Why does my dog attack me for no reason? - redirected aggressiveness

Why does my dog attack me for no reason? - redirected aggressiveness
Why does my dog attack me for no reason? - redirected aggressiveness
Why is my dog attacking me for no reason?
Why is my dog attacking me for no reason?

According to the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), more than 6.5 million dogs are abandoned each year in the United States alone. One of the main reasons for abandonment is aggressiveness that these animals can develop towards people or other dogs.

Many people who have dogs have suffered a seizure at some point, even if it didn't have a dramatic ending. Have you ever held your dog by the collar while he was barking and he turned his head to bite or tag you? Was your dog playing quietly in the park and has been attacked by another dog for no apparent reason? If so, in this article on our site we will explain why a dog attacks for no reason, read on to find out more.

Aggressiveness in dogs

Aggressiveness can be exhibited through a wide variety of behaviors and for various reasons. We primarily look at two types of aggression, offensive and defensive aggression Risk factors for aggression include the age of the dog, the predictability of its attacks, the objects to which the animal reacts, the triggers or circumstances that cause the animal to provoke aggressive behavior, in short, why do dogs attack?

The offensive aggressions are, mainly, those that we must try to correct. The expression of offensive aggression is controlled by the part of the dog's brain that controls and regulates emotions, memory, hunger, and sexual instincts. This aggression is influenced by the perception of the environment (smell, hearing, sight and pheromones) and previous learning processes, that is, the dog's socialization when it was a puppy and the experiences it has had throughout its life.

Defensive aggressions are also controlled by the brain, but in a different region. They also control flight and fear block, as well as death bite, but do not control stalking or chasing behavior.

Why is my dog attacking me for no reason? - aggressiveness in dogs
Why is my dog attacking me for no reason? - aggressiveness in dogs

Genetic basis of aggressiveness

Many studies show that there is a genetic basis for aggressiveness and that each breed has a different probability of being aggressive, that is, it is not only present in those considered "potentially dangerous dogs".

A recent study in golden retrievers showed that in 80% of cases, aggression is hereditary Another study in cocker spaniels, has demonstrated a genetic effect on aggression by showing that different coat colors are associated with different levels of aggressiveness. In the English springer spaniel, aggressiveness is associated with the breeding male

Currently there is no reliable test to measure aggressiveness. The best information comes from people who live with dogs and have witnessed aggressive situations in real life. However, while there is an obvious genetic contribution to a dog's level of aggressiveness, environment also plays a role. A good socialization of the dog is crucial to avoid future behavior problems.

Redirected aggressiveness

Redirected aggression occurs when a dog in an aggressive state redirects aggression from one source to anotherA dog that is barking at the door may redirect his aggression towards an owner who is pushing him back. Redirected aggression problems are more likely to occur when there is human involvement in the conflict during, for example, a fight.

However, whenever a dog enters a very intense state, redirection of aggression can occur. Dogs that have a higher hierarchy within the household tend to redirect the attack to subordinate individuals.

Defensive attacks can also be redirected. For example, a dog that is startled by strangers or terrified by loud noises may attack the closest family member without warning. The redirection of aggressiveness is nothing more than the misdirected release of frustration caused by these situations.

Why is my dog attacking me for no reason? - Aggressiveness redirected
Why is my dog attacking me for no reason? - Aggressiveness redirected

Treatment of aggressiveness

In the face of aggressiveness problems, we should always go to a specialist who can apply the safest and most effective method for the dog and people who live with him. Since the treatment of aggressive behavior may involve a combination of behavior modification techniques (habituation, counter-conditioning and desensitization), drug therapy, surgery (such as castration / sterilization) or avoidance.

Each case is unique and the success of the treatment varies according to the diagnosis and according to their capacity and motivation, so the retraining of these companion animals must be carried out individually. Behavior modification is a useful tool for animals that elicit aggressive responses.

Has your dog bit another dog or person several times? Comment, if you want, your experience, as we said in the article, the most valuable information is that which comes from people who share their home with a dog.
