Names for male and female cocker spaniels - Over 200 ideas

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Names for male and female cocker spaniels - Over 200 ideas
Names for male and female cocker spaniels - Over 200 ideas
Names for male and female cocker spaniels
Names for male and female cocker spaniels

Cocker dogs have one of the most adorable and cuddly looks in the canine world, and who can resist those big fluffy floppy ears? In addition, the enormous love and affection they give off have made their popularity increase and many people choose them as life partners.

If you have also decided to share your life with a cocker spaniel, whether it is a puppy or an adult, and you don't know what name to give it that does justice to its physique or personality, we can help you on our site. We share a complete list of names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs, fun, original and beautiful, keep reading!

Cocker dog breeds

When we talk about cocker spaniels we are not referring to a single breed, since there are currently two that exist:

  • English Cocker Spaniel
  • American Cocker Spaniel

There are several characteristics that differentiate one breed from the other, but at first glance the most notable can be seen in the snouts of both dogs. The American Cocker Spaniel has a flatter muzzle than the English. Another difference lies in the size, since the English are usually a little taller than the American. Likewise, the coat of the American Cocker is longer and more luxuriant than that of the English.

Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Cocker spaniel dog breeds
Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Cocker spaniel dog breeds

How to choose the best name for your cocker spaniel?

Regardless of whether your new companion is an American Cocker, an English Cocker, or a mix of both breeds (or one of them), you should keep the following tips in mind when choosing his name:

  • Discard those terms that are similar to words in common use or chosen to teach basic commands, as they will confuse your dog.
  • Prefers those short dog names, of no more than three syllables, because they tend to internalize them sooner.
  • If you're out of ideas, you can look at the physical appearance of your dog or at particular features your personality.
  • Once the name is selected, try to get all the members of the household to pronounce it the same way and avoid changing it. Although dogs are capable of learning a new name, it is preferable not to make this change.

When you have chosen the best name for your cocker spaniel, remember that the best way to teach it is through positive reinforcement, that is, always rewarding it when it responds when you call it. In general, dogs tend to learn their name quite quickly, but you must bear in mind that not all dogs learn at the same pace, and if it is a puppy it may take several days for them to internalize it and associate it with themselves. Be patient, be consistent and keep him motivated.

Names for cocker spaniel dogs

Cockers are very loving and affectionate, as well as dependent dogs. what does it mean exactly? That they are not dogs that are used to tolerating loneliness, so if they are going to spend many hours alone at home, it is essential to teach them to manage it, since otherwise they could develop separation anxiety and even depression.

If you have just adopted a beautiful English or American cocker spaniel puppy, or are thinking of doing so, in addition to preparing for her arrival at home by acquiring toys, bowls and a comfortable bed, it is logical that you think of name. Therefore, below we share a list of beautiful names for cocker spaniels:

  • Afi
  • Africa
  • Soul
  • Almond
  • Arabia
  • Sand
  • Ariel
  • Aura
  • Ayla
  • Baby
  • Baxie
  • Beautiful
  • Blair
  • Blacky
  • Bless
  • Boira
  • Bonnie
  • Bree
  • Breeze
  • Creek
  • Candy
  • Cinnamon
  • Cassie
  • Girl
  • Spark
  • Cleo
  • Cira
  • Coast
  • Cuca
  • Daira
  • Lady
  • Dana
  • Debra
  • Diva
  • Doll
  • Dolly
  • Dori
  • Sweet
  • Star
  • Etna
  • Febe
  • Frida
  • Gala
  • Foxy
  • Cat
  • Greta
  • Fairy
  • Hera
  • Isis
  • Rockrose
  • Jasmine
  • Jazz
  • Jewel
  • Juliet
  • Kai
  • Kenya
  • Kia
  • Kira
  • Kora
  • Wool
  • Layla
  • Leia
  • Pretty
  • Lula
  • Light
  • Madonna
  • Mandy
  • Mara
  • Marilyn
  • Marquise
  • Maya
  • Mine
  • Mimi
  • Mimosa
  • Moira
  • Nala
  • Chick
  • Cloud
  • Little Ears
  • Orejona
  • Osiris
  • Pam
  • Fluff
  • Pearl
  • Princess
  • What in
  • Queen
  • Roxie
  • Ruby
  • Blonde
  • Sally
  • Sandy
  • Jungle
  • Sun
  • Sugar
  • Sweet
  • Taca
  • Tare
  • Land
  • Tifani
  • Truffle
  • Vanilla
  • Candle
  • Whitney
  • Winnie
  • Xelsa
  • Xuxa
  • Yuri
  • Zara
  • Zoe
Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Names for female cocker spaniel dogs
Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Names for female cocker spaniel dogs

