The Centre d'animals el Niu is a multidisciplinary clinicof Manresa where they offer veterinary treatments and diagnoses focused on adapting to each pet.
In its well-cared facilities you can find services of all kinds from vaccinations, ultrasounds, X-rays to surgery.
At Niu you will also find alternative therapies for the care of your animal companion, highlighting its service of acupuncture orhomeopathy.
They offer care for exotic animals, hospitalization and have a large selection of top quality products in theirstore as well as an impeccable hairdresser canine service. Do not hesitate to visit them and they will receive unbeatable treatment at the hands of experts who will be attentive to things such as the schedule of vaccinations, nutrition, deworming or anything else your pet may need.
Services: Veterinarians, Operating Room, Hospitalization, Shop, Radiography, Acupuncture and laser therapy, Radiology, Hairdressing, Ultrasound, Exotic Vet