MUNCHKIN cat - Characteristics and care (with photos)

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MUNCHKIN cat - Characteristics and care (with photos)
MUNCHKIN cat - Characteristics and care (with photos)
munchkin cat
munchkin cat

Origin of the munchkin cat

Although the munchkin cat breed has been recognized recently and has become popular relatively few years ago, the truth is that its presence was already documented at the beginning of the 40 Dr. H. E. Williams Jones described in a British report the appearance of four generations of short-legged cats and indicated in this same document that they were physically similar to other cats, except for the length of their legs. his limbs. However, this lineage disappeared during World War II and it was not until 1956 in Russia and 1970 in the United States that no new signs of the existence of this breed were recorded.

Despite the registered documents, it was in the 1980s, in Rayville, Louisiana (United States), when the The munchkin breed was officially rediscovered by Sandra Hockenedel, a music teacher, when she found one of these cats pregnant. The teacher decided to adopt her, name her Blackberry, and start breeding the munchkin catwith her and one of the short-legged male puppies she had from her, Toulouse

The International Cat Association (TICA) recognized the munchkin cat breed and included it in its development program in September 1994. The Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFE), on the other hand, has not yet recognized it.

Munchkin Cat Characteristics

Physically, the munchkin cat resembles the rest of the feline breeds, since the only difference lies in the length of its legs. Thus, the most characteristic physical feature of the munchkin cat is its short legs, the rear ones being slightly larger than the front ones. So much so, that it is not uncommon to see munchkins standing on their hind legs and showing their front legs tucked up, just like kangaroos do.

Since the only requirement to be considered a munchkin is to have very short legs, this feline breed accepts all colors and facial features, since it is even possible to observe munchkin cats with the face of a Persian cat, the tonalities of a Siamese cat or the coat of the angora. Similarly, there is the gray, white, black, tabby munchkin cat… In this sense, it is also worth noting that we find munchkin cats long, medium and short hair The munchkin The short-haired has a plush and fluffy coat, while the long-haired has a semi-long and silky coat, adapted to all types of climate.

As for the average weight of the munchkin cat, males usually range from 3-5 kg while females tend to weigh between 2 and 4 kg. Due to this average, this adorable and unique looking feline is considered one of the smallest cat breeds. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people define the smaller varieties as munchkin dwarf cats.

It should be noted that although the munchkin cat accepts all kinds of colors and patterns due to its genetic diversity, this does not mean that it should be a miniaturized version of another breed; it is considered a munchkin when it comprises a unique cat, despite having traits in common with other feline breeds.

Munchkin cat character

The fact of having such short limbs does not make the munchkin cat slow or clumsy, on the contrary! It is precisely this very characteristic trait that has made it aagile, fast, dynamic and light cat The munchkin is capable of reaching great speeds and heights, as well as entering any hole or hole, however small it may seem.

On the other hand, this feline breed stands out for its great intelligence and energy, being one of the most active, playful and affectionate cats. Additionally, the munchkin is friendly, outgoing, and docile. He is also quite curious, so he is always looking for a way to see what is going on around him to control the environment and know each one of the corners of the home. He loves to explore and learn new things every day, so offering new stimuli, toys and challenges is a must for his tutors.

Munchkin cat care

The munchkin cat does not require exceptional care or is different from other cat breeds. Depending on your hair type, you should receive more or less weekly brushings, the recommended minimum being one or two per week to remove any knots that may form, dead hair and thus avoid the dreaded hairballs. If the cat has long hair, it will be essential to carry out three or four weekly brushings, which can be increased during the moulting season. As for bathing, as with other feline breeds, it should be done when it is really dirty and using products designed for cats and adapted to their coat.

The litter box will be placed away from the food and water bowls, as well as from the bed, to maintain a distance between the resting place and the place where they relieve themselves. Cats are very neat animals and the munchkin is no exception. Likewise, if there is more than one cat in the home, it is important to place a litter box per cat and an extra one to avoid behavioral and territorial problems. Regarding the type of sand, the animal's favorite should be chosen, since some felines use a substrate while others opt for a totally different one. However, it is recommended to avoid scented sands

Leaving hygiene aside and focusing on caring for the munchkin cat to maintain its emotional stability, it is important to offer this feline breed various toys, activities that keep him physically and mentally stimulated because, as we said, he is a very active and intelligent cat. Another way to meet their needs is through education, and the munchkin cat is capable of learning countless tricks, such as pawing, searching for and bringing the ball, etc. To achieve the best results, it is necessary to use positive reinforcement, since it allows the animal to understand what it is doing, how to do it correctly and, at the same time, want to continue learning. Through punishment it is only possible to enhance fear and even aggressiveness as a consequence.

If your munchkin cat cannot be given all the exercise and stimulation it needs, you may want to switch to another feline breed or mixed breed cat.

Munchkin cat feeding

As is the case with most cat breeds, the munchkin cat can become obese relatively easily if not provided with adequate nutrition. Now, taking into account the characteristics of the munchkin cat, in this breed it is much more important than in others to take care of this aspect, since being overweight would seriously damage the joints of its short legs, something not recommended.

The munchkin eats like any other feline, so it will be important to adapt its diet to its age and activity level. As for the type of food, we can choose between dry feed, wet food or establish a homemade diet. For this last option, we recommend consulting a veterinarian specialized in nutrition in order to avoid nutritional deficiencies. If you don't know what to choose, we recommend these articles:

  • Wet cat food
  • The best natural feed for cats
  • BARF diet for cats

As for the daily amount, it will totally depend on the type of food and, again, on the cat's activity level. For this reason, we advise you to consult this other article: "Amount of daily food for cats".

Munchkin Cat He alth

The munchkin cat is a cat, in general, fairly he althy, so it is not usually prone to any specific disease. Despite its characteristic limbs, it is also not used to suffering from genetic or hereditary diseases. Likewise, it does not present disorders in the mobility of its legs nor does it have a history of joint or spinal problems, on the contrary, it is a very agile cat. Of course, as we have indicated, it is necessary to take care of its diet, offering it a quality one and monitoring the quantities, since as usually happens with most felines, it could develop obesity easilyand this would seriously harm your he alth.

In addition, especially when adopting a munchkin kitten, it is necessary to apply the mandatory vaccinations as well as deworm it following the frequency guidelines stipulated by the veterinarian.

If we offer this feline all the care it needs, the life expectancy of the munchkin cat is between 12-15 years

Where to adopt a munchkin cat?

To adopt a munchkin cat in Spain or any other country in the world, you must visit the protectors of animals, shelters or associations more close to our place of residence. There they will inform us about whether they have a specimen of this breed or they will take our contact information to notify us as soon as one arrives. Before making this decision, it is important to reflect on the care of the munchkin cat and everything that a responsible adoption entails. If we can take them on, then we shouldn't hesitate to adopt one to give it a second chance.

Some shelters may ask us for a donation to continue collecting abandoned cats, care for them and put them up for adoption. It is not about putting a price on the munchkin cat, but about helping that shelter to continue doing its work and, indirectly, helping other homeless kittens as well.

Munchkin Cat Pictures