Names for black cocker spaniels

If the newcomer is an intense jet black color, you may be interested in reviewing this list with names for black cocker spaniel puppies, which represent objects characterized by having this color or that are associated with darkness:

  • Agate (precious stone)
  • Amaris ("daughter of the moon" in Hebrew)
  • Ayla ("moonlight" in Turkish)
  • Blacky
  • Darling
  • Eclipse
  • Star
  • Jade (precious stone)
  • Laylah ("born at night" in Finnish)
  • Leily ("nocturnal" in Iranian)
  • Moon
  • Mahina ("moon" in Hawaiian)
  • Bold font
  • Nisha ("night" in Indian)
  • Nishi ("night" in Japanese)
  • Night
  • Nyx ("night" in Greek)
  • Onyx (precious stone)
  • Selena (goddess of the moon)
  • Shadow
  • Shade
  • Tea (goddess of the moon)
  • Yue ("moon" in Chinese)

Names for male cocker spaniels

In addition to teaching your cocker spaniel to be alone at home, whether it is male or female, it is essential work on his socialization period, which begins with his mother and brothers. Not doing so can cause behavioral problems such as barking at other dogs during the walk, being insecure and fearful or, in the worst case, aggressive.

On the other hand, although all dogs mark, the marking of male dogs is usually more annoying than that of females due to the fact that they lift their paws to urinate. Well, to avoid this it is important to work on its education, spend time going for walks and sterilizing it. While it is true that sterilization reduces marking by 50% of cases, it prevents many other hormonal problems and unwanted pregnancies.

Focusing on the choice of name, below we show a complete list of names for English or American cocker spaniel dogs:

  • Andy
  • Anouk
  • Apollo
  • Axel
  • Axic
  • Bambi
  • Brownie
  • Bruc
  • Dog
  • Chester
  • Chipi
  • Choco
  • Cloy
  • Dasel
  • Dingo
  • Dustin
  • Ecko
  • Gasper
  • Gulf
  • Gus
  • Gusi
  • They have
  • Harry
  • Hercules
  • Jake
  • Joe
  • Jon
  • Kurt
  • Lambie
  • Litri
  • Luke
  • Max
  • Milo
  • Snowy
  • Nanuk
  • Nile
  • Nur
  • Ringo
  • Robin
  • Roger
  • Saruk
  • Sid
  • Toffee
  • Yiro
  • Yogi
  • W alter
  • Wes
  • Zac
  • Zeus
  • Zircon
Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Names for male cocker spaniel dogs
Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Names for male cocker spaniel dogs

Cocker dog names in English

Whether your furry companion is an English Cocker Spaniel or he is an American Cocker Spaniel, you may prefer to opt for an English name to call him. In this list we show several ideas of names for cocker spaniels in English, with their meaning in parentheses, to help you:

  • Almond
  • Beauty
  • Bonny (beautiful)
  • Boss
  • Brown
  • Buddy (buddy)
  • Candy
  • Cloud
  • Cookie
  • Crazy (loco/a)
  • Dark (dark)
  • Dolly (doll)
  • Fluffy
  • Foxy (cunning)
  • Furry (furry)
  • Gold (gold)
  • Golden
  • Gypsy
  • Happy
  • Hope
  • Lady (lady)
  • Love (love)
  • Lovely
  • Pearl
  • Pixie
  • Poppy
  • Sand
  • Shaggy
  • Silky
  • Soft (soft)
  • Teddy
Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Names for cocker spaniel dogs in English
Names for male and female cocker spaniel dogs - Names for cocker spaniel dogs in English

Unique names for cocker spaniels

All the names are original and unique because they remind us of our furry companion, but if you still don't know what name to choose for your dog cocker, remember that you can always play with words by creating diminutives or augmentatives, joining two or more terms and even inventing new ones. Anyway, for your inspiration, here are some cool cocker name ideas:

  • Bacon
  • Bandit
  • Bug
  • Pellet
  • Peanut
  • Candy
  • Chewbacca
  • Coconut
  • Coquito
  • Dakar
  • Darth Vader
  • Fofi
  • Goliath
  • Peanut
  • Mochi
  • Mopita
  • Nairobi
  • Bear
  • Bread
  • Slipper
  • Pardo/a
  • Peluchín
  • R2-D2
  • Thor
  • Nut
  • Zapa
