Italian names for male and female cats - More than 200 ideas

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Italian names for male and female cats - More than 200 ideas
Italian names for male and female cats - More than 200 ideas
Italian names for male and female cats
Italian names for male and female cats

The choosing a cat's name is a key moment in its upbringing. Before deciding what to call your feline, it is essential to understand that the chosen name will be part of the bond that you will breed with your companion. Therefore, you should know that it is a determining aspect for their education and their day to day life.

Your cat deserves a name as special as his personality, right? That is why, on our site, we have prepared for you more than 200 ideas original and beautiful names in Italian for male cats and femalesDon't miss them!

How to choose a cat's name? - 3 basic tips

Choosing your cat's name is a very personal decision and no one can tell you what is good or bad, right or wrong. However, there are some tips that you can take into account when deciding what to call your feline, in order to facilitate its habituation process with its own name and education.

Here are 3 basic tips for choosing a cat's name:

  • Bet on short and easy-to-pronounce names: this makes it easier for the feline to understand and identify with his name. Also, if you go for a very long or complex name, you may end up using a nickname. Ideally, you should choose a term with two or three syllables that are easy to pronounce and that you like the sound of, of course.
  • Don't use common words: If you name your cat with a word you use in your everyday life (such as morning, day, night, light, life, etc.), you may confuse him and make it difficult for him to recognize his own name. For this reason, we recommend investing in creativity and opting for a more original name to call your feline.
  • Know the meanings of the names: Another tip for choosing the perfect name for your cat is to know the meaning of the terms, since whether in Spanish or in any other language. In this way, you will be able to choose the name that best expresses your very special personality and/or your appearance.

Are you looking for an original and pretty name for your kitty? Below, we've rounded up the best Italian cat name ideas. Do not miss it!

Italian names for female cats

Discover below a complete list of names for cats in Italian, which one is your favourite?

  • Acqua
  • Sunrise
  • Alessandra
  • Amadea
  • Poppy
  • Amaranta
  • Amarena
  • Ragweed
  • Annetta
  • Angelica
  • Antonella
  • Harmony
  • Aryana
  • Bambina
  • Beautiful
  • Bertha
  • Bianca
  • Bianchina
  • Drum
  • Bonafila
  • Chamomilla
  • Candida
  • Concetta
  • Bionda
  • Carmela
  • Camellia
  • Carmina
  • Carlina
  • Chiara
  • Chloe
  • Dianora
  • Donatella
  • Donna
  • Emilia
  • Emma
  • Ernestina
  • Fanta
  • Feliciana
  • Congratulations
  • Fiamma
  • Fiorella
  • Fiorentina
  • Francesca
  • Fragola
  • Freccia
  • Gaia
  • Gem
  • Gianna
  • Gioia
  • Giordana
  • Giovanna
  • Idara
  • Ilena
  • Agnes
  • Italy
  • Italina
  • Jacobella
  • Jade
  • Jasmine
  • Leonina
  • Lia
  • Lionetta
  • Liliana
  • Lyric
  • Lucila
  • Madonna
  • Malena
  • Mara
  • Marena
  • Marsella
  • Matilda
  • Mela
  • Mellea
  • Mine
  • Blackberry
  • Neve
  • Nicoletta
  • Little girl
  • Nolita
  • Orazia
  • Orlena
  • Ortensia
  • Pangea
  • Pearl
  • Pia
  • Pietra
  • Pioggia
  • Piuma
  • Placida
  • Polpetta
  • Principessa
  • Ragazza
  • Regina
  • Rosella
  • Sabina
  • Severina
  • Stella
  • Sole
  • English
  • Tavola
  • Tuscany
  • Venice
  • Verita
  • Vetro
  • Viola
  • Vita
  • Vivalda
  • Zinerva
  • Zita
Italian names for male and female cats - Italian names for female cats
Italian names for male and female cats - Italian names for female cats

Italian names for male cats

If, on the other hand, your cat is male, then you should know the names for male cats in Italian:

  • Adriano
  • Agostino
  • Albero
  • Aldo
  • Alonzo
  • Amadeo
  • Amaretto
  • Anacleto
  • Angelo
  • Argus
  • Arthur
  • Star
  • Aurelio
  • Baggio
  • Bambino
  • Barone
  • Bartolomeo
  • Basil
  • Beautiful
  • Benedetto
  • White
  • Bilbo
  • Biondo
  • Glitter
  • Biscotto
  • Blu
  • Bullone
  • Burnello
  • Cacciatore
  • Caligula
  • Calypso
  • Camillo
  • Campanello
  • Naive
  • Canzone
  • Cappuccino
  • Caramello
  • Carlo
  • Casanova
  • Casper
  • Cefaro
  • Ceferino
  • Cesare
  • Chiave
  • Pica
  • Cioccolato
  • Cipolla
  • Cyrus
  • Cirilo
  • Clementino
  • Cosmo
  • Christophan
  • Dante
  • DaVinci
  • Dolce
  • Donatello
  • Donato
  • Elmo
  • Enzo
  • Fabrizio
  • Filippo
  • Fiore
  • Formaggio
  • Francesco
  • Frank
  • Fulvo
  • Galileo
  • Gastone
  • Geronimo
  • Giani
  • Giovanni
  • Ginno
  • Grigio
  • Kiko
  • Laerte
  • Latte
  • Leonardo
  • Linen
  • Lawrence
  • Luka
  • Luiggi
  • Matteo
  • Brown
  • Maurizio
  • Mascarpone
  • Melone
  • Marline
  • Michelangelo
  • Mirko
  • Mirtillo
  • Mondo
  • Negroni
  • Neon
  • Wildman
  • Nero
  • Little boy
  • Orlando
  • Orpheus
  • Paolo
  • Piero
  • Pinocchio
  • Pistacchio
  • Cousin
  • Profumo
  • Quasimodo
  • Ragazzo
  • Ringo
  • Romeo
  • Rosso
  • Rubino
  • Santino
  • Saverio
  • Savino
  • Scudetto
  • Smeraldo
  • English
  • Tiramisu
  • Valentino
  • Verdi
  • Vivaldi
  • Volare
  • Zucchero
Italian names for male and female cats - Italian names for male cats
Italian names for male and female cats - Italian names for male cats

More cat names

Have you still not found the ideal name for your feline in this article? Don't worry! On our site, we have over 200 cat and cat name ideas. Also, if you like beautiful words in other languages, we invite you to discover our options of French names for cats, mythological cat names, such as Egyptian names or names from Greek mythology.
