Symptoms of a cat in heat - PHASES and BEHAVIOR

Symptoms of a cat in heat - PHASES and BEHAVIOR
Symptoms of a cat in heat - PHASES and BEHAVIOR
Symptoms of a cat in heat
Symptoms of a cat in heat

A cat in heat is noticeable. Perhaps there are some somewhat more discreet breeds that do not proclaim their status from the rooftops, but the most common breeds in our homes communicate perfectly when they are in heat.

If you have just adopted a kitten and you notice that she shows certain behaviors that she had not done until now, it may be the symptoms of heat in a cats. In this article on our site we talk about the phases of heat that a cat experiences, the usual behaviors of a cat in heat and all the signals she emits. Keep reading!

Phases of heat in female cats and their symptoms

The heat of cats consists of 5 phases:

  1. Proestrus: This phase lasts a couple of days, although the cat is not really in heat. A common symptom is that is more affectionate than usual.
  2. Estrus: This phase is when the cat clearly shows her heat with high-pitched, high-pitched meows. persistent, as well as through colorful body pirouettes and rubbing his body against the ground. In this period is when the cat is more receptive to males and can become pregnant. It is a period that lasts between 3 and 15 days, with a week being the usual duration.
  3. Interestrus: this period is the one that goes from one heat to another. It is a highly variable and personal period for each cat. There are cats that are jealous very often, while others are very spaced. Normally, the older the cat gets, the more spaced out her jealousy is. This difference in periods occurs because cats are seasonally polyestrous, so they can experience heat more or less often depending on the conditions. We talked about it in the article on Heat in male and female cats.
  4. Destroy: is when the cat has ovulated without becoming pregnant. In these cases, the cat usually shows symptoms similar to the state of pregnancy, accusing a false pregnancy that will soon lead to another proestrus.
  5. Anestro: it is a long period without heat. It usually occurs during the winter.

After knowing the phases, we see that a cat in heat shows symptoms during proestrus and estrus. It has been shown that the periods of heat in female cats are more frequent from the beginning of spring, with these periods of heat extending until the end of the summer. This phenomenon is related to the greater hours of sunlight. It has also been shown that short-haired cats have more frequent periods of heat than long-haired cats.

Apparently, the cat's instinct considers that the longer the period of sunlight, the easier it will be to raise her litters because she will hunt more food.

Behavior of a cat in heat

We have already seen the symptoms of a cat in heat depending on the phase she is in, but she can also carry out other behaviors typical of this period. Next, we show you the most common behaviors of a cat in heat:

Meows characteristically

Cats in heat profusely emit characteristic meows that are much longer and higher-pitched than everyday meows. They also increase their volume a lot, so it is practically impossible for them to go unnoticed. They are more common at dusk because cats are nocturnal animals.

He rubs and lifts his genitals

In addition to the constant meowing, the female cats in heat roll around on the floor writhing and raising their genitals to show them. They also rub against our legs more often than usual.

She is more affectionate

As we have mentioned, it is common for cats to be more affectionate during this period. Hence, also that they rub against us and seek our caresses.

He licks his genital area

Female cats in heat have their sexual organs swollen and they lick them more often, but it is not true that they bleed. Some female cats eventually mark territory with very strong urine when they are in heat.

She is more receptive to males

Let's remember that during the oestrus phase, cats in heat are more receptive and that is when pregnancy can occur. Therefore, if there are male cats nearby, we can notice that tries to go with them.

On the other hand, she can be more affectionate than usual with males of other species, including humans. If you don't close your bedroom door properly, the cat is likely to sneak into your room, usually at dawn, to meow and let you know what her needs are.

If you want to know how to calm a cat in heat, don't miss this article on our site.

Can you spay a cat in heat?

If what you want is to put an end to the cat's heat, sterilization is the best option. There is a false theory that states that for cats to be he althier they must have litters at least once, but this is not true. Sterilization reduces the chances of having tumors as they get older, of developing certain infections and other he alth problems. Find out more about the advantages of sterilizing a cat.

Now, is it advisable to sterilize a cat in heat? In general, it is advisable to wait until the cat is not in heat to perform the surgery. However, it will be the specialist who examines your cat who will decide what is best for her.
