Top 20 DOG Breeds for KIDS - Complete Guide

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Top 20 DOG Breeds for KIDS - Complete Guide
Top 20 DOG Breeds for KIDS - Complete Guide
Top 20 Dog Breeds for Kids
Top 20 Dog Breeds for Kids

Children love dogs and therefore it is not surprising that they ask to live with one. However, before adopting an animal, whatever it may be, we must be very clear that are not toys, they are living beings that feel and need to have a series of needs to be happy and he althy. This involves visits to the vet, buying quality food, going to the dog groomer if necessary, taking them for walks and runs, playing with them at home, providing them with a comfortable bed, educating them correctly, etc. Likewise, regardless of age, it is also important to educate the child so that they know how to treat the animal.

In this article on our site we will talk about the best dog breeds for children based on the child's character and personality. Keep reading, discover with us the best dogs for children and remember: adopt responsibly and educate positively.

1. Beagle, an ideal dog for children in an apartment

The beagle is one of the best dogs for hyperactive children because it is equally mobile. In addition, his size makes him a perfect dog for a medium or small apartment or flat. This breed loves to run and play non-stop, so it greatly appreciates living with a boy or girl who can keep up with them and thus spend the same Energy.

On the other hand, it is a very intelligent dog and considered "easy to train" because it internalizes orders very quickly, as long as the education is based on positive reinforcement. And since it is so active, a good idea to promote both training and to help the dog and the child to channel energy is to visit agility circuits. They'll both come home exhausted!

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 1. Beagle, an ideal dog for children in an apartment
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 1. Beagle, an ideal dog for children in an apartment

two. Labrador retriever, recommended for hyperactive children

The labrador has a lot of energy, is active, loves to play and is very affectionate with children. In addition, he stands out above others for having enormous patience and great nobility. For all these reasons, this dog breed has earned a place on the list of the best dogs for small and medium-sized children, who tend to be the most hyperactive.

On the other hand, it should be noted that he loves being with his family, so he is not only an ideal dog for running, but also values quiet times in the living room, all together. Likewise, as in the previous case, it is an intelligent dog and easy to train. Of course, he needs to receive mental stimulation to stay balanced, such as intelligence games.

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 2. Labrador retriever, recommended for hyperactive children
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 2. Labrador retriever, recommended for hyperactive children

3. Collie, the best guard dog for children

If what you are looking for is a guard dog for children because the little one is rather calm, the collie is the breed you are looking for. He has a developed protective instinct that he accentuates with the little ones at home, which is why he tends to get along very well with children and wants to defend them at all costs.

Now then, the same protective instinct that makes it one of the best guard dogs can also make it less tolerant of strangers, especially if they don't approach properly or the dog hasn't been properly socialized. Therefore, despite being one of the best dog breeds for children, it is essential to socialize it.

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 3. Collie, the best guard dog for children
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 3. Collie, the best guard dog for children

4. Boxer, a dog that loves children

Without a doubt, another of the ideal dogs for children. The Boxer is a very playful breed that loves children. In fact, he could be playing with them until the kids get tired. Although the playful personality is a very positive factor to take into account when selecting the best dog breed for children, what really stands out about the Boxer is its protective instinctand vigilant, since he will not let anything or anyone get close to the children without prior notice. He protects his family above all else.

On the other hand, the Boxer stands out for his nobility and patience with children, which is why many people opt for this dog

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 4. Boxer, a dog that loves children
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 4. Boxer, a dog that loves children

5. Saint Bernard, one of the best dogs for small children

If you want to adopt a dog for babies or small children, then you must have characteristics other than those mentioned in the previous sections. In these cases, it is convenient to opt for calm, peaceful and very patient dogs, since young children tend to play tricks on their dogs. Although these pranks are unintentional, some dogs can get upset and hurt the child also unintentionally. For this reason, we highlight the Saint Bernard as one of the best dogs for very young children.

