dog, you can also turn on the television or use relaxing music for dogs, in this way you will minimize external noise.
During the entire duration of the storm you should appear calm and relaxed, even if he is extremely restless and nervous. You must take an example and understand that nothing happens. It is common for some pages to suggest that "you should not reinforce" the dog by petting him when he is afraid. This is a half truth.
You should not reinforce a nervous attitude, for example running around, whining, crying or vocalizing. These are actions that we should ignore completely. On the contrary, fear is an emotion and emotions cannot be reinforced Therefore, if your dog is scared but calm or comes looking for your affection don't hesitate and caress it gently.

Make a safe place for your dog
If your house has a basement, attic or small room you can use this space so that your dog has a safe place to go during the storm, although obviously this will require training.
Among the relaxation exercises for dogs it is important to talk about the blanket exercise, a therapy that will help us associate storms with something good and that will allow us to guide the dog to the place we have enabled.
During the first few times, when frightened, accompany him to this place until he can associate it as " security zone" in the context of a storm, with the use of the blanket, which you will have previously practiced. It must be a nest-type bed, a box or a carrier. You can leave a long-lasting toy inside, such as a ham bone, a commercial bone or a calming toy.
It is preferable that the windows in this room are with the shutters down, although it is important to include a warm light and a small house in parallel for dogs with a soft mattress inside.

Is it possible to remove a dog's fear of thunder?
How can you make a dog afraid of thunder stop being afraid? With a lot of patience, dedication and affection you can achieve it. Doing this is possible through systematic desensitization, a process that we recommend you carry out with the help of an experienced professional: a canine educator, trainer or ethologist.
- Prepare everything mentioned above: the safety zone, toys and the blanket.
- Play a storm ambient sound video at a very low volume, almost imperceptible.
- Make a seeding and/or use food vending toys so that your dog relaxes and at the same time associates the storm with something positive: games and food.
- Do 5-minute sessions daily, gradually increasing the volume of the audio.
- If at any time your dog gets upset, it is best to lower the sound until he is more relaxed. It should be a gradual process and it may take some time to achieve the desired results.
- When your dog is totally used to the sound of music you should start working the same way during the rainy days, applying exactly the same guidelines.
Over time you will notice that your dog is calmer in the face of storms, moreover, if you apply the other advice given to you we have shown you will be able to observe good results in a faster way.
Don't forget that if the dog continues to experience a lot of fear and even anxiety, it would be advisable to go to a specialist to assess the application of specific guidelines or other type of therapy.

Is it advisable to use medication?
When we talk about a very serious case, in which the cam experiences panic, vomiting, diarrhea and even shows behaviors that could put him in danger, the use of medication would be recommended.
It is very important to consult with the veterinarian the use of anxiolytics, which should be tested a few times to find the right dose.
Conversely, never use medications containing acepromazine, as they keep the dog conscious but prevent him from moving. These types of drugs can cause generalized panic and even cardiac arrest.