La Marina Exotic Veterinary Center - Elche

La Marina Exotic Veterinary Center - Elche
La Marina Exotic Veterinary Center - Elche
La Marina Veterinary Center Exotics
La Marina Veterinary Center Exotics

The team that makes up the current La Marina Veterinary Center began its dream of caring for exotic animals more than eight years ago. At that time, his center was directed mainly to the clinic of small animals, dogs, cats and other often misunderstood patients: exotic animals. As parrots, rabbits, ferrets, iguanas and other less common animals began to gain popularity in homes, the demand for a veterinary service focused on these species increased to the point that its exotics department was outgrown. Thus, in January 2011 they opened the doors of the La Marina Exotic Veterinary Center, and since then they have not stopped growing, being today a reference center for exotic animals

The staff at La Marina is specialized in all kinds of exotic animals, so all species are welcome. Its veterinary services have been growing and specializing day by day to be able to cover all the needs of its patients. Thus, the following services stand out:

  • Internal Medicine.
  • Endoscopy.
  • Surgery and anesthesia.
  • Hospitalization.
  • Radiology.
  • Ultrasound.
  • Odontology.
  • Residence service.
  • Own laboratory.
  • Emergencies.

To guarantee that all animals are cared for no matter what time they need to receive a visit, they offer a 24-hour veterinary emergency serviceby calling 686481923. On the other hand, the La Marina Exotic Veterinary Center has a residence service for exotic animals throughout the year. In their center they offer the necessary facilities to house all kinds of birds and small mammals, as well as terrariums and aquaterrariums adapted with ultraviolet light and heat to house reptiles.

Services: Veterinarians, Radiology, Digestive Surgery, Hospitalization, Ultrasound, Reproductive System Surgery, Urological Surgery and Urinary Tract, Exotic Vet, Endoscopy, Diagnostic Imaging, Ophthalmic Surgery, Internal Medicine, Shop, Surgery oral, 24h Emergencies, X-ray, General medicine, Analytics, Ear surgery, Official certificates
