What do mosquitoes eat? Find out

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What do mosquitoes eat? Find out
What do mosquitoes eat? Find out
What do mosquitoes eat?
What do mosquitoes eat?

Mosquitoes are a varied group of insects of the Diptera order that have a distribution range throughout the world, except in the Antarctic. Although various flying insects are called mosquitoes because they have some similarities, the true mosquitoes, as these animals are also named, belong specifically to the Family Culicidae, Subfamilies Culicinae and Anophelinae.

Some types of mosquitoes are completely harmless, while others can cause serious he alth problems in people and other animals. The way in which some feed, originates these complicated situations from the he alth point of view. Continue reading this article on our site and find out what mosquitoes eat.

Harmless and dangerous mosquitoes

3,531 species of mosquitoes have been identified throughout the world, some of which are harmless, as they do not bite people or other animals and do not transmit any type of disease. Some examples of harmless mosquitoes are: Culex laticinctus, Culex hortensis, Culex deserticola and Culex territans

On the other hand, there are various species of he alth importance because they are vectors of different diseases that have caused massive he alth problems, which even caused high mortality rates. Some of these diseases are: yellow fever, dengue, Zika, chikungunya, Mayaro virus, lymphatic filariasis (commonly known as elephantiasis), encephalitis and malaria. They can also transmit various pathogenic viruses and in some cases, the bites cause allergic reactions that greatly affect people. In addition, several species of mosquitoes also infect different animals such as birds, macaques, monkeys, cows, among others.

Among the species of dangerous mosquitoes we can mention: Aedes aegypti, Aedes africanus, Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles atroparvus, Culex modestus and Culex pipiens.

What do mosquitoes eat? - Harmless and dangerous mosquitoes
What do mosquitoes eat? - Harmless and dangerous mosquitoes

Mosquito feeding

Regarding food, we can divide mosquitoes into two groups. The first, made up of males and females, feed on nectar, sap and directly from some fruits. In this sense, this group supplies its nutritional requirements mainly with sugary compounds coming from plants.

The second group is characterized by the fact that males and females also feed on nectar, fruits and sap. But in addition, the females of certain species are hematophagous, that is, they are capable of biting people and certain animals and extracting blood from them. In this way, the females of this group have a more varied diet.

Within the family Culicidae we find the genus Toxorhynchites, a group of mosquitoes that do not consume blood, but like other species, supply their nutritional requirements mainly from vegetable sources. However, in the larval stage, these predate larvae of other species of mosquitoes and even microorganisms found in the water. Also many species in this phase feed on algae, detritus, protozoa and even small invertebrates.

Mosquitoes kept in laboratories for study purposes are generally fed with sugar-containing substances that are prepared or also with fruits for to extract their juices.

How do mosquitoes feed?

Mosquitoes undergo metamorphosis and once the adult emerges, it begins a random flight looking for olfactory stimuli that indicate where it can feed. Quite accurate reports have been made on how mosquitoes feed, let's learn some important facts [1].

In the case of hematophagous females, they are able to perceive chemical compounds emitted by the body of a host, such as CO2 or lactic acidThese insects have a high sensitivity to perceive these products, so that the females are able to distinguish between one food source and another to select the one that provides the best way to feed.

When a female is perched on the person or animal she is going to feed on, she is able to perceive the heartbeat and body temperature. So it seeks to suck the blood from an area with high irrigation, which undoubtedly optimizes the process.

Between males and females that feed on blood, there is a difference in their mouthparts, since the latter develop a longer and more resistant proboscis, adapted to pierce the host's skin. While the former do not require this structure, they rather need one that allows them to suck rather than drill.

When a female lands on an individual, her saliva secretes while she sucks the blood, a substance that she has anticoagulants. In this way the blood flows easily while she feeds, but at the same time this substance is responsible for causing allergy and inflammation in the victim's skin.

The process of blood-feeding by females is so complex that even depending on the species, they have a predilection for certain types of individuals. So those that prefer to feed on people are called anthropophilic. While those that feed on birds are known asornithophilic. Those that prefer reptiles or amphibians are identified as batraciophilic and in general, by other groups of animals such as zoophilic.

Why do mosquitoes eat blood?

Most female species of the Culicidae family consume blood, but as mentioned, some species do not. In the case of those that are characterized by being hematophagous, they do so because they require particular proteins so that the eggs can develop, since consumption is not enough of plant food sources. In this sense, in order for the development of the eggs to occur after copulation with a male, the female needs to have consumed blood, a process that activates a whole hormonal regulation in her and in turn allows the development of the eggs for later expulsion.

In this article we have seen how fascinating the animal world is. We have seen individuals that measure a few millimeters and yet develop quite complex processes for their maintenance. In addition, many of these species can have a significant impact on people's lives, which unfortunately has to do with major he alth problems.
