ARTHROSIS in DOGS - Symptoms and Treatment (Complete Guide)

ARTHROSIS in DOGS - Symptoms and Treatment (Complete Guide)
ARTHROSIS in DOGS - Symptoms and Treatment (Complete Guide)
Osteoarthritis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Osteoarthritis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

arthrosis in dogs is a common disorder, especially in older animals. In this article on our site we are going to review what this pathology consists of, what are the characteristic symptoms that should alert us to its appearance and how we can treat it to achieve the best quality of life for our dog. It is important to go to the vet as soon as we suspect the appearance of osteoarthritis, since early treatment will be very beneficial for the dog, as well as looking for the best solutions to help our furry friend, such as OrtoCanis aids.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease in dogs, so there is no cure, although there is treatment that ensures a good quality of life. Read on for all the details.

What is osteoarthritis in dogs?

Osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative disease of the joints, more common in older dogs. The cartilage, which lines and protects joints, is destroyed in dogs with osteoarthritis. In addition, abnormal bone growth occurs around it, so that the surface appears irregular, even with detached fragments. These damages can be seen on x-rays. A joint in this state allows the surfaces to rub, which increases degeneration and causes considerable pain that, logically, will affect the dog's mobility.

Osteoarthritis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is osteoarthritis in dogs?
Osteoarthritis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is osteoarthritis in dogs?

Causes of osteoarthritis in dogs

I don't know why osteoarthritis appears, but there are known processes that will end up generating it, for example, a traumatism or the inevitable aging Osteoarthritis can appear in any joint in the body. Thus, although it is more normal in the extremities, it also affects other joints such as those of the spine.

It is possible to distinguish a primary osteoarthritis, a consequence of aging, and another secondary, which is the one that appears after a triggering factor such as trauma or a dysplasia-type malformation. Obesity also ends up damaging the joints and there are systemic diseases that can cause lameness or joint degeneration. In primary osteoarthritis, more than one joint is usually affected, while secondary osteoarthritis is more punctual. By taking x-rays, the vet will be able to confirm the diagnosis.

When we are dealing with a case of osteoarthritis in young dogs, it is most likely secondary osteoarthritis. However, it will be the specialist who will confirm it.

Osteoarthritis symptoms in dogs

The symptoms will depend on the affected joints and the importance of that affectation. It especially manifests itself in the hip, knees, shoulders and elbows. Typically, the dog feels pain when moving the joint or if we manipulate it. There may be swelling and sometimes even a clicking sound.

Since the symptoms can be confusing, how do you know if a dog has osteoarthritis? The sign that we will observe is usually a limp, especially evident when the dog stands up or begins to walk. He limps due to pain and, for this very reason, perhaps the first symptom we perceive is that his activity decreases, especially in relation to running and jumping. The clinical picture will progressively worsen. A dog in a lot of pain may react aggressively to handling. Less mobility implies loss of muscle mass, which worsens the symptoms.

Treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs

Joint degeneration is irreversible but, if we receive the diagnosis early, we can act to delay this process as much as possible. In the medical treatment against osteoarthritis in dogs, the chondroprotectors stand out, which serve to protect the cartilage.

Anti-inflammatories for osteoarthritis in dogs

In some cases other drugs will have to be used, which are usually used when the problem begins with arthritis or when the degeneration is already chronic. They are the anti-inflammatories for osteoarthritis in dogs, which can be NSAIDs or corticosteroids

The problem with this medication is that it has side effects. One of the most serious is the formation of gastrointestinal ulcers that, due to the internal bleeding they can cause, in some cases lead to death in the dog. For this reason, it is important that the veterinarian controls the administration of pills for osteoarthritis in dogs, which are usually given together with gastric protectors

Of course, under no circumstances should you administer drugs to your dog on your own, as they could be harmful to him. In this other article about 10 prohibited drugs for dogs you will see some of the most common drugs for human consumption that can cause serious he alth problems for your pet.

Arthrosis in dogs: surgery

Sometimes surgery could be used, yes, only as a palliative, since, as we have said, osteoarthritis is irreversible and could only be stopped by removing the joint. Therefore, treatment is aimed at relieving pain, preventing further degeneration and, ultimately, maintaining a good quality of life.

Exercises for osteoarthritis in dogs

In addition to administering medications for osteoarthritis in dogs that the specialist considers, it is equally important that we take care of the activity performed by the dog. This should not be excessive, but sufficient movement is recommended to prevent the muscles from atrophy Several walks a day are essential. The duration and quality of walks can be increased with the use of orthoses, which improve joint performance and reduce pain.