Despite his large size, he is not a rough dog, on the contrary! This is one of the calmest, peaceful and good dogs that exist. It is docile and protective, which is why it is considered one of the best nanny dogs in the world

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 5. Saint Bernard, one of the best dogs for small children
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 5. Saint Bernard, one of the best dogs for small children

6. German Shepherd, ideal for small and medium children

The German Shepherd is one of the most versatile dog breeds that exists. It adapts to all kinds of situations, it is an excellent companion and, in addition, it is very obedient, intelligent, easy to train and protective. And as if that were not enough, this dog loves children and is extremely affectionate with them, both with the youngest and the oldest. For this reason, he is a perfect dog for children of all ages.

In case of having a baby or a very young child, the German shepherd will tend to protect him, while if the child is older, the dog will want to play with him and both can have fun playing times and training.

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 6. German Shepherd, ideal for small and medium-sized children
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 6. German Shepherd, ideal for small and medium-sized children

7. Poodle or poodle, a dog for allergic children

There are four varieties of poodle depending on their size: the poodle or toy poodle, the dwarf, the medium and the standard or large. Since we are looking for the best dogs for children, we recommend going for the larger varieties, especially if it is to live with small children. The smaller size types are recommended for older children, with some responsibility and conscience so as not to harm them in any way.

In any case, the poodle is a hypoallergenic dog, so it does not usually produce reactions in people with allergies. Likewise, it is one of the most intelligent dogs in the world, easy to train and active. Due precisely to their intellectual capacity, they need to receive a lot of mental stimulation.

If you want to know more small dogs for children, don't miss this other article focused solely on breeds of this size: "Ideal small dogs for children".

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 7. Poodle, a dog for allergic children
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 7. Poodle, a dog for allergic children

8. Golden retriever, a dog for children of all ages

The golden retriever is one of the most appreciated dogs in the world for its abilities and, therefore, it also represents one of the best dog breeds for children. It is an intelligent dog, who learns very quickly, gentle, balanced, playful and patient. Of course, it is important to highlight that it is a dog that is very active during its puppy stage, so it will need to learn to channel all its energy in a positive way for everyone. In this sense, playing with children is an excellent way.

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 8. Golden retriever, a dog for children of all ages
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 8. Golden retriever, a dog for children of all ages

9. Greyhound, in all its versions

Greyhounds are dogs very calm, noble and easy to care for The only thing they need to be happy is to have a family that loves them and allow them to enjoy time in the field to run freely. For this reason, they are usually very patient dogs with children, which fit both with active and calm children. Of course, especially if it is about small children, it is preferable not to let them be the ones who handle the leash during walks, since in case of jerks, greyhounds have a lot of strength (except for the Italian greyhound due to its size) and they can pull the little one.

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 9. Greyhound, in all its versions
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 9. Greyhound, in all its versions

10. Mixed-breed dogs, the best dogs for children

All the dogs mentioned are good playmates for the little ones at home, but if by adopting a dog you want to transmit important values such as solidarity, equality or respect to your children, choose a mongrel dog is also a great option. In addition, mestizo dogs have the advantage of not having been subjected to indiscriminate selection to obtain a specific standard, which leads to serious hereditary he alth problems.

On the other hand, in any of the cases, we advise you to visit protectors, shelters and associations of animals in order to give a second chance to an abandoned dog.

When choosing a mongrel dog, what you should take into account is its size, its character and the age of both the child and the dog. For very young children, it is preferable to opt for young dogs, capable of following their energetic rhythm, while for older and calmer children, adult or elderly dogs are good options. The character of the dog must match that of the child so that they can play and live in harmony.

The 20 best dog breeds for children - 10. Mixed dogs, the best dogs for children!
The 20 best dog breeds for children - 10. Mixed dogs, the best dogs for children!

Other dogs for children

The above are the best dogs for children, but the truth is that there are other breeds that also fit with them. Thus, other breeds of dogs for children that we recommend are the following:

  • Bobtail
  • Cocker spaniel
  • Asutralian cobberdog
  • Spanish Mastiff
  • Border collie
  • Samoyed
  • Shih Tzu
  • Shiba Inu
  • Goldendoodle
  • Cockapoo

And if in addition to dogs for children you are looking for dogs for beginners because it is the first time you have lived with this animal, don't miss this video.
