How Do Cats Reproduce? - Explanation of Reproduction in Cats

How Do Cats Reproduce? - Explanation of Reproduction in Cats
How Do Cats Reproduce? - Explanation of Reproduction in Cats
How do cats reproduce?
How do cats reproduce?

Cats are animals well known for the characteristics of their reproductive cycle and the large number of kittens they can bring into the world in a short time. However, how exactly does mating happen? Is there a set cat littering season?

In this article on our site we will see the details of how cats reproduceIn this way, we can implement the appropriate measures to avoid unwanted pregnancies in our homes, which is very important because the current feline overpopulation means that not all the kittens that are born have a responsible home. And if we do not live with these animals and simply want to know how cats mate to expand our knowledge, in this complete guide we will talk about the reproductive cycle from the beginning to the end.

The heat of the cats

Cat reproduction begins with heat. Oestrus is the name given to the fertile period of cats These are what is known as seasonal polyestrous, which means that during the months with the highest incidence of sunlight, cats will go into heat. We will notice it by symptoms such as very insistent, sharp and high-pitched meows, rubbing against objects or our legs, elimination of urine outside the litter box, behavioral changes, etc.

These signs will be repeated for approximately one week in a row. If fertilization does not occur, about 10-15 days later, the cat will go into heat again, and so on every month with sufficient light. The first heat of the cats can occur between five and seven months of age and will continue throughout their lives. See the following article to learn more about the duration of this period: "How long does a cat's heat last?".

The heat of cats

Male cats do not properly have a heat period. Since they reach sexual maturity, from 7-9 months on average, they will react as soon as they detect a cat in heat These will emit invaluable pheromones for us, but irresistible to them. Thus, male cats will be nervous, mark with urine and try to escape. If they manage to reach a female cat, they may meet other males. Fights are common in these situations, and even lead to serious injuries.

In addition, it is a risk situation for the spread of diseases such as immunodeficiency or feline leukemia. Therefore, if we live with an entire male cat, at any time in its life it can run away after a female cat in heat, in addition to urinating all over the house.

If the encounter between a cat and a female cat occurs during the heat period, reproduction will continue. In the next section we see in more detail how cats mate.

Cat reproduction: mounting

We will only be able to see how cats reproduce when the females are in heat. Outside this period no sexual activity is recorded in this species. We should not assimilate their behavior to that of humans. When a cat in heat and a cat meet, mating takes place, but what is cat mating like?

The male will stand behind the female and hold her by the fur on the back of her neck, as mothers do with their kittens. The receptive cat will facilitate access to her genitals. The cat inserts its penis and, by withdrawing it, triggers the necessary stimulus for ovulation to occur. This is essential because the cat has an induced ovulation This explains why the cat's penis is covered with so-called spicules. These, when withdrawing the penis after intercourse, come out against the grain, causing that painful impulse that makes the ovules come out. In this way, the sperm provided by the male can fertilize them. This is how fertilization occurs and, therefore, reproduction in cats causes pain in females. Likewise, precisely due to the characteristics of the entire reproduction process, cats make a lot of noise when they mate.

It is normal for several cats to copulate with the same cat during the heat period, causing kittens from different parents to conceive in the same pregnancy.

How do cats reproduce? - Reproduction of cats: mounting
How do cats reproduce? - Reproduction of cats: mounting

The cat's pregnancy

Seeing how cats reproduce, once a cat becomes pregnant, future kittens will develop in her uterus. The uterus of cats has two elongated areas called uterine horns and it is in them that the embryos are going to be distributed. These develop over about nine weeks, as the length of the cat's pregnancy is about 63 days

Despite the important changes that are taking place inside her, normally we will not detect symptoms in the pregnant cat almost until the last weeks, shortly before giving birth. Therefore, if our cat is whole and has had the chance to meet cats, we must go to the vet to confirm or rule out pregnancy. If so, this professional will schedule follow-up visits and will indicate the necessary care for this stage, since, at a minimum, the diet must be changed. He will also explain to us how we should act in childbirth. In general, cats give birth without incident, alone and during the night, but it is good that we inform ourselves about possible complications.

Towards the last weeks of pregnancy, the most obvious symptom will be bulging belly and increase of mammary size Likewise, the behavior of the pregnant cat can also be modified, being more affectionate or, on the other hand, more surly. Do not miss this article to know all the details of pregnancy in cats: "A cat's pregnancy week by week".

How do cats reproduce? - The Cat's Pregnancy
How do cats reproduce? - The Cat's Pregnancy

The birth of cats

To complete the reproduction of cats it is necessary that the birth takes place. As we said, cats usually give birth without any help, in the nest that they have prepared during gestation and, in general, at night. In the case of pregnant cats at home, it is convenient to monitor them to verify that the delivery is going smoothly or to call the veterinarian in an emergency. Now, what are the Symptoms of labor in cats? Expulsion of the mucous plug, which can happen days before delivery, nervousness when delivery is imminent, contractions, search for the nest and, finally, the birth of the first kitten. Normally, labor lasts 2-3 hours, with the kittens being born at intervals of a maximum of 30 minutes between one and the other. However, not all births are the same, so it is important to consult the veterinarian in case of doubt. To find out how cats are born in more detail and even watch a video of a birth, don't miss this other article: "How are cats born?"

Cats will give birth to about five kittens per litter and will feed exclusively on mother's milk for the first few weeks of life. With fifteen days it is advisable to administer internal deworming if it is a litter born in a home. From 3-4 weeks it is possible to offer solid foods appropriate to their age, but they must continue to drink mother's milk. The family should never be separated before eight weeks, as this sensitive period is very important for them to spend together as it helps prevent behavior problems in the future. At eight weeks they can receive their first vaccine.

In a few months these little ones will mature sexually, which means that they will already have the capacity to reproduce. It should also be borne in mind that the cat can go back into heat even while nursing her young

Neutering cats

Once we know in detail how cats mate, we will notice that they are a prolific speciesA cat can have up to three litters a year of about five kittens, which will also be able to reproduce in a few months. This means that cats abound and that there are more than homes willing to take care of them.

As much as their independence is insisted on, the truth is that they are domesticated animals that we have a moral obligation to care for. Homeless cats die much earlier and are exposed to diseases, abuse, abuse, poisoning, hunger, cold and barbarities of unscrupulous humans. To avoid these terrible consequences, reducing the number of kittens that are born is part of responsible ownership

Neutering cats is currently the recommended measure. It prevents cats from reproducing, any symptoms of heat disappear and, in addition, it protects from pathologies related to sexual hormones such as mammary tumors or pyometra. The operation consists of removing the uterus and ovaries in females, although only the ovaries can be removed, and the testicles in males. It can be done before the first heat. The vet will inform us in detail.

In the following video we show the most important care for sterilized cats.