If your dog is in an advanced stage of the disease and has difficulty walking, you can opt for a dog support harness, such as those offered by OrtoCanis, which help to hold your dog better to help him walk. Likewise, on their website you will find many more products to improve the well-being of your dog.

Food for dogs with osteoarthritis

Regarding food for dogs with osteoarthritis, it is essential that we avoid being overweight. If the animal already has obesity problems, we will have to restrict its calories, always following the advice of the veterinarian. In addition, there are diets that contain cartilage protectors and omega 3 fatty acids among their ingredients, which can also be offered to these dogs.

Osteoarthritis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs
Osteoarthritis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs

Is osteoarthritis in dogs curable?

Osteoarthritis is an irreversible and progressive degenerative disease, that is, it cannot be cured, although we can treat, in As much as possible, monitor your progress. As it is a pathology mainly associated with ageing, prevention can only focus on maintaining a good body condition, with proper nutrition and physical activity.

Therefore, incurable is not synonymous with untreatable. Although the problem cannot be solved, veterinary treatment minimizes the pain that the dog with osteoarthritis will feel. And this is the most important objective, since it is the key point to ensure her well-being as much as possible.

How long does a dog with osteoarthritis last?

Osteoarthritis in dogs is not a fatal disease, so it will not affect the life expectancy of the animal. A dog does not die of osteoarthritis, but it must be taken into account that it is a pathology that worsens its quality of life, since it is the cause of chronic pain.

Likewise, we must not lose sight of the fact that is a degenerative process and, depending on its evolution, which influences various factors, it will be necessary to adapt the exercise and lifestyle according to the phase in which we are.

In any case, it is impossible to give dates on the evolution, since it will not be the same for all dogs. In fact, being the typical osteoarthritis of older animals, they can die from any other disease before the osteoarthritis is decisive. In this way, the life expectancy of a dog with osteoarthritis can be the same as if the animal did not suffer from the disease.

How to calm the pain of osteoarthritis in dogs?

In addition to pharmacological or orthopedic treatment, diet control or exercise, there are options such as physiotherapy or acupuncture You have to Be clear that they are not going to cure osteoarthritis in dogs either, but they do considerably improve the animal's quality of life by controlling pain and facilitating mobility. Of course, they are techniques that should always be applied by professionals.

The advantages of these techniques are that they reduce pain without producing side effects, unlike what happened with anti-inflammatories. Within physiotherapy, various therapeutic proposals can be used, such as massages, thermotherapy or hydrotherapy Acupuncture, for its part, is based on the stimulation of certain body points by pricking them with needles. Its effectiveness against pain has been proven, especially if electroacupuncture is applied, that is, acupuncture accompanied by electrical impulses.

The professional will schedule the appropriate sessions for our dog's specific situation. Normally, it begins intensely, with several sessions a week that are spaced out over time, once the pain has been controlled and the animal stabilized. It will be a treatment for life with the added advantage that it can be adjusted to the needs of the dog, since more or fewer sessions are arranged depending on the pain it shows.

In the following video, we can see a physiotherapy session for dogs with osteoarthritis, a very beneficial therapeutic massage for these cases, carried out by Montserrat Roca, canine physiotherapist.

Home remedies for dogs with osteoarthritis

As for home remedies, we must adapt the house to the dog's needs, since it is common for it to have problems accessing high places or going up and down stairs. To make your life easier, we can use aids to keep you going up to your favorite places, for example, using a step or even ramps, which can also be used to get you into the car.

As far as possible, we will avoid stairs If we live in a house with several floors, it is best for the dog to settle in the one below, where you should have all your accessories, including a comfortable, fluffy bed that, above all, insulates you from the cold and humidity, as they are factors that worsen the picture. In this line, we will always keep it dry and warm, protecting it from cold, for which we can use thermal coats for dogsAfter bathing, it is essential that we dry it completely, even in hot season.

We will notice that the dog limps when getting up. To alleviate it we can apply heat to the joint or affected joints, for example with a wrapped bag of water, always checking that it does not burn. In other situations it will be more interesting, on the contrary, apply cold or alternate cold with heat Our veterinarian will tell us what the guidelines for use are.

Finally, mild exercise, orthopedic aids and a diet that includes omega 3 and other cartilage protectors complete the measures with which we can improve the quality of life of our dog, these being the best home remedies for dogs with osteoarthritis.
